We Will Meet Again

Chapter 313 - Her Pain


Yang already knew the answer to his question. Of course it's difficult. Difficult being with somebody you don't love as much. However, he didn't think Setsura would allow herself to suffer this much. 'It's surprising she lasted this long…'

When he saw the sudden change in the girls levels, he clenched his fist tighter, until blood came out. Seeing that the red around the girls body was anything but normal. "That dammed guardian," Yang cursed. Why on earth did he send her here when her condition is this bad?

Yang doesn't know why Setsura is here in the first place. But, it wasn't a good idea. Surely whatever the reason was could wait? Those guardians only care about their stupid missions! If something bad happens to Setsura, he will never forgive them. Cynthia deliberately told him this news too late. Thankfully, she was able to send him here.

"Idiot,"he muttered, as he bent down. His body hovering over her, she really is too much of an idiot. Exactly what were you thinking, when you decided to go through this? Why do you always have to do things for others aside from yourself? It doesn't make sense.

Setsura should have escaped a long time ago already. Even if it means running away from your destiny, you should have left. Even if it meant you accepted someone else's others aside from his, he wouldn't have minded. He wouldn't have mind, as long as you got away far far away from here. Far away from this cursed destiny. But there was never any chance of her doing anything like at all. Because, she tends to spend a lot of time thinking about others aside from him.

He really does want her to look only at him

He wants to spirit her right away from this world

He wants to hide her away, to lock her up.

And yet that will never happen. Because, she's too much of a fool.

When he was reborn, he thought about it a lot. Previously, Yang never wanted to think much about death. Too much had happened in his too short of life to want to think about it. So he is not sure what he expected when he did die, but the feeling of floating was it.

His back was straight and his hair was heavy, tugging down at the back of his head. And he was cold, stuck in a literal vortex, it felt like. But when he tried, he couldn't open his eyes. It's almost like somebody glued them shut.

This was the first time, he had heard his own voice sound so feeble and weak. But just now, he almost lost her. He almost lost her and if that happened... When the girl turned around and placed her hand on his face, Yang froze. "Setsura? Are you okay?"

"Yang, I can't breathe properly."

Yang clenched his fists, "Hold on a minute."

"I feel so bad."

'This is so frustrating.' While he does have some ability. Yang didn't like to use it much. Setsura doesn't know about it, but his family have a deep history. 'A strange connection to ancient arts.' Whenever Yang thought about it, it made him recall his childhood. He never understood why his family stuck to the traditional arts. What's the use of all those scrolls in the archive? They live in a modern age.

Yang never thought those things he dismissed when he was younger would come in handy.

"Yang, why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying.."

Setsura chuckled weakly, "Do you think I can't tell? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Setsura, I don't know if I can help you," Yang muttered. He hasn't done this in so long. 'What if he makes a mistake?' Making a mistake could end up potentially endangering her life. He can't risk that no matter what happens.

"I trust you Yang."

Why does she trust him?

He's the one who brought her away from Akito. He took her away from the man she loves. Yang made that grand speech about this being for her own good. Something about them belonging to different time frames. It's not meant to be. He said such grand things, and for what? For his selfishness.

Setsura's breathing became even more unsteady. The girl turned paler and paler by the very minute. It seems like he doesn't have the luxury to decide. Calm down, he's done something similar for her before. Think, ancient arts. A healing spell, something that will get rid of her fatigue and make her body lighter.

The girl suddenly coughed out a large amount of blood, his eyes widened. Yang placed his hand on the girls chest, ripping apart her clothes slightly. It was small - so small. This is, her pulse is barely there. This process really is dangerous after all, this is why he didn't want her to go through with it.

With Setsura's current condition, time travelling is far too dangerous. Yang didn't know what happened over the last few years. But, she had strange relapses when she was a child.

Yang sent a harsh glare towards the door. A girl was the short pink hair stood there. Yang didn't know when she arrived, but now that she is here.

" You...if she dies, I'll curse your soul and slice it to pieces no matter how many times your reborn," Yang cursed. If something happened to Setsura, he wouldn't know what to do with himself.

"I know."

Cynthia's response was quite, almost like a faded whisper and memory.

Yang fully understood the reason and yet that didn't make him happier about it. He already knew, knew that it really isn't Cynthia fault. Cynthia isn't too blame for this. Even if Setsura didn't come here

"Should I intervene?" Cynthia asked.

"You stay away," Yang cursed. "Don't appear before me for awhile." He doesn't want to see a single Guardian within a single radius near Setsura.

"Yang," she whispered. "Do you really have to send me away?"

"You already know the reason why. Don't go near me."

It took a few minutes but eventually Cynthia vanished. Yang didn't even see the usual bright glow, she simply disappeared before his eyes. He turned to Setsura. Since she is so cold, body heat. Yang quickly removed the girl's clothes and then his. Alright...this should do.

The sight of her bare body made him pause. 'If she needs warmth, can't he just do it with her?' Such a thought crossed his mind but he quickly shook his head. He can't do that to her now of all times. This is one of the reasons why Setsura dislikes him. He's quick to doing something intimate with her with no prior build up. Then again, he doesn't understand exactly what she wants from him. What build up?

Yang wrapped his arms around her bare frame, and hugged her tightly. One hand however had a brush, he scribbled some writing onto her arms. The same ones he wrote on the scrolls.

He slept with countless females before. Some with unmatchable beauty, some that had better figures than Setsura. He could get whoever he wanted. But, he never wanted any of them as much as Setsura. Why this woman?


Yang glanced up and saw Taiga. The man passed him some doc.u.ments, and Yang mumbled, "Thanks."

"You're welcome but hey-- do you still need that? So many years have passed."

"No, this is perfect timing. By now, this plan should be in motion."

Taiga nodded, "The minister has a very large force. This wasn't done just a few years ago, the amount of men and supplies. He even modified certain areas, terrains - only someone with a large force and power could do that."

Large force and power, huh? Yang found it strange, why would that man act so careless. "The Kaname family, what are they doing?"

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