We Will Meet Again

Chapter 85 - Engagement?

Four days later - Manor -

It was only four days later when the doctors informed him that he could move again. Putting off work for four days, Chauncey didn't even want to imagine the amount of work that piled up in his absence. However, instead of heading to work. Chauncey dropped by a certain place first. Natasha's father greeted him warmly.

"I can't thank you again, Sir Long, thank you for bringing this brat home."

Natasha pouted, "What brat! I'm your heir."

Rick laughed, "Right, right. I know."

This father and daughter pair get along as ever. Sir Rick led him inside the parlor and closed the door immediately. Chauncey noted how there was nobody else around.

"An engagement between your daughter and me?"

"Father!" Natasha looked livid. "You didn't discuss this with me at all."

"Of course not, I knew how you'd react."

Natasha shook her head, "You can't decide this."

Rick glanced over at him, and Chauncey paused. "May I ask why?"

"Currently, all those proposing to Natasha are getting attacked."

"I did hear those rumors but.."

Rick sighed and nodded his head.

"All the candidates that came forward have been attacked one after the other. And there is one of them that I have considered seriously. But. . . it has come to the point where I can't announce it so."

"Who is this candidate?"

"Lord Kirishima."

Chauncey raised his eyebrows. That arrogant man? "He got hurt too?"

"Yes, it was during Natasha's captivity. So nobody realized the connection at first. However, it was brought up again by an observant bystander. So now people are calling our family cursed. This timing is bad since I'm about to announce my retirement and pass things onto Natasha."

'An observant bystander?' Chauncey raised his eyebrows. If people couldn't make the connection before, for them to suddenly do so means there is something wrong here. Is Touma aiming at them? This method seems very familiar. Stirring chaos by fabricating rumors and using that opportunity to sweep what they want.

"If I accept this, what about …"

Rick nodded. "You have nothing to worry about, I have explained the circ.u.mstances to him. While he did seem reluctant, he does agree that for now, an engagement between him and Natasha is impossible."


"I apologize again. I didn't think he would do something like that…" Natasha said. The girl currently sat on her bed, hugging a large bunny rabbit. The sight was slightly amusing. Usually, this girl would be so fierce. He didn't expect her room to be the complete opposite.

"You do not need to apologize. If he didn't bring it up, I would have."

Natasha stared at him, "Because we used to play together secretly when we were kids?"

"You remember that?"

"Well, yeah. Otherwise, do you think I'd be bold enough to use your first name?"

"Fair enough," Chauncey trailed off. "You're going to be my woman from now on. So I need to...warn you in advance."

The girl laughed, "I know I've heard about them. Relax, relax. I know how to deal with jealous girls."

"I see. Then, let's go over some rules for the upcoming event."

"Gah, this sounds way too strict."

"If you're to be my fiance, then there are certain things you need to know."

"Then the same goes for me! You should learn more about the group."

"Is that why you asked me to come over?"

Natasha winked, "It's better to familiarize yourself with everything, right, dear husband?"


So that's why they headed to the harbor. But, he didn't expect to run into Akito and Setsura. Thankfully they hadn't seen him yet, "You see, this is a new boat my family are helping to build." Natasha explained. "They've been working with the western engineers a lot."

Chauncey glanced over, and his eyes widened. "This is impressive." The construction of the boat was on a whole other level.

"Fufu, right?"

"But you're attracting too much attention," Chauncey mumbled. How come Touma hasn't done anything about this yet?

Natasha sighed, "Well, actually, they are keeping an eye out on us. Three o'clock."

Chauncey slightly tilted his head to look in the direction she mentioned. But he did so subtly; indeed, it was like what Natasha said. Not too far from them were a group of men, all casually spread out. So, Touma is worried about Natasha's family after all, huh? Once he gets wind of the engagement, no doubt, Touma will have specific instructions for him. However, that is what Chauncey is aiming for. He wants an excuse to ensure that Natasha stays alive. Touma's previous plans for the girl's family are well known. That must be why sir Rick is in a rush.

He is worried that Touma will try to take advantage of his retirement.

"I understand what my father is thinking. But our family has never had to bend our rules for another person. Sir Toumas demands, however, are way too strict," Natasha sighs, "Why do we the yakuza have to bend down to the likes of them? It makes me sick. Do you know how generations of history my family has?"

"I know," Chauncey nodded. That's why he understands where Touma is going with this.


Akito noticed him, of course, he did. That is why he kept Setsura's attention elsewhere. He does not want these two to cross paths again, if possible. He does not know what happened between them and he would rather not know.

Besides his gaze drifted towards Natasha, that girl should be able to distract him for awhile. "Akito, what do you think looks better?" Setsura holds up two apples. One from different venders, it seems like the two old ladies were competing with each other.


Setsura nodded. "I thought so too," she puts one apple back down. "Better luck next time, miss. I will take these," Setsura said to the shopkeeper on the right side.

"Thank you for the purchase."

"Why apples?"

"I was thinking of making apple pie, and grated apple.."

"Why apple dishes?"

She glared at him, "You keep eating food with too much salt. It isn't good for you."

Setsura keeps getting better at cooking. He doesn't have to force himself to eat her dishes any more. Still, he wonders why she has been making this much of an effort. These days the relationship between them has more or less returned to how it was before. But in its own way, something has changed. Instead of him coming to find her, sometimes she would come to find him.

"Then, I guess my future is guaranteed now."

"Quit it with the jokes; you're always messing around," Setsura sighed.

He wasn't joking, but he supposes now isn't the time to explain that to her.

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