Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 160 The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, a hammer fell and everything was shocked

"You go and deal with the 'mature bodies' making trouble in the city. Jiaran and I will go over to Blackwater Lake first."

After half an hour of torture, Zuo Qing and the others were still unable to learn the location of the Evolution Cult's stronghold from the captured inhuman beings.

What they didn't expect was that this inhuman alien suddenly received a message on his cell phone - Brother, I escaped from the conservatives. We must return to Blackwater as soon as possible. The stronghold has been exposed!

It’s true that the flowers planted intentionally do not bloom, but the willows planted unintentionally create shade.

And this was Su Qi's handiwork. Even if he knew the true location of the stronghold, he could only use this roundabout way to inform the Supreme Court.

Otherwise, you worry that the other party will become suspicious and waste time.

So Zuo Qing made the decision to divide his troops into two groups.

This made the other law enforcement officers a little surprised. They thought that Zuo Qing would gather everyone's strength, advance into the Blackwater Lake, and destroy the Evolution God's stronghold in one fell swoop.

They were still wondering whether to persuade Zuo Qing to deal with those 'mature bodies' first. After all, the reason why they joined the Supreme Court was that almost all of them had experienced incidents of inhuman torture, so they were naturally more inclined to deal with the riots first.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Qing went forward directly.

"Isn't this too risky? Although the Evolution God's stronghold is not something to be afraid of, there is still that mysterious conservative who is watching covetously in the secret..." Some people were a little shaken in their hearts, even though they were very confident in Zuo Qing's strength. , but the strength shown by the conservatives cannot be underestimated.

At this time, Chi Jiaran stood up and explained: "Don't worry, the conservative side... don't need to think too much for the time being. Judging from their series of actions, their target should also be the stronghold of the Evolutionary God Sect. "

"Otherwise, we wouldn't have laid a trap to capture a core member of the Evolution Cult."

"Therefore, before solving this stronghold, our goals should be the same. We can regard them as allies for the time being. What's more, our trip is more to prevent the Evolution God Cult from escaping from this stronghold."

"The mission is certainly important, but after experiencing inhuman and alien persecution, how can we sit idly by and do nothing."

After Chi Jiaran's explanation, the eyes of these law enforcement officers began to firm up, and they immediately flew towards various chaos outbreak points in the city.


In front of them, you should stop in moderation!

Time was running out, Chi Jiaran and Zuo Qing rushed to Heishui Ze to avoid another accident.

You know, the conservatives have not shown up yet, and it is very likely that they will arrive in Blackwater first.

They didn't pay too much attention to this.

On the one hand, it is the absolute confidence in their own strength, and on the other hand, they have the back-up plan that they have not disclosed.

When they received the mission from Area 13, the contact person gave them a mechanical device, saying that it contained a capability that was enough to save their lives.

Capability solidification has always been one of the top scientific and technological research directions.

It aims to use scientific and technological means to reproduce extraordinary power.

For example, the standard God-Splitting Cannon used to defend the city solidified the ability of a destructive powerhouse.

Of course, the solidification of extraordinary abilities is not casual. It requires extremely strict compatibility with technological channels, and it may not be able to exert one ten thousandth of its original ability. At most, the God Splitting Cannon can defeat king-level ferocious beasts. create a threat.

Therefore, when the contact person told them that this mechanical device had the ability to solidify, killing indiscriminately below the destruction level, and 70 or 30 times above the destruction level, they decided not to tell anyone.

Afraid of embarrassment.

They had never heard of this device capable of curing people below the level of destruction.

Although they felt that there was a certain amount of bragging in this, they also believed that the big boss who assigned the mission would not just use something useless to prevaricate them.

On the other side, when Xia Shengxuan discovered that the powerful men from the Purification God Sect outside the city were entering the city, he quickly alerted Su Qi and expressed his intention to go into the city to provide support.

At this time, Su Qi was stepping on a 'mature body', and after forcefully tearing off one of the other's arms, he took out his cell phone in a leisurely manner.

"Oh, I almost forgot Lao Xia."

Immediately, he quickly asked Xia Shengxuan to enter the town to suppress these rioting 'matures', so that he could take time to rush to Blackwater Lake.

Black Water Lake is not far from his current location.

Can be there in two minutes.

But along the way, I encountered a 'mature body' that was wreaking havoc, so I tore it apart, which delayed my time a little.

When he came to Blackwater Lake.

Immediately I understood what the inhuman alien mentioned that it could interfere with extraordinary perception.

When observing from a distance, I still don’t have a deep impression until I actually walk into the miasma.

He suddenly discovered that in this lake and swamp area, with his mental strength, the limit distance that could be detected was only ten meters. After that, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without making any sound.

It's a bit weird indeed.

But he did not delve into it further. After all, after the great cataclysm of heaven and earth, all kinds of strange phenomena were no longer strange.

At the beginning, Principal Pei also told him a rumor.

Once upon a time, there was a team of extraordinary people who were wading through a creek with water no deeper than their ankles. They suddenly discovered that the last member of the team had drowned silently.

Under the influence of extraordinary power, some ordinary things will become impossible to measure by common sense at a certain moment.

It could last for a few seconds, or it could last for years.

The more people know about it, the more they fear the world.


Su Qi is not looking for secrets now, but to find the stronghold of the Evolution Cult.

This is relatively simple.

He waved his hand, and a golden light suddenly appeared in the night sky, and the Hammer of Divine Punishment fell brazenly with a tail flame that made everything tremble.

Holding the Hammer of Divine Punishment in both hands, he raised it high.

Countless rays of light burst out from Su Qi's body in an instant, and various buff abilities were superimposed on each other. The color of the world changed, and even the clouds floating high in the sky stopped at this moment.

as if.

In this silent lake and swamp, some kind of terrifying power began to revive.


The Hammer of Divine Punishment struck the lake with lightning speed without reservation!

The power that made the world tremble exploded into the lake water, and continued to blast into the bottom of the lake.

In an instant, the turbid waves were emptied.

The earth shook violently, and the vast lake water was instantly thrown hundreds of meters into the air. The scene was extremely terrifying!

"Fa, what happened!?"

In the underground base, Ruan Maoshan was kicking Peng Ai who was not doing his job well. Unexpectedly, the earth suddenly shook, and the pillars supporting the underground base collapsed, and countless pieces of dust fell down.

"I...this kick isn't that powerful..."

He was stunned for a moment, and after he came to his senses, he couldn't help but feel his mouth go dry for a while, and then he shouted in shock: "This... this is an enemy attack! An enemy attack!"

All of a sudden.

The entire underground base was in chaos.

It was not caused by the collapse of the underground base. After all, for them, even if the entire underground base was pressed down, they would not be able to sustain much damage.

What is really frightening is that the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court have come to kill them, their strongholds have been exposed, and there is no longer a place to stay.

Either fight to the death or run away!

Su Qi's eyes were fixed on any unusual movement below. The reason why he did not continue to choose to let the law enforcement officers of the Supreme Court take the lead was because the riots outside were constantly urging him. Every second he wastes is worth one more minute. casualties!

Some people would have made a huge contribution to the world by dying a minute earlier!

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