Weak Shape Changer? My Posture Is Full Of God Form!

Chapter 56: Lu Cang's Form Exposed!

As soon as this statement is made.

In an instant, he was stared at by countless students.

"He hasn't reached level 30 yet, and he can't download a dungeon. How about you upgrade for others?"

"It's really shameless. Asura, who completed the second rank at level 30, wants to beat someone at level 20."

"Others download the dungeon, and if you don't let others download it, you have to suppress the level if you co-author it?"

"As far as shamelessness is concerned, you three are stronger."

"We don't even need the second rank of Lu Shen, and we can beat your career after the second rank."

"What kind of waste, dare not fight in a fair fight?"

"Others want to inherit the position of emperor, so they have to upgrade quickly. Do you think it's for you?"

"It's really a toad and a frog, a flower that thinks beautifully."

I wanted to humiliate Lu Cang.

As a result, unexpectedly, he was humiliated instead.

This sentence is sarcasm.

Alaya's face was also a little uneasy.

He also knew he was dishonorable.

So, turned around and left.

However, before leaving, he still did not forget to say a word.

"Tell Lu Cang for me, and tell him that I will be the first to beat him."

"The geniuses of the Three Kingdoms are the strongest in the world."

"I will be the first human emperor born in the Three Kingdoms."

"Teacher Zhao, look, how is this kid from the Three Kingdoms doing?"

"Asura, a very strong profession."

"Using mind power as a sword, you can unleash invisible attacks."

"Others couldn't see his attack at all, so they were killed by him."

"Very powerful."

"Moreover, the attributes in all aspects are very strong."

"There may not be a single occupation with an SS rating in a country in ten years."

"This year, Lu Cang happened to meet me."

I heard Mr. Zhao comment like this.

The young teacher beside him swallowed involuntarily.

"This is the genius who came to challenge Lu Cang?"

"What do you think is our Lu Cang's chance of winning?"

Teacher Zhao looked at the back of the genius of the Three Kingdoms.

There was a slight pause.

This pause.

It really shocked the teachers around me.

"Ms. Zhao, don't scare me, Lu Cang won't win, right?"

"Then... what time does it open?"

Old Chen made a gesture.


"Ten to ten."

"The genius of the Three Kingdoms may indeed be a genius."

"Playing in our special recruitment class this year is indeed the same as playing."

"This year, in our Country of Summer, there are no SS-level occupations."

"It is indeed impossible to compete with him."

"But Lu Cang of our Summer Country."

"It's a monster."

"The two are not at the same level at all."

"You haven't seen the video sent by Yunqing, have you?"

"Oh yes, you don't have enough authority to see it."


【Peking University】

【School Committee】

At this moment, a picture is playing on the screen.

This picture is nothing else.

It was in the country of cherry blossoms, Yun Qing's perspective.

I saw Yun Qing flying all the way to find Lu Cang.

after a period of time.

Finally found the figure of Lu Cang.

No, this existence, I don't know if it can be called Lu Cang.

This is a huge, unspeakable monster.

Just the moment of seeing it.

You will feel a shudder.

Feel the fear from the heart.

Its existence seems to be the embodiment of mutation and the root of flesh and blood.

But it is this existence.

Waving the profane long whip in his hand, he whipped and whipped again and again.

Constantly attacking the immobile Zerg Queen on top of the clock castle.

Moreover, from time to time in that area, bloody storms spread.

Swarms of insects also died as the bloody storm spread.

Even bugs of level fifty or sixty are no exception.

The 70th-level bug also lay down on the ground after a short resistance.

Such a dense swarm.

Gives the conditions for the corruption to be greatly superimposed.

No matter how strong a monster is, it cannot resist thousands of layers of corruption.

Layers of corruption.

Every second is the disappearance of millions of blood.

And after killing the Zerg Queen.

The kill prompt also popped up in front of everyone.

Everything bodes well.

This monster is Lu Cang.

"Could this be Lu Cang's transformation posture?"

"Yes...but, this is one of Lu Cang's transformation gestures."

After that, follow Lu Cang into the clock castle.

After obtaining a prop.

Lu Cang's body turned into a huge silver snake!

It should be said that the whole body is like a mirror.

Huge silver mirror snake!

This long snake gives people an inviolable and majestic atmosphere.

When seeing him.

It seems that I feel that my concept of time is blurred.

"This... is also Lu Cang's gesture?"

Although the attribute value cannot be seen.

But this gesture.

Just by looking at it, there is a daunting feeling.

This is an existence far above the giant dragon.

It is much scarier than the so-called dragon shape.

Do not……

The dragon form should not be compared with this form at all.

There's no comparison at all.

"You kid Lu Cang, you hide really deep."

"Before he fought in the special teaching building, he directly killed the students in our special recruitment class."

"He said he had transformed, which made me really believe it."

"Do you believe it? Anyway, I don't believe it."

"After all, the ordinary human form of a shape-changer can directly kill other S-level professions in seconds, which is outrageous no matter how you think."

"However, the first gesture is really terrifying. I can't help but tremble just seeing those vertical eyes."

"Terror? What's wrong with terror? Can it be enough?"

"As long as it can be controlled, it doesn't matter what the form of power is."

"Aren't there still demon walkers among our students?"

"Indeed, among our students, there are thieves, blood mages, and necromancers."

"The form of power is not important, what is important is his master."

"The shape changer Lu Cang is completely different from the shape changers we know."

"Perhaps, his career level should be reclassified."

"Lu Cang's shape changer level should be classified as SSS level!"

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