Weak Shape Changer? My Posture Is Full Of God Form!

Chapter 76: Ten Times The Experience Of The Whole Family! Horror Bonus!

"Fuck, enhancement level 5?"

"Brilliant quality?"

"Damn, isn't this a quality above crystal?"

"Damn, I vaguely remember that in this world, none of the brilliant quality equipment can be enhanced beyond level 3, right?"

"Brilliant quality equipment, basically only level 90 dungeons can be released."

"Furthermore, reinforcement materials are very difficult to produce, one reinforcement is enough to bankrupt a medium-sized country.

"Even a big family can't bear it."

"I remember... It seems that after the equipment fails to be strengthened, it will be shattered?"

"This is a human crown, it shouldn't be broken."

"But I've heard that if the human crown fails to strengthen, it will be relegated."

"I remember learning in history class that hundreds of years ago, when the former Human Emperor strengthened the Human Crown to +4, the enhancement level of the Human Crown has never been changed again.

job changers around the world.

Can't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

This Lu Cang is really brave.

How dare you directly strengthen the human crown?

Could it be that he is not afraid of being crowned?

And on the other side.

Awaken Lu Cang as a sub-class Blacksmith.

A second ago, I was extremely satisfied.

After all, he is the sub-professional enlightenment teacher of today's Emperor.

This is a forceful style, and it goes up immediately.

But unexpectedly, the next second, Human Sovereign would give him a big job.


This blacksmith who just awakened strengthened the human crown?

This TM is a bit outrageous!

Not to mention strengthening the human crown.

Other blacksmiths want to strengthen some equipment.

Do not use junk equipment as a mat first.

First train the skill [Forging Strengthening] to level seven or eight.

After the success rate of forging is higher.

Then strengthen.

Good guy, this Human Sovereign has just awakened as a blacksmith.

In the next second, the strengthening of the human crown will be carried out non-stop.

Level 1 [Forging Strengthening] skill, to strengthen the equipment of brilliant quality.

And it's +4 equipment.

This tm "Isn't it a bit too much?


The scariest thing is.

He also strengthened successfully?

[Human Crown———The protection of the common people: the effect of flesh and blood regeneration has been improved! 】

[Regeneration of flesh and blood: all human races, restore 10% of the maximum health per second]

Look at this blessing.

The eyeballs of the entire human race were about to pop out.

Damn it, with such a fucking protection, the effect is doubled?

Is it that outrageous?

Every 10% of maximum health restored?

In this world, why do you need a nanny?

Goodbye nurse, goodbye nurse!

Nurses all over the world, the moment they saw this blessing pop up.

There are mixed feelings in my heart.

They don't know whether to be happy or sad.

Obviously, this protection is for the entire human race, and they have also been strengthened.

But they were not happy at all.

The original 5% of the maximum health recovery.

Maybe we all need a nanny.

After all, 5% may not be enough to return to some high-explosive bosses.



Damn, why do you need a nanny?

Even if a skill hits 50% blood, it will be fully recovered as long as it is played for 5 seconds.

Still fucking!


Before the nannies broke out their emotions.

I didn't wait for the other job changers to cheer.

In the next second, another prompt pops up!

【World Announcement!】

【Lu Cang enhanced the human crown (brilliant) to +6 enhancement level!】

[The protection effect of common people has been improved]

[Protection of common people——flesh and blood regeneration: all races, restore 20% of life per second]

See this blessing.

The entire human race fell into silence directly.


This attribute, you tell me, is this a protection for the whole human race?

Even a level 90 healer's big move [Holy Healing Light Rain]

It's just this effect.

It is equivalent to a 90-level healer's ultimate move on his body.

This, can no longer be described as abnormal.

As for how Lu Cang enhanced the human crown to +6 level.

They don't want to care, and they don't want to ask.

This Human Sovereign has already exceeded the scope of their common sense cognition.

【Peking University】

Lu Cang looked at the +6 man crown in his hand.

A tired look appeared on his face.

+5 enhanced to +6.

One in a million success rate.

In the eyes of others.

It's just a matter of minutes.

But for Lu Cang, time went back hundreds of thousands of times.

Even if it is very lucky.

But in the face of extremely low probability, luck plays a very small role.

"a bit tired".. "

Lu Cang closed his eyes and took a short rest.

[Human crown +6 (brilliant)]

The four-dimensional attribute provided by the human crown has been increased from the original 30,000 points to 300,000 points.


As for other effects, there are also extremely significant improvements.

[Effect 1: Asylum of the Emperor's Dao———Your toughness is increased by 99%, immune to all controls with a duration of less than 60 seconds, and immune to all controls lower than your level 20. 1

[Effect 2: Luck of humanity——acquire a lucky value equal to 4 times the level. 】

[Effect 3: The protection of the common people———————————As the level increases, you can provide exclusive protection for the human race according to your professional characteristics. protection ability

[Effect 4: Resonance of the Emperor - your skills will have additional special effects on the human race. 】

The third effect has been significantly improved to every human race.

