We Will Meet Again

Chapter 78 - (1895: Case 02) Part 5

"The nightmares," Chauncey mumbled. "Do they happen often?" the sudden change in topic caught her of guard. For a moment she didn't know what to think. "I apologize for inquiring, but I'm very concerned."

At that comment, Setsura paused, so that's why he made that kind of expression earlier. She supposes it is only reasonable. After seeing her in that state, heartless person or not they'd help even long before she arrived in this place. The topic regarding her nightmares was not a new one. Ever since she was younger, this has been happening. A constant repeat pattern. Some worse than others, some more traumatic, some that she could forget. No, she never forgot them. Even if she forgot the moment she woke up, eventually, it would come and haunt her again.

It was similar to a curse; once it's there, it's hard to break. The same nightmares over the years, some new ones. Those that would merge together. All of it made her feel very uncomfortable. Why would anybody enjoy waking up in the middle of the night, sweating uncontrollably, crying, and with a heavy feeling weighing down on her chest? Nightmares were anything but pleasant.

However, the moment she confides in someone about it is the moment where people give her odd looks. The reactions are all the same. 'Just forget it.' 'You have nothing to be stressed or worried about..' Setsura doesn't know how many times she tried telling people, only for it to backfire in the end.

The people she does end up telling the tale to successfully, all end up stressed out and uncomfortable.

That's why it's better to keep it to herself. If sharing it with others will only bring about more discomfort and pain, then..

Setsura glanced up at Chauncey. Could she confine in him like she did with Akito? But, they barely know each other. It took her a long time before she settled down and told Akito too. She can't tell him; even if he does mean well, she cannot say a word. A part of her still can't do it, open up to others. A part of her is still afraid.

She did not say a word and laid back down on the bed and faced the other way. This may seem childish and immature. But she has no words for him.


It relieved Setsura that Chauncey didn't ask any questions. She woke up just a few minutes ago in a daze. Chauncey was entering the room with a tray in hand. It was a light meal, but Setsura was not a picky person. The fact that she can eat despite this peculiar situation was a blessing in disguise.

They found Chauncey's companion before long. A girl with long brown hair tied up in a high ponytail wearing a simple caramel colored dress.


"You don't look as haggard today, and you even changed your clothes."

"Mm," the girl nodded. "You see, it's part of their strange game. If you survive a day, they grant you one wish. You can ask for anything. My clothes from last time were dirty, so I asked for clothes."

"If it was like that, you should have asked for a more conventional outfit. You won't be able to move around in that state of yours."

The girl rolled her eyes, "You'll see what I mean. These clothes are more convenient," she trailed off and looked over at her. She bowed, "Your miss Setsura right?"

Setsura dumbly nodded. The interaction between the two surprised her. She's never seen Chauncey speak so much.

"That's right."

"I apologize, scaring you at the dining room yesterday ….."

"Eh, that was you? I thought I saw a shadow…"

"That was me running fast, I'm sorry! If I didn't run like that, you wouldn't have felt the need to chase me, leading to them striking you from behind."

"I see…"

This girl talks a lot…

According to Chauncey, she's the daughter of the mafia leader?

"Anyhow, did you two get something to eat?" Natasha asked.

"Ah, yes."

"That's good; we have a long day ahead of us," Natasha sighed. "Well, let me explain how things work. When a new day begins, the morning starts as normal. The medicine has worn off after all. However, for those who have been taking it heavily even during the normal mornings, they act a bit peculiar ..." she trailed off. "Look over there."

Setsura glanced over and saw another person heading in their direction.


Military Police Quarters

Meanwhile, a certain redhead exited the room with a slam, his gaze dim. He should have known better than to expect anything from them.

'Your priority isn't the girl.'

'We must find the other victims.'

How ridiculous! Don't these people realize that if they lose Setsura, then they will lose the only clue to the shard case? While that wasn't the reason why he was searching for her. Akito thought that he could use that to get everybody to search. Forget it; he doesn't need their help. He will find Setsura on his own.

"Are you going to go by yourself?"

Akito doesn't look over at Kai, "Hold down the fort here, and lead the men in my stead."

"Captain Akito!"

"That's your role right now."


Only a day has passed since Setsura went missing. But Akito felt incredibly uneasy. What is it with that girl? One second she appears, and the next she disappears. Akito knew that the girl had yet to return to her time. She wouldn't disappear until her mission is over. It didn't take him long to figure out what that mission is. The shard case isn't complete, so Setsura couldn't have gone back to her time when Akito thought about it.

He looked around the sight and frowned. It doesn't seem like much has changed here since yesterday. But, something felt different. Akito looked over and spotted brown hair hunched down, not too far from where he was. He recognized his friend immediately and sighed. "What are you doing here, Victor?"

Victor flashed him his signature grin. "Now, now you need all the help you can get, Mr. Akito."

Akito sighed, "Found anything?"

"Traces of life."


"But it's odd," Victor glanced down at the broken piece of structure. "This place feels like a battleground."


"Look at this Akito; these broken pieces look like they are the entrance to something. If we walk further ahead, I'm sure we can pieces of the mansion or whatever it was guarding."

"Ahead? There's nothing ahead."

"That's what I thought too, but," Victor moved one of the structure pieces causing a large rumbling sound to be heard. In seconds a set of stairs leading below appeared.

Akito's eyes widened, "This.."

"Yeah. It's leading us to the place it was guarding. A fight of large magnitude must have occurred here a long time ago. But not a normal one, it resembles an execution ground. Whatever this staircase leads to, will be the core of that execution ground. If the victims and Setsura-chan were brought here, then I'm afraid they are in grave danger. There are traces that this place has been used again."

"...Yesterday, I didn't notice any of this. How pathetic."

Victor smiled, "Of course you wouldn't notice. If you didn't panic after hearing what happened to Setsura-chan, I'd judge you."

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