Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 153 Disaster level, an out-and-out conspiracy

Several days of intensive searches made the atmosphere in District 13 extremely tense.

Countless people felt their hearts beating faster. High in the sky, twelve law enforcement officers flew across the sky like fighter jets from time to time, bringing a suffocating sense of oppression.

A big storm is coming.

People know very well that once the Evolutionary Cult cannot withstand the pressure, or the Supreme Court finds the slightest clue.

The spring that is tightened to the extreme will be ready to go off.

Although the three sisters Shen Chan tried their best to prevent the situation from getting worse, in the face of such absolute strength, any means were pale and powerless. In desperation, Wei Ning could only let the big ship of the 13th District take off. This declares the attitude of the city lord's palace.

However, Zuo Qing and others simply ignored these large ships.

It is true that a large ship of this type can pose a fatal threat to the Apostle class.

But what are their identities! ?

If you dare to use such a powerful weapon against them, you will definitely not be able to get support from any force in the Holy City in the future.

not to mention.

They are not ordinary apostles. Unless they are defenseless, it is almost impossible for a big ship to lock them!

Compared with these large ships taking off, Zuo Qing was more concerned about climate changes. He asked Chi Jiaran: "As an extraordinary person in the meteorological path, what do you think of the changes in the celestial phenomena these days?"

"It's a bit weird. I vaguely feel that there is a very terrifying supernatural power surging in the dark." Chi Jiaran looked a little solemn: "If it is not a precursor to the birth of a meteorological path extraordinary or some kind of monument, I am afraid it involves the destruction level. .”

"Destruction level..." Zuo Qing smiled thoughtfully, without too much worry in his heart.

As a leader of the younger generation in the Supreme Court.

The number of times they usually come into contact with destructive level powerhouses is far greater than that of the average person.

Although in the face of that level of power, he seemed as powerless as a newborn baby.

But the destruction-level powerhouses in the Supreme Court are not comparable to ordinary destruction-level ones.

More importantly, the high-level officials of the court once said that there is no soil for normal promotion to the destruction level in this area.

Even if such a person happens to appear, he is still a waste with great flaws.

Unless those disaster-level creatures escaped from another world, they could compete with the real level of destruction.


Even if the destructive level power affects the climate, it is not a big deal. This kind of uncontrolled leakage of power is probably not a destructive level powerhouse under normal conditions.

for example……

Some disaster-level creatures, when they cross the dimensional passage and cannot withstand the suppression of the power of heaven and earth, die, this kind of power will also leak out and interfere with climate change.

If it is really as he guessed.

Perhaps he will encounter a once-in-a-century opportunity, which is ten thousand times more beneficial than the benefits of carrying out the great purge mission.

after all.

Disaster-level ferocious beast crystal cores are extremely precious resources even in the Holy City.

However, Zuo Qing was not in a hurry to find the source of this power. After all, this power could affect the climate of the entire Thirteenth District. Once revealed, it would naturally be impossible for anyone to ignore!

It didn't take long.

The news that the conservatives of the Cult of Evolution were discovered in the Thirteenth District spread throughout every street and alley.

This person's name is Fan Shixing, an overlord-level inhuman alien. It is suspected that he has maintained contact with the conservatives in his early years and secretly developed members in the 13th District.

As soon as the news came out, all parties in District 13 were shocked.

You know, the conservative faction of the Evolution God Cult was comparable to the existence of the Mechanical Temple back then.

Now that District 13 is being recreated, there may be something big going on.

For some big forces, if they can establish a relationship with them, it may be their moment of great success.

Similarly, there are many people who believe that this ancient force has long since declined and has no value in cooperation. It is better to dig it out and sell it to the Evolution Cult or the Supreme Court.

In a simple room, Xiaoyan and others saw Fan Shixing on TV and almost jumped with excitement.

They never expected that Brother Fan could escape from the Cult of Evolution!

Uncle Fan, on the other hand, seemed calmer than ever before: "This is too wrong. With Xiao Xing's strength, how can he escape from the Evolution Cult unharmed!?"

The smile on Xiaoyan's face was extremely bright, and she retorted: "Perhaps the purge of the Supreme Court left the Evolution Cult too busy to take care of themselves, and Brother Fan found an opportunity?"

"That's not right." Uncle Fan narrowed his eyes.

"Logically speaking, if Xiaoxing really escapes by chance, he will contact us as soon as possible."

"There will never be a situation where we have to get news about him from TV!"

After Uncle Fan's analysis, everyone finally came to their senses.


Everyone who escapes from danger will definitely contact the people closest to them as soon as possible.

Brother Fan Shixing behaved so strangely.

Perhaps it shows that he... feels like he is still in an unsafe environment.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan couldn't help but become anxious: "No matter what, we can't just ignore Brother Fan..."

Uncle Fan thought for a while and said calmly: "Well, we still need to find the person first, but the random reports on TV that Xiaoxing has long-term contacts with conservatives are obviously misleading. I'm afraid it will be dangerous to search rashly! "

"I suggest that everyone wait in the outer city while I look for it alone."

Soon, these words were opposed by everyone.

"Uncle Fan, what are you talking about? Are we the kind of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death? If we wanted to run away, we would have left District 13 as soon as Brother Fan was caught."

"That's right, if Brother Fan hadn't encouraged everyone with his own actions, we might have lost control long ago and wouldn't have been able to hold on now!"

"We were in trouble before. It was the appearance of Brother Fan that helped us find our direction again. No matter what, we will not leave him alone easily."

Seeing how everyone was filled with indignation, Uncle Fan's eyes suddenly turned red.

Before, he thought his son was a little whimsical.

But now, he finally understands that what his son has been pursuing may not be the real long-lost conservatives.


A group of people who are unwilling to sink, hug each other for warmth, and find hope of salvation in a desperate situation.

all of these……

It's all for him, for his old father who once gave up on himself.

the other side.

After Su Qi learned the news, he instantly realized that a net was spread out in the dark, waiting for him to burrow into it.

This is an unabashed conspiracy.

Now, under the guise of a long-gone conservative, he is causing trouble in the 13th District.

If he ignores this, it is very likely that the illusion he has painstakingly created for the Supreme Court will be doubted or even undermined.

After all, if a big force like the conservatives reappears in the world, it would be unjustifiable if they show indifference to their followers.

However, Su Qi also expressed doubts about the identity of this so-called follower.

Of course, there are many non-human beings in this world who miss the original Evolutionary God Cult, but at this time, a hegemon-level follower suddenly appeared.

To know.

The current search method of the group of law enforcement officers is to find an apostle, but it is much simpler than searching for an overlord.

The Overlord level is almost negligible in front of the flowing power of heaven and earth.

It is equivalent to the difficulty of finding a boulder and a piece of sand in a river.

"They are trying to delay time!" Su Qi's eyes sharpened, and he instantly realized the intention of the Evolution God Sect.

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