As for effect four.

It must have improved, but Lu Cang hasn't used his skills on others yet.

So, I don't know what to mention.

In addition, with the strengthening, the human crown has two new effects.

[Effect 5: The Immortal Emperor—the wearer of the Human Crown can get three chances of resurrection every day. 】

[Effect 6: Endless Potential——The experience value obtained by all human races, regardless of the way, is 10 times that of the original. 】

These two effects.

Straightforward and pure.

This chance of resurrection is not all useless for Lu Cang.

Going back in time is going back in time, and life is life.

Naturally, the more lives the better.

Going back in time, after all, is just going back to the past, and can't change anything in this time and space.

The resurrection is pure and direct resurrection.

It's like when playing games in the previous life, can loading files and the number of resurrections of characters be confused?

As for ten times experience...

Lu Cang can only use two words to evaluate.

Invincible bonus, no explanation.

The upgrade that could have been completed in one year can now be completed in one month.

The original four years of study were directly condensed into five months.

Job changers at level 10 will enter the university, and those at level 40~45 will come out.

But now, level 10 job changers can directly reach level 45 in the first half of the semester.

After four years of college, I am afraid that he will directly create a strong man of level 90.

You know, the reason why the upgrade speed is slow.

It is also because in the process of upgrading, there is always a process from difficult to easy to challenge the copy.

This process is also the process of upgrading in the process of brushing the copy.

Therefore, the efficiency of spawning monsters is low, and the upgrade speed is naturally low.

But now, the upgrade speed has increased, and the growth process of killing monsters will also be accelerated.

Under layers of acceleration.

In the long run, this upgrade speed is far more than 10 times as simple as before.

Even 20 times, 30 times are possible.

【World Channel】

The whole world, seeing this experiential enhancement prompt pops up.

They all went mad.

""My lord!"

"I love you!"

"Fuck, don't talk about it, just this +6 person crown, I will directly declare that Lu Shen is the strongest human emperor!"

"There is Lu God first and then Heaven! I have loved Lu God for ten thousand years!"

"Ten times the speed of upgrading! I reload fighters, have meat and output! Has anyone formed a team to download the book?"

"Me me me!"

"Fuck, bro, where are you stacking buffs here? I'm envious of the heavily armored fighter who got the biggest bonus!"

"Nurse, does anyone want it! Please bring a copy!"

"I'm a clergyman! It's really not good, I can wash skills, boudoir priesthood! I'll play the output belt and take me!"


for a while.

All over the world, there is another frenzy of brushing dungeons!

After all, this addition is too fragrant!

Even if it is a job changer who just finished brushing the dungeon overnight and is going to catch up on sleep.

At this moment, I couldn't hold back my excitement.

I want to brush another copy to refresh myself.

What I look forward to the most are those tank and melee occupations.

They just want to experience what it feels like to recover 20% of blood per second.

This fucking, these buffs.

It must be too cool, right?

At this moment, they are facing the Zerg that invaded last night.

Fear has been swept away.


What are Zerg?

Do you have the ability to do it again?

Let's see if I don't tear them all up!

"Lu Shen, Lu Shen's human crown, will it continue to be strengthened?"

"This strengthening once, the improvement rate is that big."

"I remember, the quality of the Brilliant level, the level is the upper limit of strengthening, right? (Lee's"

"Lu Shen, it hasn't been strengthened to the upper limit yet, the bonus is so abnormal."

"If it is strengthened to the upper limit, how terrifying will it be?"

However, although everyone is looking forward to it.

But in the world announcement, there is no news that the human crown has been strengthened to level 7.

And in the manor.

It's not that Lu Cang doesn't want to continue strengthening.

It's this fucking +6 to +7 enhancement level.

It actually needs 100,000【Enhanced Magic Crystal (Brilliant)】

For level 1 enhancement, 100,000 enhanced magic crystals are required.

Why not grab it?

In Lu Cang's hands now, there are only 1000 strengthening magic crystals left.

Just strengthened from +5 to +6, already consumed two thousand.

"no solution anymore."


Lu Cang called Yun Qing.

"I am here."

"I need a resplendent-level enhanced magic crystal, one hundred thousand.

"Can you find a way to help me get it all together?"

After Yun Qing heard Lu Cang's request.

There was a brief silence.

Then, respond.

"I'm going to communicate."

"I'll do my best to get you these materials.

See the announcement that popped up earlier.

It was not difficult for Yun Qing to guess what Lu Cang wanted these enhanced magic crystals for.

Even though he was as calm as a cloud, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

The human crown is strengthened to +7.

How terrifying is that bonus?

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