We Will Meet Again

Chapter 319 - Feel like Trash


Tokyo 2019- Monday, December 3rd

"Yang, did you need me for something?" Setsura finally put the book down and turned to look at him. For the past few minutes, it looked like he wanted something from her.

He clicked his tongue and averts his gaze from her, "…Town. Let's kill some time there for a bit."


Setsura herself blinking in utter confusion. She really was puzzled on what this current situation was.

' When a guy asks you to go anywhere. 90%of the time its usually because their asking you out.'

Setsura feels her cheeks flush a little as she recalled those words. Ah, because she said something like that. That's the first thing that popped in to her mind. She cannot think something like that. After all even if it were the case she cannot allow it to happen. Because the two of them can no longer go back to the way they used to.

"Are we running some errands?" Setsura asked. After what happened the other day, she found it hard to believe that Yang wanted to go on a date.

"No…" Yang trailed off. "Taiga went to show that guy something. They will be gone for long, so waiting around here would be dull." Oh, so that's what it was. Yang stood up, "Cmon let's go".

She doesn't say anything and yet followed him from behind.

Going out with him alone anywhere was something she prevented herself from doing. After all it may end up triggering his memories, however as long as she keeps her distance then it ought to be just fine. He won't figure it out with just one outing after all. With resolution in mind Setsura walked behind him.

It's alright, this person may love her. But, as long as he doesn't recall what happened that day then it's fine. It never occurred to her until recently that Yang also had problems remembering.

That's why he will be safe, he won't get harmed. Yet why is it she's getting the feeling that something will go wrong? Is it because he doesn't remember?

Yang sighed, "Come to think of it. We haven't eaten yet. We should get something before we head out. Let's go get some food."

Food, suddenly mentioning it made her stomach grumble rather loudly.

"Wow are you sure your a girl? Girls stomachs don't just growl like that."

Her eyes twitched in annoyance, "It's because you mentioned food. I couldn't hold back any longer."

She woke up past lunchtime because she couldn't move. He's the culprit for that!

"Whatever let's go."

Ever since yesterday, though he's still his usual mean and cold self to her. He doesn't say things like he loves her. Setsura knew she stopped him yesterday. But, normally Yang would tell her those words every single day.

Setsura wonders why that is. She had asked him before after he caught her staring and yet he simply told her, that it was because he wasn't bothered anymore. Not bothered… That reason does sound like something he would say. However Setsura can't help but think that maybe there's something else. If there is… she wonders if ---- no, she shouldn't pry any further.

She already decided. No matter what happens she can't allow him to remember. Usually Yang would briskly walk ahead and she would just be staring at his back. But now he is walking right beside her. It's almost as if, as if they were still connected together.

Setsura glances at her wrist reflexively but of course the chain is no longer there.

And yet for some reason Yang is still right beside her at this moment. It's not as though she found this unpleasant it's just that he would normally hate to be in a situation like this.

There is nothing unpleasant about this right now. In fact she likes it a lot. Setsura blinks, realizing her words. She likes it? What is she thinking?  " You don't have to force yourself to match my pace, " Setsura broke the silence.

She doesn't know why she suddenly said that. Usually she isn't the one who breaks the silences. Maybe it's because if she didn't talk, she feels as though those thoughts would almost spiral out of control.

"Huh? I'm not trying to match…" Yang trails of as though he just realised that they were walking side by side. Did he not realize before?

Yang suddenly increases his speed and was suddenly walking much further ahead. 

It hit her suddenly that they were supposed to be fighting. After that incidence it was clear that was what they should be doing. Though they never discussed it properly. Yang left in the middle of the night. He didn't stay with her, she didn't know where he went. But when she woke up briefly in the morning, he wasn't there.

The alcohol is still sticking to his clothes, and those lip stick marks on his neck and clothes. Setsura knew what happened. So when she raised her hand to slap him, Yang let her.

"You cheated on me?"


"Bastard," Setsura cursed. Sure she stopped him from saying the words, 'I love you.' But did he really have to cheat on her?

"I don't have an excuse."

Why? Why doesn't he make an excuse for himself? Is he really going to act this way? She suddenly feels so terrible. She doesn't want things to end badly between them. Setsura knew it would be difficult when she eventually has to break up. But, she wanted to treasure the memories before then.

Her thoughts broke off when Yang pulled her into his arms. "Don't cry Setsura."

"Then should I yell at you?" Setsura exclaimed. "You're such a bastard, let go of me."

"Setsura, just...just don't do this. I, it was a mistake."

She's heard this excuse many times before. But nobody said them directly to her. Now she understood what all those girls who got cheated on felt like. So this how they felt, she feels like a piece of trash. Even though she acted jealous and unreasonable in front of Akito regarding that servant girl. Akito didn't cheat on her. Actually being cheated on feels a lot worse.

"Bastard, don't touch me anymore."

Yang didn't say anything but continued to hug her. It's too late, she can't ever look at him the same way. But for now, for now she will remain in his arms - since she does love him.

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