Weak Shape Changer? My Posture Is Full Of God Form!

Chapter 46: Back In Time! Take The Human Crown!

"God Lu! Don't go!"

"Even if you go, she will definitely kill you!"

"God Lu! Run!"

"Even if you get the human crown, she will definitely not let you back!"

"In this way, you will fall into her tricks!"

In the satellite broadcast room, people all over the world are shouting to Lu Cang.

They all clenched their fists.

Especially, the students in the special recruitment class on the coast of Sakura Country.

They also saw this picture through the Internet.

However, they could only clenched their fists palely.

impotent rage.

There is no way to help Lu Cang even the slightest bit.

The environment Lu Cang is in now is beyond the reach of people of their level!

"Lu Cang, hang in there! Play around again! The teacher will be there soon!"

"Wait until we arrive to deal with it!"

However, the Zerg Queen seems to have anticipated these things.

"Don't wait."

"Even if your support comes, it is impossible for me to return the human crown to you!"

"Do you really think that a few 90-level existences can do nothing to me?"

"As long as the Emperor is not around, if you dare to come to my world, I will kill you, just like killing chickens."

"Are you afraid that I will break my promise and kill you?"

"Well, I can sign a contract with you."

"As long as you bring my sister's body over, I can promise not to kill you."

"After you get the human crown, I can let you go back to your blue star safely, how about it?"

Lu Cang heard this.

The corners of the mouth slightly raised.

"Are you serious?"


The Zerg queen was overjoyed when she saw Lu Cang took the bait.

"I, the Zerg Queen, swear to the throne!"

"As long as you send my sister's body over, I will definitely hand over the human crown to you and guarantee you to return to Blue Star!"

Hear this oath.

Lu Cang seemed relieved.

"Okay, you are the queen of the Zerg, I believe in you."

"No! Lu Cang!"

"God Lu! Don't be stupid! This matter is not that simple!"

"Don't accept her request! Go back!"

"Go! Lu Cang! Don't!"

Lu Cang ignored the advice delivered in various ways.

Then, the Do Not Disturb mode was turned on directly.

Walk towards the void crack.

The Zerg Queen saw Lu Cang approaching.

He stepped back a little with a smile on his face.

Leave a little room for cracks that are already packed.

Allow Lu Cang to enter.


The next moment.

Lu Cang is in the universe starry sky.

Lu Cang looked up.

An incomparably huge planet is right in front of him.

On the planet, there are densely packed insect eggs.

The eggs hatch into individual worms.

At the same time, Lu Cang could also see that there seemed to be humans and insects on Saturn.

It seems to be a person, and it seems to be a bug.

The shape of those bugs is more perfect than what I saw in Sakura Country.

A sense of sufficient strength can be felt.

This is Saturn.

Dwelling upon it are the swarms of Saturn!

Life support bubbles pop.

Life support bubbles are not only effective in the sea.

In other harsh environments without oxygen.

It will also take effect automatically.

However, in fact, level 20 job changers.

Oxygen is no longer needed.

At the same time, it can already survive in a low temperature environment for a short time.

And at the thirtieth level, the bodies of the job-changers have been able to adapt to the universe for a long time.

Lu Cang came to Saturn.

Facing the worm mother, there was no panic at all.

"Give me the human crown first."

However, the Zerg Queen did not deliver the Human Crown right away.

"Human, take out my sister's body first."

Lu Cang laughed.

There seemed to be some sarcasm on the expression.

"Exquisite Zerg Queen, I'm just a level 20 human job changer."

"I've arrived at your place."

"Are you still afraid that I will repent?"

The Zerg Queen seemed to be afraid of something.

Lu Cang through mind reading.

Can see.

The oath she just made really has a certain binding force on her.

But this binding force is not very strong.

Violation will only pay a certain price.

But the price is not very high.

Not to the point where it cannot be violated at all.

The Zerg Queen hesitated slightly.

The human being was right.

He's already on Saturn, there's no point in lying to him.

Afterwards, she still handed the human crown to Lu Cang.

Lu Cang gets the human crown.

Put it in your backpack.

"Okay, take my sister's body..."

The moment he got the human crown.

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Lu Cang's mouth.


[Time - Backtracking]





"Don't you want to return this?"

Lu Cang goes back to this point in time.

The time when the Zerg Queen just took out the human crown.

At this point in time, Lu Cang has also seen the human crown.

After backtracking, Lu Cang turned around and ran away.


"You ignore me! You don't want your human crown!"

The Zerg Queen was also stunned.

How can this human being not listen?

Holding a human crown in his hand, he was completely ignored by this human being?

However, the Zerg queen suddenly realized something.



"Where is my crown?"

"My human crown, where did it go?"

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