We Will Meet Again

Chapter 364 - (2019: Case 02) Part 15


Yang shook his head, he should quit thinking such negative thoughts. He looked over at the mirror and glanced at his reflection; he looked awful - dark circles under his eyes and his complexion losing its usual glow.

He closes his eyes and remembers something. Someone told him once a long time ago, how ridiculous society - and people are.

'It's stupid, it's all so ridiculous. People are corrupt and don't care about anyone but themselves. They trick others, hurt them, get them angry. In today's society, all individuals care about is money and material goods. They'd do anything if it's to get money, especially business. Even in the organization - which is mainly made up of normal individuals. They spend so much time on pointless debating, and lecturing while the enemy is already planning their next move. Yet even with all of this there are people out there. There are still people out there who will care, worry and be happy. Even if we live in a world such as this one there are fools who will still love.'

There are fools who will still love, huh? Then what about him? At that time Yang thought it. He thought that things would be different, that they'd change. That afterwards everything would be different. For a certain amount of time it seemed like it would be that way.

For a while…it seemed that he would be taken to a new world and be set free. However, just when he was about to settle into his new life peacefully - chaos descended.

Even though he said he would start a new life and all. Kirishima was well aware that a part of him probably wanted to see those people again. He wanted to meet with Setsura, wanted to see the girl he fell in love with.

He glanced over and spotted Setsura fast asleep beside him. . . Yang stared at her speechless, 'who was the one dodging him like the plague earlier?' He sighed completely frustrated. What is she doing falling asleep before he even does anything to her. Is this a new way of avoiding him touching her?

He reached over and touched her cheeks, she's alive. Of course she is. .

"How long did I sleep for?"

"As you can see it's nightfall now. For a few hours at the most. Miss Setsura was tending you to the entire time and only just fell asleep. I have already contacted the necessary people."

"Her eyes are swollen," Yang said brushing his fingers across her eyes. "She hasn't been sleeping?"

How is that possible? Whenever he came to Taiga's place, the girl would be sleeping soundly. Whenever Yang saw her like that, he felt slightly bitter. It felt like she didn't care about him. She didn't even think to wait up for him.

"I have heard from her guards that she has been going on jobs every night since your return from mount OE."

He glanced over and spotted a familiar lilac coloured notebook.

Yang reached over and flicked it open to see the rainbow coloured light from them. He looked back at the girl and saw the dark bags under the girl's eyes. He understood it now, it's not the missions making her tired; she is are so very silly. But, even now he won't leave her. It's already too late for him to move forward.

He wants to be with her; he wants to be with her always, to see your many different expressions. He wants to be the one who makes her smile. However, he will keep these feelings hidden; because it will only cause her more pain if he says it now.

Setsura already knows that he loves her. But if she knew the truth? If Setsura knew how serious he was about her, then she would most-likely break up with him immediately.

Lan informs him the results of the investigation. He isn't surprised at all, he figured it was something like this. So the reason why he saw those bodies turn purple. 'A government experiment.' But, there is most-likely know way to prove it. Lan must have risked himself to obtain this information.

"No evidence?" Yang questioned.

His companion shook his head, "My apologies sir."

"Don't mind it."

He expected nothing.

So that's it. He thought this whole visit thing was strange. So he had sent Lan out to investigate the situation. As usual those peoples methods really don't change huh? Before, if he was still the same person as he was before than he would most definitely have went along with everything. He would have gone along with it all, just to please them, so she could have a place he could belong.

But doing something like that wasn't happiness at all, he knew that much now. Even if the topic of the warmth of another person was still a vague topic for him. Even if it's vague he's beginning to see it now; how the warmth of others brought him joy.

Setsura often told him before, ' Do you really want to carry on the way you are like broken glass? Because I can see something else in you. Take a look at your reflection and what do you see?'

What does he see? Right now, a completely messed up person filled with nothing but constant worries and problems. But maybe there was so much more like she said. Perhaps there really is something beyond this mirror, a whole new world.


3:00PM - Alleyway, Region A -

When Yang received Taiga message, he isn't surprised at all. Of course he went, there's no way his companion would just sit around and do nothing. It's not his style at all. That's why Yang went along. His fists were still red due to the fight. However his gaze fell on the surrounding bodies, "This should be fine."

Region A is one of the most expensive districts around. So when Yang saw the location of the fight, it surprised him. With the security around here, it shouldn't be possible.

Taiga nodded, "Sorry about this..."

Yang shook his head, "It's fine, I needed this." Indeed he needed to let out his frustration sknetow.

His thoughts broke of though when he spotted a flash of lilac from the corner of his eye. Someone had been watching them, that girl…Karano? Yang immediately rushed after her without another split second. He was fully aware that leaving in the middle of a conversation was rude. However he has to confirm his doubts.

When he reached the area, he glances around frantically and spotted a girl with short walking away, "Hold on, Meika."

Karano Meika - one of Setsura's kohai.

The girl didn't try to escape him as she turned to him with a blank look. For a moment Yang doesn't say anything, there was something familiar about it.

Those eyes, where has he seen that before?

Yang tried to search his memory, but the girl suddenly coughed drawing his attention back.

"Why did you watch us?"

Meika shut's her eyes, "I was merely following orders."


"Setsura-sama," Meika said.

At that comment, eyes widened. Why would Setsura order Karano to watch over him and Miya? It made little sense. Meika noticed his confusion since she suddenly said.

"It should not surprise you, because that girl insists on getting involved with all of you. There are already people who are noticing and wish to use her as a pawn in this game."

At that, his gaze darkened, as he thought. His warning to her came far too late, had he said it sooner than nobody else would get dragged into all of this. But now it's far too late if even Setsura is noticing now.

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