Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 143 Chasing the Night, Great Breath Condensation Technique

call out--

Now, several law enforcement officers from the Supreme Court came out, turned into a stream of light at top speed, and chased after him.

The so-called streamer.

It is when an apostle-level extraordinary person integrates himself into the power of heaven and earth and performs teleportation. Due to the speed, the power of heaven and earth is split apart like air waves. The power of heaven and earth is squeezed instantly and is produced, which can be captured by the naked eye. The tangible substance of a moment.


A clear glow lingered in the hands of one of the law enforcement officers, and a powerful turbulence of air hit Su Qi's back. The speed was frightening, and the power of heaven and earth was disrupted, as if it could tear everything apart.

The sight was extremely appalling!

However, Su Qi didn't even look back, and just relied on his strong mental perception to avoid it in an instant.

Without saying a word, he sprinted all the way, his eyes constantly looking at the buildings below, trying to find a suitable hiding place.

He possesses a great breath-condensing technique, and is currently in the form of transforming into a chaotic creature. He only needs to give him a little time to get out of the opponent's sight, and he can completely get rid of this group of 'enthusiastic' audiences.

Yes, tonight's performance has ended perfectly.

As the only performer, you should not get too involved with the audience.

Only by keeping an appropriate distance and maintaining a sense of mystery can the effect he creates be achieved best.

The law enforcement officers led by Zuo Qing in the rear had cold and calm faces. They did not communicate much. They all stared at the figures in front of them, and they had already regarded each other as prey that must be captured alive.

That's right.

This night.

They have seen the tip of the iceberg of the conservative forces of the ancient Evolutionary Cult.


When he accidentally discovers the opponent's tail, he naturally bites it tightly.


Zuo Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, and the terrifying spiritual energy connected with the power of heaven and earth, extending all the way, causing the power of heaven and earth in front of Su Qi to suddenly shrink, as if he wanted to force the opponent to change his route and thus reduce his speed.

Su Qi, who noticed this, had no fluctuation in his expression.

Want to do the same trick again! ?

Did I agree?


He turned sideways slightly and waved his terrifying and ferocious hand behind him, bringing up a gust of fierce wind.

The power of chaos at the core of the Gangfeng surged instantly, evolving into a pitch-black vortex with an extremely terrifying speed, as if it could cut through everything.

Ability·Swirling Scythe!

The speed was so fast that Zuo Qing, who had reacted, had to stop the output of his mental power and quickly ducked sideways.

Just such a fleeting stagnation.

Su Qi seized the opportunity and accelerated suddenly. Like a deep-sea swordfish leaping out of the sea, he suddenly fell into a brightly lit building below.

This operation left the law enforcement officers who arrived a little confused.


In this level, everyone stands out to each other like a bonfire in the night. It doesn't seem wise to play like this.

"Could it be that he wants to take advantage of our inability to attack people outside the Evolutionary Cult and take the opportunity to escape?" One of the law enforcement officers stopped, and his consciousness locked on the opponent.

"It's really weird. Why did he suddenly give up his best speed?"

"Isn't this just throwing yourself into a trap?"

In an instant, everyone dispersed and tightly surrounded the entire building. This time, they would never let the other party slip away easily from under their noses.


Zuo Qing was also a little confused, but he just followed what the other party wanted to do.

So, except for the few law enforcement officers who surrounded the building, he led others towards the blazing bonfire perceived by his spiritual consciousness and also crashed into the building.

Building interior.

There are a lot of people shopping at this time.

When Su Qi crashed in, many people screamed in surprise.

After all, if an inhuman alien forced his way in in this way, who knew if he was on the verge of going berserk, so many people got into a mess and ran away like crazy.

at the same time.

The building's alarm system also operates at this moment.

Accompanied by the sharp and rapid sirens, the building's defense forces also continuously surrounded the building from all floors.

"Nineteenth floor!"

"He went down to the nineteenth floor!"

In the control room, a top overlord-level transcendent stared at the screen, giving loud instructions, cursing crazily in his heart.

Damn it!

Aren't all the non-human aliens silent? Now if one suddenly breaks in, it could be that he is really an irrational inhuman alien.

When he thought of this, his face turned pale.

It is also reported to the Security Department.

Although the relationship between inhuman aliens and extraordinary beings in the Thirteenth District is not as tense as in other urban areas, if the inhuman aliens lose their rationality and pose a threat to the city, they will still be eliminated by the Security Department.

However, at this moment.

Zuo Qing and others, who had been locking the opponent's position, suddenly changed their expressions.

Because, in their spiritual perception, the blazing bonfire seemed to be extinguished all of a sudden.

"How is this going!?"

"Is that inhuman being at the end of his strength? Can't he hold on anymore?"

Several people's eyes were horrified, and they couldn't help but speed up their steps again. However, due to the dense flow of people fleeing in fear, they couldn't go any faster for a while. At most, they could only use the power of heaven and earth to continuously push away the surrounding people.

But this move soon attracted crazy curses from the people around him.

"Why are you squeezing? Why rush to reincarnate!"

"Don't mess with me, no matter how hard you fucking push, who will it be if you get pregnant!?"

Under this situation, even Zuo Qing, who had always been calm, could not help but show a hint of anger at this moment.

He didn't believe that the other party died suddenly.

On the contrary, it is more like some kind of secret method to hide the aura. There are many records of this secret method in the Supreme Court, but he has never bothered to learn it because of his arrogance.

After all, most of these hiding methods have flaws. Once the distance is too close, it is also easy to be detected.

In his opinion.

Instead of wasting time learning this kind of thing, it would be better to spend more time improving your strength.

When you are powerful, you don't need to hide yourself at all.

Now that he had suffered a secret loss in this regard, he couldn't help but feel a little angry. He directly used his spiritual consciousness to issue an order to his companions who were guarding outside.

"From now on, not a single fly is allowed to leave this building!"

Outside, the law enforcement officer who received the order suddenly surged with secret energy on his body, and his powerful spiritual power quickly extended out, connecting the power of heaven and earth, forming a white light curtain visible to the naked eye.

Surround the entire building from top to bottom!

This is a combined attack secret technique passed down from the Supreme Court, which is perfect for sealing off the building.

However, this secret technique consumes too much. Even if they are all the best among the apostles, they can only be blocked for ten minutes at most. Once they are interfered by external forces, the time will be reduced to even shorter!


Zuo Qing and others inside the building only have ten minutes to search!

However, at this time, after Su Qi stepped into the escape stairs and avoided surveillance, he immediately released the transformation of the 'Doomsday Judge' and returned to his original appearance.

Then he showed his terrifying control over the power of heaven and earth, suppressing his aura to the level of an ordinary person, and then calmly squeezed into the commotion in the opposite direction, like a drop of water merging into a river.

At this time, people squeezed out desperately, and even a serious stampede occurred.

After all, an inhuman alien with a terrifying aura had just passed by, and many building security guards gathered together. Coupled with the loud sirens, this suddenly gave experienced people a bad idea.

no way.

Inhuman aliens are out of control and have broken out too many times in this city.

Su Qi in the crowd walked slowly and slowly, trying to make himself less conspicuous.

while walking.

Soon, he passed by Zuo Qing.

There was no movement in his eyes, as if he had glanced at a law enforcement officer who was squeezing his way downstairs.

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