Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 167 Shrouding the whole city, the shocking secret of District 13

"Huh? What happened? It seems like the sky suddenly darkened."

In the Thirteenth District, many people suddenly noticed something was wrong with the sky and couldn't help but look up at the sky.

The time now is nine-fifteen in the evening. Although night has already fallen, no matter it is the pale moonlight, the lights of the building, the attacks by inhuman alien "mature bodies" throughout the city, the raging fires caused by Large ships patrolling in mid-air can provide a certain degree of visibility.

However, most people were inexplicably aware of the instantaneous change in visibility.


Just like closing all the curtains at home in broad daylight.

"Does the Tengu eclipse the moon?" someone asked doubtfully.

"No, this doesn't look like a lunar eclipse at all. It's more like someone has raised a curtain in the sky..." Someone among them felt the indescribable oppression keenly.

At this moment, the two sisters Shen Chan, who were killing a 'mature body', suddenly felt something in their hearts and looked towards the sky.

"Damn it!"

"What's going on? It's not over, right!?"

Thanks to the help of the Supreme Court, the riots of inhuman alien 'mature bodies' in various places in the 13th District were finally suppressed. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the mutation reappeared, and Shen Chan almost cursed her directly.

She immediately contacted the supervisory subordinates in the city lord's palace and soon received accurate information.

In the Heishuize area of ​​Dongze District, a large amount of black light suddenly spurted out, straight into the clouds, and then spread out, like a whale spouting water, covering the entire Thirteenth District.

Dongze District?

The stronghold of the Evolution Cult! ?

Shen Chan immediately had a very bad association.

So she quickly issued an order to transfer all the big ships to Dongze District, and she and Lu Xiaohan rushed to Heishui Ze as quickly as possible!

Before them, a group of law enforcement officials from the Supreme Court set out.

When Zuo Qing chose to pursue the group of inhuman aliens who appeared out of nowhere, Chi Jiaran sent a message in advance to summon all law enforcement officers.

at the same time.

Fan Shixing, who got rid of the conspiracy of the Evolution Cult, found his father and Xiaoyan who stayed in the city to take care of him, and then fled out of the city without stopping.

The wilderness is dangerous though.

But it's better than staying in the city and worrying.

Having just experienced the riot incident of the 'mature body' of the Evolution God Cult, not only them, but also many extraordinary people smelled a different atmosphere and wanted to go out of the city to avoid the limelight.


When they rushed to the city gate, they discovered that the Thirteenth District had been shrouded in strange black light at some point.

This discovery made everyone's uneasiness infinitely magnified.

Although they don't know the origin of this black light, most of the extraordinary people don't want to sit still and wait for death. They are ready to pass through the black light.

at this time.

Changes occur suddenly.

Some bold extraordinary people, when approaching the black light, were horrified to find that the black light was right in front of them, but it seemed to be infinitely far away. No matter how they walked, they always felt that they were getting closer but could not touch it.


It seemed that the closer he got to the black light, the more confused his five senses became.

"No, I can't get out at all!" Some extraordinary people exclaimed loudly. No matter how much strength and speed they exploded, they still couldn't get rid of the influence of that strange and extraordinary power.

"How can this be!?"

"How terrifying it is to have extraordinary power that can affect an entire city!"

"Is it because our strength is too low that we cannot break through? Is it true that only the apostle level can break through this black light?"

Although they speculated, they could not confirm it.

Facing the strange situation in the city, the apostle-level strong men at least have the ability to protect themselves, and there is no need to flee overnight like them.

Among the crowd, Fan Shixing and the other three couldn't help but feel numb when they saw this scene.

The current horror in District 13 far exceeds their imagination.

The overlord level is as weak as a child in front of this level of power.

I just didn't expect that I can't even run away now.

At this time, Xiaoyan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly covered her heart and her face instantly turned pale.

"Xiaoyan, what's wrong with you?" Fan Shixing, who noticed something strange, asked hurriedly.

Xiaoyan closed her eyes tightly and replied breathlessly: "I don't know what's wrong, it seems like my heart was suddenly grasped."

This unexpected situation made Fan Shixing and his son suddenly anxious, and they quickly checked Xiaoyan's breath.

It's just that the breath in Xiaoyan's body is stable, there is nothing abnormal at all, and she is too special, and her body will not be alienated due to pollution.

Fan Shixing, who had a deep knowledge of conservatives, was at a loss what to do. In desperation, he could only take Xiaoyan back the same way to see if she could get better.

Anyway, I can’t leave the city for the time being.

at the same time.


When all the law enforcement officers and the three Shen Chan sisters arrived with dozens of large ships.

After seeing the black light rising into the sky and the 100-foot peak protruding from the swamp, I instantly felt extremely creepy.

The source of the changes in the entire Thirteenth District actually came from the burly figure on top of the peak.

Especially this group of law enforcement officers. They had just launched a large-scale purge operation in District 32 not long ago, wiping out an entire stronghold of the Cult of Evolution. Although it was not easy to kill the bishop of that stronghold, it was not easy. Can kill with force.

But now, in District 13.

Why do I have the misconception that I have mistakenly entered the headquarters of the Evolution God Sect?

The three people, Su Qi and Zuo Qing, who were here to witness all the changes, were even more shocked.

They know very well that that peak...

A few minutes ago, there was the stronghold of the Evolution God Cult hidden deep underground!

Under the influence of that terrifying force, a peak rose from the ground.

As everyone knows.

Creation is harder than destruction!

There is no comparison between building a building and destroying a building.

This kind of power to change the terrain and build new peaks will be absolutely terrifying once it is transformed into the power of destruction.

"You Chong, what do you mean by starting such a big battle? Do you really want to destroy the 13th District!?" In mid-air, Chen Chan took an ancient weapon in his hand and stepped forward with a frosty face. Ask questions.

On the top of the peak, surrounded by many bishop-level figures, You Chong looked terrifyingly calm. Not only did he not show any signs of anger, he chuckled softly: "I'm sorry, I haven't fully mastered this power yet."

"Once upon a time, I have been asking why the Holy City has so many powerful people and abundant resources, and even a little bit of it is enough for our city to withstand disasters, but why can we sit back and watch without any compassion."

"To this day, after being exposed to this level of power, I understand..."

"The roc spreads its wings nine thousand miles, but it cannot see the ants on the ground."

"Do you know... what the real wealth of District 13 is?"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone present held their breath and listened intently.

You Chong smiled slightly: "The corpse of a disaster-level ferocious beast deep underground."


Everyone's pupils shrank sharply.

Even Hou Yong beside him shouted in disbelief: "How is this possible!?"

"The pollution characteristics of a disaster-level ferocious beast corpse are enough to create a vast and boundless forbidden land in the wilderness. It is even more trivial to contaminate the entire Thirteenth District!"

"In all these years, I have never heard of anything special about District 13!"

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