We Will Meet Again

Chapter 339 - Chauncey and Yang Part 4

"It really is very pretty here," Setsura commented. After he finished treating her wounds, the girl stood up to watch the scenery.

"Is this stuff really that interesting?" Chauncey asked.

For the past few minutes Setsura took non stop photos on her phone. Chauncey kept a close eye on her because of the injury on her leg. He doesn't need to ask where Setsura got that. It seems like even though they've

He's never understood what is so pretty about the scenery. It's true you don't see a sight like this everyday back at home; but in the end, scenery is just scenery.

Yet, it isn't just Setsura. The many other girls he courted seemed to like the scenery. There was something about the current situation that made him look at her. While the weather was cold, it was sunny and the light seemed to reflect onto the girl.

"Chauncey, you don't think so?" Setsura asked.

Chauncey immediately shook his head and the girl chuckles softly, "I suppose that makes sense. Back then I didn't really understand it myself. But there was someone who showed me and taught me to appreciate the world."

"Your boyfriend right. .? What kind of person was he?" Chauncey trailed off when he recalled something. He wanted to check out this mysterious first love of hers. So he went to the hospital with Taiga. However, for some reason when he looked closely, it became blurry for him.

"An idiot,"


"Yeah he was definietely a fool. Ah, you seem surprised."

Chauncey nodded, "Well yeah. Judging from what I've heard he's supposedly some great guy who helped you all out. I didn't think you'd be bad mouthing him."

"He is a great guy. But his core was definitely that of a fool. Although he was popular in elementary school due to his good looks, those looks were wasted because whenever he spoke he was dumb. He always drew attention to himself in the most foolish way possible. Even though we were in school, he always acted like he was at home and casually took naps, and ate whenever he felt like it. The teachers didn't know what to do with him. So when they saw that he spoke a lot to me they pushed the job on to me."

"Huh, from that line. You really had no friends back then."

Setsura reached over and hit him lightly, "Yes yes like you were any better. If Akito didn't extend his hand out to you, what would have happened hmm?"

"I would have constantly switched between women's houses," Chauncey admitted. Back then he had a bad habit of running away from home.

"Don't say that with such a proud look on your face."

"But I met you also, that stopped me from looking at other women."

"Perhaps that's the case," Her gaze softened. " Ru really was foolish and very silly. But if he didn't extend his hand out to me then, I probably would have remained in the darkness. His lifestyle really was strange though, he would never go home; and you'd find him sleeping in random places. Since he worked loads of jobs, you'd think he wouldn't have a problem with money. But he always took on cheap jobs. When I asked him why he told me that it's not the money that's important but the feelings and emotions of the client. As long as they are happy in the end."

"What's with that guy? He sounds like a hobo from his lifestyle habits but he's spouting pretty cool lines," Chauncey commented. He doesn't want to sound offensive. But,

"Aha right?" Setsura laughed and agreed with him, "That's only one of the many things he used to say too."

"It sounds like you were really in love with him"

Chauncey refrained from saying such lines before due to his jealousy. However that person already has no other place in her life aside from being a mere memory. Even if he does come back, he knows that she won't go back to him. At least that's what he thought so initially. But watching her fight with Yang, it seems like it will be difficult to keep his promise with Akito.

"I didn't think you'd tell me that so straight forwardly."

"My bad, I shouldn't have?" Chauncey questioned. He still doesn't understand what is okay to do, and what it isn't.

"No, I'm glad you did. You know I hesitate visiting places like this."

Chauncey raised his eyebrows, "The park?"

"Not just the park, participating in festivals, attending school, going to the beach. Going to any place outside the base I was always hesitant. After he disappeared in my life, if I went to those places I'd immediately start thinking of him. When I started going out with him I felt like the whole world was in my hand. But in the end I couldn't do anything for him. Even though I wanted to, I missed the right timing. If I were like you and able to be more helpful, it would have been nicer."

"You have the wrong impression of me," Chauncey muttered and glanced down. "I'm not as kind as you make me out to be."

He isn't kind at all, if he were, then why would Akito leave? Why would even Yang turn his back on him? Even Yang left... When so many people leave your life one by one, it's not difficult to tell what the problem is. Chauncey shook his head frantically when he realized how negative he sounded. 'Forget it, now isn't the time to think such things so.'

"Is that so?" Setsura seemed surprised at his answer, "But I really do think that's the case. You may have a different sort of image than your average nice guy. But you've always helped those out who are in trouble. Back then I, thought that nothing could be done to help the invincible him. Believing that, I even thought that was love. But that was just a burden. He told me not to worry about it; and yet I didn't realise how much he pushed himself to despair, until he jumped of the roof that day. I didn't think he survived that fall and even if he did, he would never come back and see me.

The things that happened afterwards made me stop thinking of him so much. That's how I made it out to be. I made it out to be that way, and yet I still sought comfort from Yang whenever I broke down. In the end, I'm the worst kind of woman, completely black. But as long as I could protect the present moment, the stuff in the past would completely fade away."

Chauncey doesn't say anything to that. So that's how it was. Her whole life has resolved around this guy he's the one who showed her everything, the beauty of this world, relationsh.i.p.s with others. If the person most important to you suddenly disappears, of course you wouldn't know what to do with your life. That's why when she first arrived in the Meiji Era, she had that type of look on her face.

That look, from time to time she still gets it on her face. A blank and soulless look.

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