We Will Meet Again

Chapter 99 - The Second Shard

Her gaze landed on the person approaching her from the back. It was that woman named Ekaterina. A deep sigh of relief passed her lips. So, it was her, after all? Setsura didn't know whether or not she should praise herself for getting it right. But at least it isn't somebody troublesome. Ekaterina being an ayakashi, was something she figured out from the first day. While the woman resembled a human, there was an otherworldly feeling about her.

Setsura cut all the blue wires as she lands on the ground. "Let's consider this rationally. If it wasn't me, did you think it would be you?"

"Shut up! You're deceiving him."

"And you're not? You're using his enemy's men; there is a connection with you and Akito's enemy. Do you think he would accept you?" Setsura shot back. She didn't want to bother with pointless words. But this girl was irritating her.


At that, the ginger-haired girl's outburst caused the ground to erupt a little and caused even more powerful, and strong wire binds to head in her direction.

Setsura sighed when people are angry; they can certainly use any form of ability to their max. "But that would be illogical," she mumbled. Even if everything happens for a reason, the illogical things, the painful things. It has it's limits.

Setsura closed, as she dropped the knife. With her bare hands cut through the blue binds. She cut through it easily and landed a direct blow in the girl's stomach, causing her to fall back, landing on the ground. Her ginger hair opponent was now covered in burnt marks and bruises, "Why?"

She made her way over and sat on top of the girl, " The more people use any form of ability with powerful emotions and a cause. The stronger my strengths become, but even then, you cannot match me." Her eyes glow bright red as she touched the girl's face, " Please rest for awhile. It really would be best until you don't get involved any further."

Once the girl's eyes were closed, she picked up her bag and began to walk off. Honestly, things never go as planned. Setsura made her way up the snowy steps. She stopped black hair leaning against the pillar, "Akito?"

Akito smiled, "I guess you have the fundamentals to use a gun properly."

"...You're not surprised?"

"I figured you had some form of training already," Akito nodded. "This won't change my opinion of you."

It won't? Of course, it won't. From the very start, Akito has treated her with such kindness.

"Anyhow, I won the bet. Let's go home."

Won the bet? Setsura glanced over at him and noticed something unusual. Underneath the darkness of the night, Setsura could see from the faint light coming from the lights. Akito's face was covered in bruises. Her eyes widened alarmed. "You…"

Akito held out a box, "Isn't this what you were looking for? Is it for your mission?"

He already knew that too? Setsura nodded and opened the box. Sure enough, a shard resembling the one she had before appeared.

Arriving at the mansion very late at night. Setsura didn't bother complaining when Akito decided to stay in her room. It was either his or hers, and they happened to use the staircase that was closer to her room.

She already understood it.

That her actions were beginning to confuse others, and indeed they really would be deemed as puzzling. Yet Setsura realized that she would not be able to stabilize herself otherwise if she isn't with him.

Whenever she's with him, there is a warmth.

A certain amount of warmth that only a pure flame with a bright color could give out. Yet his flame is very dark; it's pure black, almost like a shadow. Like those shadows that would purge her into a terrible nightmare. Yet Setsura wonders why wonders why this persons flame is so very warm. Almost as though it is her very own light, it is quite unusual.

Her gaze landed on Akito, who had fallen asleep. Unlike earlier, his face didn't seem so troubled. 'At least he looks calmer now,' she thought.

Setsura carefully removed his arms of her as she stood up and made her way towards the window. Despite the lateness of the time, she could still see it clearly. The city bustling with life. She glanced back at Akito. For a while he shouldn't wake up, well when he does, he will get mad at her. She chuckles to herself. Indeed that would be quite amusing.


She's grateful.

Grateful for him for helping her out.

Yet for matters like this, matters that would be considered ' taboo' or breaking the code. Setsura knew better than to ask him to ask him to stain his hands with red - to turn this gorgeous white color red. Asking that of him would be too selfish.

Besides, despite her gratefulness, a part of her just wanted Akito to interact with others more. Though he had been sleeping with her a lot and accompanying her to places. In the end, he never really spoke to people. But now that's different.

That's right. He is right, as usual. At the rate this is going in, she won't be able to do anything.

'You can't hide it anymore.'

It's already long past the point she needs to hide it. That's probably why her gaze lands on her surroundings - the pile of bodies dyed in red. That's probably why they thought they stood a chance. Word has gotten around already. This group definitely won't be the only one. But it's disgraceful, disgraceful for them to do something like this.

These people were the remains of the men from earlier.

If Akito knew that her hands are stained with blood, what would he say? The future, in a world filled with laws. How come she had training for such things? It made little sense. But that wasn't the first time she held a gun. She is good at wielding a knife. She wonders if there is a connection or not. But the shard Akito won for her in the auction was a blood red.

Setsura glanced up at the dark skies.

She wonders if Akito would understand. The people in section one had the right to keep their eyes out on her. Her frequent dizzy spells, and waking up with blood on her hands. These peculiar skills, it wouldn't be a surprise if somebody told her she was a killer. But even then, Setsura knew that things wouldn't change between her and Akito. That guy would still foolishly accept her no matter what.

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