We Will Meet Again

Chapter 348 - Something similar


Setsura took out her gun.

She always carried it with her, but until recently Setsura didn't think to use it. Why would she have to? So many people insist on defending her. But, she's become quite lazy. It's time to take action now.

'I want to understand him. Someone told me that doing that is fine but someone also told me to lay down the boundaries.'

Setsura recalls it very well the words she said to old man Nobucha. She heard two pieces of advice and in the end the one she felt herself more drawn to was the understanding him factor. Although it really should have been the other one. After all those words were from her original fiancée.

He hadn't known she was a member of the police then but he often saw her with that hiy. Upon seeing them together all the time and discussing rather serious matters. The golden blonde hair boy had told her directly not to get too involved. He told her ' That man's a mere dog. Even if you have to concern yourself with him, please draw a line and show your social statuses are different'.

Somebody told her something similar before, ' A elite is a elite. A dog is a dog. A relationship where that's made clear is probably better for you."

But although he said that, the girl saw the look in the old mans eyes and understood that he was trying to put across a entirely different message.

Afterwards he had said. 'Understanding him means seeing things like he does and doing things in the same mind set as him. But if you do that you'll be shrouded in darkness. If you do that then there's a chance - no its definite you won't be able to see the light ever again.

Many people have tried to bring him back to the light but it was already too late then. I couldn't stop him from making that decision, what about you? Could you do it?'

Even though she had been warned, though it was only twice. She should have taken those words more seriously. No, she had known they were serious. And yet she had still wanted to know, to know more and more about him. More about that person that's shrouded in such a dark colour and yet, in her eyes it was always so very beautiful.


- Cafeteria -


Why did he run out like that? He isn't a kid and yet from the context of the girls words Yang had a feeling it would turn out this way. He had a strong feeling about it and thus didn't want to hear anymore from her. She pulled such a expression afterwards…even though she's usually idiotic and an airhead. What on earth is he doing? Yet, he didn't want to hear it. Didn't want to hear that Setsura was doing so much for his sake. After all she harbours such strong feelings towards that man.

A man who isn't him, it made him feel so much bitterness. But at the same time Yang can't help but recall her reaction earlier. Even though he didn't appear right away after hearing the news of her condition.. She didn't complain, instead she wrapped her arms around his neck. She drew him close and said, 'it's okay for you touch me. I missed you Yang.'

Yang bit his lip, Setsura understood what he was thinking.

He doesn't deserve it, he doesn't deserve any of her love. No matter how much she loves him, no matter how much he convinces himself that it will remain that way forever. There is a apart of him that becomes afraid, that the more time this situation drags on - the more that she realises that the one she wants to be with isn't him.

His thoughts broke off when he saw a bottle of what looked like tea in front of him. Yang glanced up and spotted somebody familiar.


"Drink it, it'll help you calm down."

Yang nodded and drank the liquid down. It tasted terrible in his opinion and yet it was better than nothing. Once he drank it all, Yang glanced over at Taiga and noted that he was fiddling with something in his hands,

"By any chance is that a present for Nase?"

"Gah---" Taiga's cheeks turned red, "How do you even know her birthday?"

How he asks... "During the time we were in France you made a big deal out of it prior to the day, only to get dumped on that very day," Yang commented.


But it's true, even now Yang could remember the day quite clearly. It truly shocked them all, since the two got along very well before.

A sigh escaped his companions lips, "You have no delicacy as usual," Taiga trails of, "But your right it's her. It's funny you know? Even though I know she won't accept it I still prepared one. I prepared one last year too but I didn't get a chance to see her. Asking somebody else to send it to her would have worked just fine, plenty of people whom we both knew came over to Nagano. Or I could have sent it by post and yet I didn't do that. All of that is a excuse though,something like a present I'd rather it give it to her personally - and yet I didn't. Because I was afraid. I wanted to give her time, to sort out her feelings. Even though she cared about me I knew about her feelings for another guy. That's why when she dumped me although it hurt I managed to get through it."

Ah …that's the same with him. He dated Setsura under the circ.u.mstances of knowing that she still cared for another man deeply.

"I say that and yet after we got back to Nagano, I overworked myself in more ways than one. Cassie-kaichou ended up resorting to putting me in suspension supervised so I'd get some rest and eat something. Yet during that break I'd secretly plan new routes for our group. In order for us to reach greater heights. I kept thinking that if I do this, even if she doesn't love me then I can at least cheer her up with my songs whenever she's sad."

Oi oi.. Taiga actually went this far?

"Just for one girl you'd go that far?"

Taig laughs at that comment, "Clearly so. I actually don't know if she ever saw those live performances or even listened to those songs. But after doing that tour I felt a lot more refreshed in contrast to before."


"Say, I understand that your uneasy even up until now. And honestly under your situation even I'd be fretting about it. But still, you should believe in her."

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