Weak Mechanics? Dominate The Universe From Skynet

109: The Genesis starship, half-step 6 stars!

Looking at the light spot on the display, Xia Feng's pupils shrunk to a point in an instant.

He knew very well that it was not a special effect.

It is the shape change of metal powder under the erosion of spiritual energy!!

In layman's terms, it means that those warships whose average combat power can reach 4 stars will turn into powder in an instant under the attack of the enemy!!

There was hardly any warning, and by the time Skynet received the alarm, those battleships had completely collapsed!!

"Skynet, immediately analyze the enemy's attack methods!!"9

"According to the scheduled plan No. 5, the follow-up warships will keep up!!""

"Keep your distance and test the enemy's attack range!!""

In just a few moments, Xia Feng made a series of arrangements according to the situation on site.

Facts have proved that the 6-star powerhouse is indeed powerful.

In just one sentence, the vanguard was completely wiped out!!

That's thousands of warships with at least 4 stars.

If the revolutionary army had so many warships from the beginning, how could it take more than a year to develop to this point??

At most three months, none of those immortal cultivators will absolutely die!!

However, even such a powerful army turned into powder in an instant!

Die to the point where there is no scum left!!

The loss is so great, but it is not without a little good news.

"Either that guy is not strong enough, or he is too injured!!

The only ones that were destroyed by the enemy's attack were the battleships surrounding the secret realm.

Those forces deployed on the periphery of Chi Yanzong did not suffer any losses!!

This also means that the enemy is not as strong as Xia Feng expected!

As long as there is room for detours, then there is the possibility of victory.

Perhaps, he does not need to pin his hopes on that illusory humanistic destiny.

After receiving the war order.

The Protoss began to retreat.

With their strength, it is not enough to fight against the 6-star powerhouse for the time being.

Even if the opponent is just a "weakened version" of a 6-star powerhouse.

And the omnic civilization and the zerg civilization began to support in an orderly manner!

Especially the Zerg civilization, which has already covered the entire Scarlet Flame Mountain Range, began to frantically explode troops!!

Compared with mechanical warships, the cost of producing biological weapons is significantly lower and the efficiency is higher!

The commands they receive are simple.

First, cooperate with mechanical warships to complete the collection of enemy intelligence.

Second, enter the secret realm and find the powerhouse in the tribulation period!

For a time, the overwhelming biological armies rushed wildly.

They don't know what death is, they only know how to charge, and then charge!!

In a deafening explosion.

The other party was finally aroused by real fire.

"You goddamn ants! Give me all to die!!"

An incomparably huge spiritual energy poured out, and in an instant, with the entrance to the secret realm as the center, countless white flames poured out.

Wherever you go, everything is white!!

The thermometer showed that those flames reached a staggering 10,000 degrees Celsius, the temperature of the surface of a star!

When designing biological arms, Xia Feng also considered high temperature tolerance.

He also specializes in inserting special DNA segments of silicon-based lifeforms into the gene pools of those biological arms.

When necessary, the combat unit can activate the special gene segment and condense a layer of silicon-based armor on the body surface!

In order to resist the high temperature outside.

The highest withstand limit can reach 2000 degrees Celsius!!

However, in the face of the enemy's attack, this number is not even a little bit worse!!

Alien or velociraptor.

At the moment of contact with the flame, it is like ice cubes entering the frying pan.

There isn't even time for an adaptive transition.

It turned into coke in an instant, and then burned itself to the ground!!

Even the mechanical battleships that had propped up their energy shields early in the sky were not immune to this temperature.

It only lasted a few minutes longer than the army of creatures.

And then they are on fire!!

Various metals are roasted at high temperature and turned into hot liquid.

Some even sublime directly to gas!!

For a time, the battlefield was full of weird metal steam and pungent burnt smell!!

If it were any other army, even the revolutionary army, it would definitely shy away at this time.

After all, survival is the instinct of every intelligent creature.

Not afraid of death does not mean that you can accept meaningless death calmly!!

The large-scale deaths of comrades-in-arms will bring unspeakable pressure on the battlefield.

If it is an ancient army, if the death rate reaches about 10%, the whole army will flee.

For a modern army that has undergone scientific training, this number can be enlarged to 20%-30%.

Not (cbbc) too, for the Zerg civilization.


The Zerg warriors will go to death without being ordered to retreat!

In their simple brains, there are only three concepts: loyalty to the tribe, loyalty to Xiafeng, and killing the enemy.

Any other existence is meaningless, including the desire to survive!!

Not to mention the brutal fight over there.

After a period of calculation, Skynet finally analyzed the opponent's previous attack method.

"Condensing the spiritual energy into countless molecular-level swords, forcibly cutting off the attraction between molecules..."

Looking at the data report given by Skynet, Xia Feng's eyes lit up.

He knew very well what was behind this ability.

In "Three-Body Problem", there is a probe called Waterdrop, and its outer shell is made of strong force material (SIM).

Its reflectivity to electromagnetic waves is 100%, it is absolutely smooth, and the temperature is at absolute zero.

It is obviously just an ultra-small probe with a length of less than 3.5 meters.

However, in the doomsday battle, it took less than 30 minutes to destroy all of the more than 2,000 human space battleships!!

In fact, Xia Feng has always wanted to obtain the technology to produce force-enhancing materials.

Using a special technique, the gaps between the molecules are zeroed out and they are forcibly fixed together.

In Xia Feng's opinion, this material is simply perfect!!

Unfortunately, as a technology that can only be mastered by a 6-star civilization, it belongs to an existence that is elusive.

The source machine has the ability to forcibly lock the molecules together in a short period of time.

But there's no point in doing that!

Materials that cannot maintain stability have no practical use value.

"If I can get the other party's technology to manipulate spiritual energy at that level, then as long as I deduce it in depth, it is entirely possible to achieve what I want..."

"Once you have mastered the production technology of strong force materials, and then use it as the core to carry out the industrial revolution, the promotion of 6-star civilization is just around the corner!!

Thinking of this, Xia Feng's eyes began to glow!!

Before, it was just a good expectation that the Protoss civilization would be promoted to a 6-star civilization in this world.

As for whether it can be done or not, Xia Feng himself does not know.

But now it is different, although it still cannot guarantee 100% success.

But have seen hope!!

And it is only the hope of the Protoss family, if a breakthrough can be made in the field of materials.

Omnics and Zerg can benefit from it!!

It is equal to one pay, three gains!!

With this thought in mind, Xia Feng couldn't bear it anymore.

As his mind turned, a truly powerful battleship began to appear.

As I said before, Xia Feng is trying to combine the advantages of the three civilizations of omnic, zerg, and protoss.

Try to walk out of your own way of civilization!!

After investing a lot of manpower and material resources, and after a long time of research, there have been preliminary results.

[Weapon Name]: Genesis Starship

[Strength Cap]: Half-step 6 stars

[Instructions for use]: The product after the fusion of the three civilizations has extremely strong combat power and has the ability to self-replicate, self-heal, and instant energy!!

Due to the great difficulty of construction and the shortage of additional materials.

Even if there is time to speed up, Xia Feng will only build 10 ships!

However, they are the well-deserved ace in Xia Feng's hands.

Even stronger than Xia Feng's own strength!!

"I want to see, is it your seriously injured tribulation period, or is it my starship battle group?!

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