We Will Meet Again

Chapter 316 - Boundary Part 2

'There is a line you should never cross.'

Setsura recalled one of the first conversations she had when she first became a member of the police force. Her supervisor told her, ' Why do you think everyone can become so serious and put there all to it every day? Yes, your will is a part of it. But the key part is because everyone knows that it will end one day. That eventually, their long struggles and suffering will come to an end.

Darkness will shroud them; that's something that cannot change. But it doesn't mean we cannot take another path; however, if you cross the line, that police officer should cross. You will no longer have that alternative. You'll live a life that's shrouded in complete darkness and a blood-stained world.'

Back then, although she didn't understand it very well. Setsura thought it was better to just listen to the girl's words. After all, the girl was her senior. She knew exactly what she was doing.


Despite her weakened state, Setsura pulled the trigger again. Her vision and senses dulled due to the earlier fight. She almost forgot some people were on the rooftop.

Seconds later, screams fill the alley.

Moments later, thousands of men came rushing out.

Minutes after they came out, they pointed in the building's direction she was in, and ah, they caught her already.

There is no escape from here. But just as she was about to let that fate pass her, a hooded figure grabbed hold of her hand.

Her eyes widened as he leads her away down what looked like another stairway. This scent and temperature are....nostalgic. But how is it possible? This scent - and sensation... After a few minutes of running, Setsura knew those people stopped chasing already.

She tugs on the cloak, causing it to fall on the ground revealing a man with blue hair and azure-colored eyes. As she thought, it really was him. Setsura didn't think it was possible since this person belongs in the Meiji era. He does not belong to this time. Unlike her and Yang, why did this person come here?

"....Chauncey Long, why?"

He sighs, " I thought I'd be able to lead you to safety and then go about peacefully when your not looking..."Jun trails of and reaches over to pick up the cloak on the ground. He fingers the material in his hands for a few minutes before continuing. " Seems like I took a wrong turn in my calculations. There has already been a pattern for that. Especially when it concerns you."

"Don't sound so logical about this. Don't you.. Don't you know where this is?"

Setsura had an inkling feeling that Chauncey already knew her identity. After all, even if he intends to use Touma, he is someone from that side.

"I know, the future," Chauncey looked around. "There are places like this in the future too it seems..."

"Were in the poorer district," Setsura muttered. Those people are very good; they lured her over here. But, while they have brains - they clearly couldn't match up to her. "Why are you here? Why did you come...go back."

She doesn't know what deal he made with Katakura. But, Setsura doesn't want to hear it either. They still had little information about the guardians, asking them for a favor could be dangerous.

Chauncey nodded, "I shall return; I can stay for a few days at most."

"Did you come here just to sightsee?" Setsura said dryly.

"Hardly, but since I am here, I will take my time to look."

Setsura deeply sighed, 'Why is he so laid back for?'

Suddenly coming back abruptly like this to the future, feels a bit strange. Although it was only a short while for her. Setsura was more familiar with the air of the Meiji era.

No, what she had grown accustomed to was the bloodshot red skies in that place. A place away from the main town, near the demon realm. Setsura grew complacent. It had been easy to forget the state of the world, cozied up in her home with Yang.

She didn't like watching the news unless it involved her companions, and she did not go to town as frequently, so she did not know what was happening. She occasionally went outdoors, but the red sky had gradually become familiar until she barely noticed it anymore. It was almost as though they existed in their little world away from the rest of the world.

When she first arrived back here, Setsura felt overwhelmed by everything. She only spent a few months in the Meiji era, but already those old buildings felt more like home to her. Stepping back into the future with the tall buildings, the dome, cars - Setsura didn't know what to think.

Her thoughts broke off when Chauncey placed his hand on her forehead. "Does it hurt? There's blood."

"It's only a cut... Really, I don't understand why you came here."


At that comment, her eyes widened. What did he just say? Did he just say, Akito - Akito is the reason why he came here. Chauncey didn't have to explain anything to her. Setsura immediately understood what he meant. Akito, he must have learned about it from Katakura. 'He must be worried about her.' Only Akito knew her current state before she left. He kept visiting her, even though she told him to stay away.

On the last day, before she came here…

Year 1896- January XX

The moment Setsura opened her door, Akito fell into her arms. A deep sigh escaped her lips when she smelled the alcohol. Is he an idiot or something? Why does he keep showing up in front of her? Then again, isn't she the bigger fool? Whenever Akito appears before her, she can't push him away. Setsura brought him inside the house and closed the door behind her. She debated about where to put him but saw the dark circles in his eyes.

He needs sleep, right?

Setsura brought him upstairs after much struggle. She glanced around the room and sighed. The walls in this place are so empty, and everything looks so dark. That's why Setsura never brought Akito to her room in her place before. When she was dating him, they lived together. Sure, she bought this place - but it was on a whim. She never spent the night here. So, Setsura didn't think to decorate the place. However, now that Akito is here, she feels slightly nervous.

The moment Setsura brought him to the bed, though. Akito pulled her back down, "Setsura, where are you going?"

"I need to get you some medicine and water. Stay here."

"Mmm, don't need that, only need you," he nuzzled his face in her neck. "This is the first time I've seen you this way; you look beautiful."

Uh oh, she's wearing the outfit she asked for from Katakura. Setsura couldn't go back to the future in the clothes she originally wore. Those clothes were in an appalling state - while Setsura kept them at the back of her wardrobe. She couldn't wear them anymore. 'It brings back to many negative emotions..'

"Akito," Setsura whispered. "Don't get so close to me."

"Are you nervous?"

She turned around to hit him, but he grabbed her hands and kissed her fingertips. "Hey, you know I came here to see you."

"I already told you not to; you never listen, do you? At least Yang does," Setsura said, deliberately mentioning Yang. "He wouldn't come to me drunk either; he would wait until he sobered up."

It seems like the saying once you lie once, it's easier to lie again is true. Before Setsura knew it, a load of nonsense escaped her lips. It's not her fault; she only wants Akito to feel put off. She wanted Akito's feelings for her to vanish. However, to her surprise, Akito only nodded.

"You're rambling, and you're avoiding my gaze. You're playing with your hair, that's a sign of nerves."

At that comment, her eyes widened.

"I told you, profiling people is my specialty."

Why is he even profiling her for?!!

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