We Will Meet Again

Chapter 350 - (2019: Case 02) Part 1


Meanwhile, Setsura was amid a serious fights. Realizing the strength of her opponents Setsura switched to using her baton rather than her gun. Indeed, she managed to handle the situation just fine.

Everyone here is the same. They don't notice anything. They don't say anything. And they don't think anything. They are merely a shell of their former selves and soon they will disappear like the melting snow. This epidemic leads innocent people to their deaths, and yet, its pathogen will never be eradicated.

This is a disease called serenity - a form of death that people have wished for.

That's why, she has to take matters into her own hands. She can't rely on anyone else for that. If there is something you wish to change, then she has to take the situation in your own hands. If she doesn't then nothing will truly start.

Ah, so this is what that person meant. That's right in the end she will always be like this. No matter how much time passes, no matter how much time passes by there's always one thing that will remain the same. Even if she tries to hold it back, the second she found herself enjoying the battle. The second she ends up enjoying the fight then any sense of her rationality will go away. Listen to her complaining, most people would crave to have it the strength to be able to protect themselves and others around them.

But having strength isn't all fun and games. Yes in the end society is unfair, those that stand on the top. Those people who's strength surpass that of the norm. Surpass even those who are abnormal like themselves feel it, the solitude and loneliness.

That guy is right even though admitting that is taking everything for me. Although admitting that really does make me sick. But ever since you left there has been no one else who can cure this boredom of mine.

"Don't get too full of yourself! Men fire!"

The shooting of guns from all directions was heard, yet as she leaped in to the air and dodged them she merely sighs. " Let's think about this rationally shall we? If you guys can actually aim that thing at me then I would have long gotten hit no?"

"Don't get c.o.c.ky little girl. Don't underestimate the Yakuza. Do you think this is mere fun and games?"

Setsura sighs, so they didn't heed her warning huh? Well she expected that too. But fun and games huh? If that's how they want to play, then she wouldn't mind it.

She put away her baton leapt back down. The firing was still going on, but there was already no need for her to try and dodge in a graceful manner. Those bullets won't reach her.

As Setsura approached the man, she noticed him beginning to cower away in fear. Yet he grabs something from the corner. " Another bat?" Setsura muttered.

The man pulls of the end revealing a silver blade. " Your just a little girl. Our boss said to try not harm you as much as possible. But you've proven to be more stubborn then imagined. Prepare yourself."

Their boss? Setsura raised her eyebrow at that comment. Who could their boss be? Did it even matter? It won't change the current situation.

In other words there saying she's not as weak as they thought. My my, people really do need to be more honest and direct when it comes to what there thinking. Really, its useless to lie when the truth is right in front of why. Why bother playing with the notion of imagination when the reality is in front of you? Understanding why these people do what they do is something she was never good at. Even when she found out the reason she could never understand it. The brown hair girl finds herself avoiding each and every strike. So persistence and aggressive too.

Setsura appears in front of him and knocks the blade from his hands. Her eyes glowed a bright shade of red and emerald green, " You've messed with the wrong girl."


She placed her free hand on her emerald green eye, monster eh? " Perhaps your right sir. It's a real shame we can't carry on this conversation any longer. I'd love to be able to discuss this in more detail with you. However, its time for you to rest," Setsura placed her other hand on the man's face. "Rest assured. Since you said something that is correct I won't kill you. But you'll be asleep for a long time, in a deep slumber."

No sooner did she say those words did the man's eyes closed. Setsura felt a bullet fly right past her shoulder and she sighed. Where are these people coming from? It's frustrating. Still, if they want to continue playing around like this then she will go ahead.

What does she have to loose?

Nothing, she no longer has anything to loose. Hearing a growling and beast like sound. Setsura turned around and saw a pack of wolves.


By the time she reached the meeting however though..the place was a complete mess. It didn't look anything like it usually.

The living room has been destroyed. Tracss of blood on the floor and walls. Setsura bit her lip when she saw this sight. What is this? Did they harm innocent people too? It was hard to tell because of the rubble. Underneath this rubble, there are most likely people. Unfortunately, it was far too dark to be able to tell.

Setsura took a few more steps forward, with the rubble blocking the ground. She had to step on the unaffected areas.

What about the others? Where in the world is Chauncey's… If he's hiding himself, she would expect him to call out to her if he sees her…

Setsura glanced around, to see no trace of anyone else. No one's here. Where did they all go? Did the wolves...no, it couldn't be. He has to be somewhere. A place where he would hide.. If the meeting room is destroyed then where would he go? Ah...wait, 'I will stay in the room opposite...'

That's right, she told him that didn't she? Chauncey didn't know she would wander away. It's worth the try.

She walked out of the was relieved that she was able to reach the place safely. Even this room is a complete wreck now, did the fight take place here also? Yet as she scanned the room she couldn't sense a single presence.

Chauncey...What is doing right now? Where are you?

Setsura took out her phone, 'Maybe she could ask for help?' Katakura did say to contact him if something goes wrong. One of the deals about returning to the future is not getting severely hurt. If something happened to her then the situation could end up badly. After all she has to be in good condition to go through the travelling procedure.

Since Katakura gave her that warning, she knew it applied to both Yang and Chauncey too. That's why whenever Yang wandered of somewhere, Setsura would panic. That guy has no sense of danger whatsoever. Before he frequently got himself into fights. What if those fights lead to a dangerous situation?

Ah, this is hopeless. Setsura tried to calm down, but she knew nothing would change if she examined this room over and over. Those people, they made it clear that they came here for her. So did they have to attack other people too? Unless, what are the chances of her not being the target?

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