We Will Meet Again

Chapter 374 - We need to learn more

Whenever anybody told her these words it would remind her of the past. How many people told her not to worry and yet in the end of the day something bad happens? "I read about that case Yang. I already know, your guardian injured you, correct?"

At that comment Yang looked away. "Why did you bother investigating something like that?" His arms slip down her waist. "Setsura."

Setsura bit her lip once she sensed his tone, she cannot allow him to get distracted again. This time around they will talk. But when she recalled what happened in the cafe earlier, Setsura paused. Was he truly listening to her? It was hard to say.

"So what do you think? Am I wrong or…"

Despite him asking her this, Setsura noticed that he was paying more attention to her legs than anything. She was still half clothed, so his fingers brushed against her bare legs.

"Are you on my side?"

Again this is a question somebody has asked her before. 

But who? Who asked her this? 

For some reason she could not say yes to him. 


When she finds him, Chauncey Lang is sat down in one of the empty office spaces in the room downstairs. Since they decided to move to this larger apartment owned by Yangs family, she does not see Chauncey as often as before. 

"What are you reading so intently?"

Chauncey almost jumped out of his seat. "Oh its you."

Setsura rolled her eyes at his comment. "Of course it is me. So what are you---" Her sentence fell short when she saw the articles on the table. In this society everything is modernized so paper articles are rare. There were several articles but all of them had something to do with a mysterious woman with short pink hair. "A guardian?"

Chauncey nodded. "You think so too?"

"I know this may sound superficial but take a look at her outfit." She pointed to the ruby red amulet in the center. "Do you think anybody would walk around wearing such an expensive looking jewel?"

"I don't know much about female clothes, but I do see where your coming from. Her atire is strange and the pink hair. The people living in this time do not have such extravagant colours."

Her sweat fell at his words. That is what he has learned based on his observation?

"This guardian is most-likely Yangs." Chauncey commented.

Her eyes widened when she heard those words. "Yang.."

"Katakura is assigned to you, and even that man named Oslo lurks around you. Natasha has somebody watching over her, though I have not met that person yet. I do know it is a guy. That leaves this girl."

Huh? Natasha has somebody watching over too? Is she also a person who time travelled?

"So anyhow." Chauncey nodded. "Your best option is to ask him."

Her best option huh? She recalled what happened earlier and sighed. There is no way Yang will tell her anything even if she wants to. But she could give it a try, it won't do any harm. Besides with the current situation. She tapped her finger against the table.

"Dont you think we have overstayed here?"

Chauncey paused but he nodded. "Indeed, I think we should go back. You already have an idea what is happening back there I am sure?"

"Yes I do." Setsura guessed it when one by one they started appearing here. Something dangerous must have happened back there, otherwise why else would everybody come here? For the longest time she wanted to ask them exactly what was going on, but she held back. "A storm will come soon."

"You will break up with Yang?"

Setsura laughed weakly. "I should, shouldnt I?"

"If you still have feelings for him, you should continue your relationship."

"I cant."

She can no longer continue this. At the start when he kidnapped/saved her, Setsura blindly followed his instructions because she was frightened. She wanted to escape, she wanted peace. Ever since she came to the Meiji era, she has seen countless people lose their lives. It is no different from the future but it seems to be more brutal over here. 

Going out with Yang and staying with him meant that she could have peace even if it were for a short while. But the more time passed by, the more Setsura realized that she was only trying to deceive herself. 

"We need to learn more about the guardians."

Chauncey nodded. "I agree with you there." He trailed off. "I thought this before when I came here. But the best place to learn about the guardians would be here in the future, no?"

"It would?"

"If you think about it yes, this place is developed in terms of technology and knowledge. If it is here then surely it would be easy to find some information about the Guardians. Surely somebody wrote something down during the passing of time. In my time frame, it is difficult to obtain such knowledge. Even if somebody did write an account of such a thing, the books would be censored or only known to a selective few."

"It isnt that easy here either, but-" Setsura trailed off when she thought of her status in the police force here. "I think there is something I can do."

"Is your work here similar to Akitos in the past?"

Setsura blinked and looked at him with wide eyes. It seems like this guy already knows everything. But then again, she noticed it when he first arrived. Chauncey took it upon himself to learn about this time frame and the people living here. He spends most of his days in the library reading or surfacing the web for information. 

She sighed. "I feel like you are the most productive and level headed person right now. How insulting, I feel like I havent done anything useful since I came here."

Chauncey shook his head. "Not at all, I am doing my best in this situation since I dislike remaining ignorant, just like you when you arrived in the Meiji era."

How does he know about--- Setsura paused in mid thought. Back when she first arrived, the only person she saw frequently was Akito and the others living in his mansion. So Akito must have told Chauncey, huh? How surprising. Despite Akitos cold behaviour towards the man, it seems like the two have secretly been talking.

"Don't you know it is rude to talk about a lady behind their backs?"

"Apologies, but where is the lady you speak of?"

Setsura picked up a book and dropped it on his head. Chauncey rubbed his head. "I was joking."

Huh, joking? Chauncey Long of all people joking? Did she hear him correctly?

Chauncey sighed. "Is it that odd to you? Despite what you may think, I am still a human with emotions."

A human with emotions, Chauncey Long? Setsura repeated this in her head several times but it still seemed strange to her. Since when did Chauncey Long of all people behave this way? Her thoughts broke off when he hit her across the head.


"You should go." Chauncey suddenly said. "Before Yang wakes up."

A deep sigh crossed her lips when she realized what he meant. It seems like everybody knows about them having problems, how humiliating.

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