We Will Meet Again

Chapter 370 - The Missing Shard Part 4


It was clear by this point he had his guard completely down. Oh, now she understands it Hina. She understands it better now. Why her companion desires to protect this person and has no ill feelings towards him. 'Even though he caused her so much pain,' Setsura felt like she understood that emotion.

"Because I wanted to get to know you." These words seem so very foreign to her, indeed because this is the first time she has ever said them. However Setsura truly meant those words.

"To get to know me, to exploit my weakness?" Hijiri asked.

At that comment she frowned and grabbed a hand full of his hair and pulled it, "Ouch, ouch I am kidding Miss Setsura."

"You better be. Here I am genuinely trying to comfort you," she exclaimed.

His sweat dropped, "Your method of comfort is certainly extreme Miss Setsura."

"Of course it is. Otherwise the message won't get to you," Setsura exclaimed. "Honestly I dont understand this much myself. After all I told you then didn't I? That Hina is a very precious friend of mine. Yet ever since I got involved with this side and heard you were the enemy. I've never once seen you take any actions that will harm her. Even that incident back then, as gruesome as it was; you made preparations that just in case she failed all those monsters would disappear and it would automatically heal everyone. "

During that time, before she met up on stage with the others, her job had been to form the barrier; and it was during then that she saw the other barrier already there.

At that time she had yet to come in any form of contact with Senou Hijiri. But a part of her had knew after seeing that, this person has no intention of hurting Hina or his former comrades.

Setsura continues, "You'll definitely get angry at me for saying this. But I already know the answer to that question I asked that day. Your highness, no Hijiri-san. You have no intention of harming her at all. What you want to do, I understand it very we'll now. You won't admit it, but there are many people who can tell without you saying a word."

People who genuinely care about him can tell without anything. Setsura understood that feeling all too well, it was the same with her.

When she felt his head brush on the nape of her neck her gaze softens. Setsura already knew, he's crying isn't he? Although it's quite, she can hear it so very clearly.

"Don't tell Hina that I'm crying, she will worry too much."

"I won't."


During the next two days she went on a hunting spree in the streets for The Death of the curse princess whenever she is free. As expected, she always came back empty-handed. Books from foreign countries are usually a niche in the market, so it is quite understandable that the book is hard to find.

Nevertheless, Setsura found the whole situation very odd. Every book about that woman seems to have disappeared into thin air at the same time. Moreover, even the bookstore clerks are unaware of the said book. Setsura even surfed the Internet to look for the book and for some reasons, no information about Yua can be found. Today is the same as well. She asked several bookstores about the book, and was met with the same answer; they do not know of this book at all.

She returned to the castle after breakfast and was currently in the study, again with the caramel coloured hair man. It would be easier if she could ask him about it, but he will definitely get mad.

It really is strange, how come there's nobody who remembers this mysterious woman all of a sudden? Even someone who isn't interested in history knows that she was a important figure in history. For everything about her to disappear so suddenly seems so very strange.

Hijiri would definitely remember though, this woman Yua is one of his families descendants. There's no way he would possibly forget; but if he's the one who made people forget then it would be a dangerous line asking him. Her gaze fell on the man browsing through the books.

'It doesn't feel like he is a dangerous person,' but Setsura was very careful.

Having made her mind up Sstsura decided to shift her attention elsewhere; and brought up the matter of going back to Ogura's place. She too is interested in the state of that place.

"Ogura's place is of limits, Miss Setsura would just cause a fuss there," Hijiri interrupted her train of thoughts.

"I won't!" Setsura exclaimed; yet her words alone clearly weren't convincing him. She thought that they were beginning to understand each other. But it turns out it's really difficult to get to know this person after all.

Her thoughts broke of when her phone started ringing, oh. . "Hello?"

"Hey, I'm in K right now and I was wondering if you have some spare time," Yang said.

"Eh? Your here in K?" Setsura exclaimed. She knew that he would be here for a few days due to a photoshoot; but who would have thought that it would be so soon, "Ah wait, which street? I'll be there right away."

"Meeting Yang? Going on a date?"

At that comment Setsura dropped the book in her hands. "How come you know?"

"Miss Setsura, you keep visiting him during his concerts. Some people have noticed but your brother suppressed the news."

"Does he want my thanks?" Setsura said irritated. "I didn't ask him to do that." It would be bad if it became a rumor, however if it happened so be it. Why does she have to continue lying about her relationship with Yang? It's the truth, there is no need to lie about it.

To her surprise a somewhat sad expression appeared on Hijiri's face. "It seems like you don't understand. But I suppose that's normal, that guy has not explained anything to you."

Setsura didn't bother questioning him as she turned to leave. She won't sympathize with that so-called brother of hers no matter what happens.


If she thought about it carefully though, that woman resembles herself.

Her is slightly different; and even further away than her look before. But then again after going through several reincarnations, there's no guarantee you'll retain those features. The others hid it well from her, but she isn't stupid.

Those two have purple hair, all three retain beauty and elegance. A persons reincarnation is like running water. It's changing shape whether it goes with no absolute shape. Perhaps there was someone else in between them, the brunette hair must have come from someone. Ah, maybe she will be able to find out if she looks at their love interests.

"Setsura, I said Setsura," Yang's voice broke her train of thoughts. The two of them were currently in a cafe. She didn't realize that the waitress had already placed her order in front of her.

"Ah what is it?"

"You've been spacing out for awhile now. Hijiri didn't do anything to you did he?" Yang asked.

She shook her head, "No, no he did nothing of the sort." Actually his treatment towards her was very surprising.

"Is that so?" Yang looked very doubtful. "If that's the case then it's fine. But be careful around him."

"I'm fine. You should be more worried about Hina," Setsura trails of when she realized what she just said. What is she doing bringing Hina up when he was only showing concern about her, " A--after all I get sent letters on how reckless she's been recently, you ought to keep a eye on her."

"Your right, I ought to."

She can't help but feel Yang's pain whenever she saw him clenching his fist like that.

There is a lonely soul inside of him. However right now she has far too many things weighing on her shoulders. With the way she is now, she can only be a hindrance to him.

"However take my warning about Hijiri seriously."

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