We Will Meet Again

Chapter 49 - Content

She tapped her fingers on the corner of the oak desk. But still, she supposes this couldn't continue. She ought to at least get to know her fellow workers. Setsura made her mind up, "Then can you invite everybody for dinner? I'll come."

At that comment, Mina's eyes widened, " You'll come?!! Really?"

"Yes." While Setsura wanted to get it out of the way and could schedule it for lunch instead, she made a promise with Akito. Setsura secretly enjoyed their lunch meetings too. Akito wouldn't just take her to a restaurant; he would bring her to other places too.

An excited Mina sprinted out of the room, leaving her alone. Setsura sat back on her chair.

Also, while he has toned down his random habit of kissing her, he still hugs her for a long time whenever he gets the chance. Setsura didn't want to admit it, but she liked it when he held her in his arms. There is something comforting about it. At night, she is unable to sleep alone. She would wake up to terrible nightmares by herself - while the nightmares don't stop even with Akito by her side. At least she wakes up in his warm arms. A sense of security, huh?

This relationship seems very unhealthy for her. In the end, Akito never answered that question too. But, then again, this isn't the time for that. She rubbed the temple of her forehead with her hands; she has a bad headache going on. Maybe she ought to tell Akito about it. At first, Setsura thought it was just due to the nightmares. But after a couple of days, Setsura realized that there was something wrong.

It's not a typical headache or migraine… Setsura stood up and grabbed her bag, 'Might as well grab a drink.' There was still thirty minutes away from lunch, but already most of the floors, including hers, was empty.

A white butterfly emerged from her pouch, and Setsura sighed. "You need to stay at home, what will I say if somebody finds you?" she knew she couldn't brush it off as a random butterfly. Everybody knows that the Mysterious cases of the shard case are connected to butterflies.

The butterfly, however, didn't reply, but instead, it seemed to go a few steps forward. Setsura blinked puzzled, is it asking her to follow him? She didn't get a chance to think it through since it suddenly started to speed away.

Setsura had no choice but to follow it; she didn't want the others to find it. After a few minutes, it eventually stopped in front of a room. One of the meeting rooms? She cautiously made her way over and spotted movement on the couch. Is somebody here? She turned to the butterfly, but it had already vanished. 'That stupid thing, it appears one second and then disappears the next.' Nonetheless, she might as well see who it is. It won't do her any harm.

Eventually, she got closer, to her surprise, the person laying down on the couch was Akito. Setsura couldn't mistake him due to the usual attire. What is he doing here? Usually, he would pick her up at the tea place a few shops away. Setsura didn't want people seeing them together, at least nobody in the office. That is why she ensured that the meeting place was further away. This was after she established where her coworkers went for lunch.

This guy… Setsura sighed and walked over. The second she did though, he grabbed hold of her hand, and she is in his arms in seconds. Thankfully she closed the door on the way in. She sighed again; she really ought to make things clear to him.

'I'm still in a relationship, so you can't do anything..'

'While you can pursue me, you have to do it properly..'

Setsura shook her head; none of those things would work. Her thoughts broke off when she felt Akito's lips graze her neck. For a moment, Setsura thought that he did it unconsciously. However, when she felt him bite her neck. She jabbed him in the stomach with her elbows, causing him to yelp.

"Akito, quit pretending to sleep," she lectured.

"Ha, ha." Akito laughed, "I saw you from the window and figured I'd surprise you."

Setsura sighed, "Geez, quit it. what are you doing?"


"I can see that, but why are you here so early?"

"I couldn't take it anymore, I really wanted to see you," it always pained Setsura whenever she heard him respond so honestly. Akito, he genuinely means those words.

"Alright, alright. Now you've seen me let me go."

"I won't be satisfied until I inhale your scent and memorize it…"

'Such a shameless man,' Setsura could only sigh as Akito continued his unusual advances. Well, she supposes this is better than him trying to steal a kiss from her. It doesn't make sense to her. Why does she feel so content whenever she is in Akito's arms. She feels so relaxed; she could even fall asleep…

Setsura shook her head if she falls asleep now, then Akito would too. Then they would both be sleeping, she may have locked the door, but people have the keys to this room. What if somebody wants to use it for a meeting? It would be bad if people found them together. Her thoughts broke off when she felt Akito's hand brush against her cheeks.

"Setsura, are you okay? You look worn out."

'He noticed..'

"I'm fine."


How many times have they gone through a similar scenario before? So, so many times. Setsura knew she was weak whenever he asked her anything. Akito knew her far too well, "I'm just tired… I have a bad headache…" Even without explaining in detail, she knew Akito understood.

"Then should we go see Lyra when you're finished with work?" Akito asked, his tone kinder than usual.

"But, I have dinner to go to."


"Yes," Setsura explained the situation to him. "It really would be strange if I keep refusing, so I'll have to go." Setsura didn't know why she was frantic explaining things. But for some reason, she knew Akito would be upset. Indeed an uncomfortable look appeared on his face. He clearly wanted to tell her to cancel but...

"Dine in the restaurant I tell you, my brother will be there for a business meeting. He can keep an eye out."

Her sweat fell at that careless suggestion. Doesn't Akito know his brother hates her guts? But then again, she understands why he's cautious. The members of squad one have clarified that they know of her involvement in the cases - that they are watching her even now.

"Okay," a content sigh passed her lips when Akito caressed her hair. "Akito.."

"Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Setsura shook her head, "No, that's not it. Thank you…"

Akito smiled, "Anything for you. Let's relax a bit and then let's head out."

Setsura nodded and closed her eyes. She wasn't going to sleep, but regardless she didn't want to talk anymore. It feels like she is taking advantage of Akito's kindness.

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