We Will Meet Again

Chapter 385 - Victor III

At that comment Setsura rolled her eyes and sighed. "Isn't it obvious what I came here for?"

Despite her vague sounding words, Victor immediately understood what she was trying to get at. It seems like she suspects him now that she knows the truth. Indeed he can't blame her there. But Victor wondered exactly how much this woman knew. Should he test her?

If he tests her, then maybe she would remember.

When he first returned from abroad, nobody knew about it. It was several years back. 

"I was afraid. Of course, it's normal. But despite that, I knew I would have been able to take them on. Victor since you work for Touma you should know about it right?"

"Yes. I saw it."

When Victor learned that she came from a different time frame. A part of him understood something for the first time. So Touma isn't a normal person. He thought the man was unusual when they first met. But it was only when Touma gave him the orders regarding Setsura did he understand. 

The girl came from the distant future, she came from another time. 'I'm not the type to believe in such things. But, is it that strange?' They still live in a time where ayakashi or dark beings exisit. So something like somebody coming from the future shouldn't be surprising.

It didn't surprise him, what surprised him was the pain she experienced. 

Setsura let's go of his hand and lifted her hand up in the air. The absence of her hand made him feel uncomfortable. Victor shook his head and watched as she stared intently at her hand. 

"I do not mind conversing with you. If you carry on what you were about to say before you returned to your place."

Setsura blinked and laughed. "Oh that. Right I see, I didn't think you'd ask again...aha how awkward. I only said it as a general statement."

"So it's not a topic we can bring up?"

"That's right. Normally I won't say anything, but perhaps since it's you Victor it will be okay."

He didn't know why, but hearing her say something like that sent that earlier wave of warmth in his chest like it did before.

Setsura continues. "About being betrayed. Actually it happened during middle school. Back then I wasn't very sociable - and Yang was in another class so it was difficult for him to come to see me. I was alone. I thought it was fine and that it didn't matter. However, there was a girl named Mina who invited me to join her group, at first I was reluctant. But she tried every single day and so eventually I did. It was fun, I really did enjoy those days. I really did think that she was a genuinely nice person, yet that was wrong. Mina treated everyone that way and she...liked Yang."

"Ah." Victor nodded. "She saw your relationship with him and misunderstood?"

"Yeah..honestly though it was middle school. I didn't think anyone would seriously fall in love at that time. But Mina was serious about him. Yet when she saw how close we were, when she saw how casually Yang touched me and got closer. She disliked it. In the beginning, she said that must be nice, but eventually when rumors started up that me and Yang were dating. Mina believed them and she.." Setsura stopped.

It was then Victor noticed it. The girl started to shiver. 

"If it makes you uncomfortable you do not have to say it." He didn't want her to collapse.

Setsura shook her head, "No. I have to at least tell...."

He didn't know what got into him but he felt it was the right response as he pulled the girl to his arms. "Calm down."

After a while he felt that the girl stopped shaking, he pulled her away and yet placed his hand on her shoulder as if to comfort her. To her surprise, she placed her hand on top of his. 

"One day I received a phone call from Mina. It was a rather disturbing call. It sounded like she was in real trouble and that's why I rushed out to help her. That day I was rather careless, it had been raining a lot and it seemed like I was rather unwell. When I got to the sight, Mina wasn't in trouble but instead, she stood there with a bunch of high schoolers who...who tried to assault me."

At that, his eyes widened. 'Is this why she has a fear towards men?' He noticed it even before. Despite how naturally Setsura interacted with other people. Victor noticed how she flinched when it came to other men.

"I'm even back then it was true. Yet I'll admit it I was naive thinking that they were blackmailing my friend that's why at the beginning I let them do what they want to me. It was frightening and I hated it. It wasn't until they were half way done and I was on the verge of tears that Yang showed up. Yang saved me, or rather.." Setsura chuckles. 

"He was like ' What the hell are you doing Princess? This girl is the one who started it all' and indeed I saw it. Whilst it was happening to me, my so called friend was taking photos on her phone. ' Your strong' after Yang whispered that to me I beat her up and all the other guys too. Next day that gitl didn't come to school and I heard she transferred. I was betrayed, but at the same time she had truly been my friend."

"Do you blame Yang? He arrived late."

Setsura sighed. "If only I could do that. Yang wasn't at fault it was me..." Her gaze softened. "Because I didn't understand what love was. I didn't understand what it meant by having someone by your side. I didn't realise it until Yang saved me, when he did I thought ' ah I understand it now'."

Having someone by her side...she ...did she notice it? Did she realise what he had been doing?

"Getting a grip and understanding those emotions aren't easy. But I don't think it's impossible, I believe everyone is capable of them."

Everyones capable huh?

As Victor pondered on this 

Victor realized why and slowly stood up. "You're going back inside. Your fever has worsened"

"Oh no I'm fine...."

"That's irrational. Your completely red, and your skin feels like it's burning."

How could she still say that? Rather why is she laughing? This could turn into something serious.

"Why do you go through so much?"

"That's because.." Setsura trailed off. "This suffering is well deserved."

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