We Will Meet Again

Chapter 73 - Mysterious Mansion

"Setsura, sometimes I feel like locking you up…"

For a split moment, Setsura felt herself shudder. The way Akito looked at her was like a beast about to devour its prey.

At that comment, she shot him a harsh glare, "Don't you dare make jokes about that."

Akito laughed, "Sorry, sorry. Look, it's done. Take a look in the mirror."

Setsura glanced over at the small mirror and saw the beautiful hairpin in her hair. For somebody who doesn't know what they are doing, he sure picked out one that suited her. It seems like the men in this era really know what they are doing when it concerns women.

"Captain Akito were ready to head out now."


Of course, they got separated. Setsura already got the creepy vibes from this place the moment they arrived. But now? Why is there a mansion in the middle of nowhere? Or rather, the middle of these abandoned buildings.

The mansion, unlike the buildings she went past earlier, was not worn down. It looked brand new to her, and yet why does she get this abandoned vibe from it? It feels like nobody is living there. Setsura pulled out the gun Victor had given her and took a deep breath. Between a sword and a gun, this was more familiar to her.

Setsura didn't understand why that was. It was clear that she disliked the sight of blood. It was clear that she didn't like fights. But, the weight of this gun is familiar to her. Her intuition towards cases is far too sharp.

It's almost like she dealt with cases before, but how can that be?

She shook her head, don't think about it. Just keep going straight ahead. Setsura entered the mansion despite the strange feeling she got from it.


Isn't that Akito's group? The military police and mafia working together on a case were rare. But even then, Chauncey didn't think he would get a chance to work with Akito of all people.

"What do you mean you can't find her?"

"Sir, we looked all over. She's gone."

"That's impossible."

Her? Could it be… that woman? What is she doing in this place with them? What a troublesome woman, what use is there coming along if she will only cause problems. But missing, despite looking all over? That's...

"Sir Chauncey?"

"Go over there and follow Akito's orders."

Chauncey didn't wait for a response and rushed off.


'Chauncey, look. It's like a fairytale garden here.'

Chauncey wasn't sure; it could just be a sheer coincidence. But, it felt like he heard this story before.

'Don't worry, nobody will find us here.'

As Chauncey stepped into the forest, a deep sigh escaped his lips. No matter how many times he sees this place, he gets creeped out. Is she here? Or isn't she? This is the only other place she could have come to, though. If Akito's men looked all over and couldn't find anything, then she is undoubtedly in this place.

'How to describe it, were in another dimension?'

Another dimension? Chauncey always thought it was stupid. But now? Now things were different. With all these peculiar things occurring lately, to not believe in the supernatural would be absurd of him.


Setsura seemed to have lost track of time the moment she entered the mansion. There was something about this place that made her shiver and get goosebumps all over. Maybe it was due to the numerous antique clocks, and furniture but Setsura was slightly afraid. A deep sigh escaped her lips; she's never had to go through such a situation before in her entire life. At least that's what she thought so originally. Right after this, she will see Lady Lyra again or maybe even ask Katakura. Those two will surely drop a hint or two, at least when it comes to her memories.

'For some reason, it feels familiar to her.'

This mansion and the clocktower from this place. All of it looks so very familiar to her. But she's never been here before. A wincing pain appears in her head, and Setsura dropped the gun in her hands.



What is this? Setsura shook her head. All of a sudden, why does she feel this way? She knew even without looking at a mirror that she was sweating uncontrollably. But that didn't prevent Setsura from picking up her gun and making her way across the long dining room. It was a simple dining room for a rich person. But, it felt peculiar. Setsura examined the furniture. Maybe because she's so used to the modern furnishings in Akito's place, but this place is the opposite.

This feels more like a mansion in the Meiji Era. No, the Meiji era is an era of development. How come this house, despite its western furnishings, give off an ancient vibe? As Setsura thought this, she caught a glimpse of the vases on the side.

How beautiful…. She slowly walked over to get a better look — white vases with strange black swirl marks. The design looked simple, but how come she was attracted to it? It isn't just these faces; on the way inside, she stopped several times to get a better look at the paintings and statues.

Is this what one would call being bewitched by something? Setsura shook her head, quit getting distracted, and focus. She will report everything about this mansion to Akito. Isn't it strange that there is a mansion that is well furnished in the abandoned side of town? Akito briefed her on the case on the way here. They received word that one of the victims sent an SOS message, and it came from this section of town.

When Setsura first heard the details, though, she felt something was amiss. Is there truly only one victim?

It was hard to focus on anything with the constant throbbing in her head. Where did this pain come from? For a while now she had been experiencing severe headaches, but nothing like this. This doesn't seem like a headache to her too. If it were a mere headache, she wouldn't feel like this.

Calm down, Setsura; it's just a headache. It isn't the end of the world. First, to calm down. Deep breathes deep breaths. After she did this, she hears the sound of something clattering. Setsura was doubtful about any of the victims being here. She only came because she knew there would be a clue. Akito, too, seemed doubtful about the report.

A shadow or something caught her eye and rushed out of the dining hall at great speed. Just now, what brushed past her? Setsura looked dumbfounded, but she quickly followed after it. Setsura thought she moved; she truly believed she took steps forward. But it wasn't like that; the reality was that her feet couldn't move. Her entire body felt paralyzed; it felt like somebody was casting a spell. What is this? What is going on? Setsura didn't understand, but one thing was for sure. She ought to get out quickly.

The level of danger from this place seemed to have increased by the very minute. With the way things were before, it was already bad enough. But now Setsura felt that if she didn't leave now, then she would be in grave danger.

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