Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 181 A fierce promotion, the man who walked out of the dome

"Finally got it."

Su Qi let out a sigh of relief, even though the top abilities of the Apocalypse Path were his first choice.

But now at least there is a guarantee of super large-scale killing capabilities.

One of the first ten Heavenly Reflection True Crystals came out, and I felt confident.

Extremely evil torrent.

Coupled with the state of God's Favorite, plus the form of 'Demonized Doomsday Judge', plus the fallen soul, and a bunch of buffs that increase damage, it should be able to crush the combination of ferocious beasts.


He still wants to continue to use the True Reflection Crystal of the Heavens.

First of all, I missed this opportunity. I don’t know how long I have to wait before I can earn money again. After all, improving my strength is to be prepared.

Secondly, the ability of fallen soul is always a double-edged sword. If something goes wrong, the hidden dangers must be taken into consideration.

If you can choose.

Su Qi would rather blow up the ferocious beast combination with a 'Praise of Life - Divine Power'.

Simple and effective, without any side effects.

Unfortunately, it seemed that all his good luck had run out, and he did not have the ability to develop the second and third awakenings in all major paths.

On the contrary, the Berserker path has a lot of passive buff abilities.

‘Violent Power’ increases damage.

The 'violent blood' attack will cause damage to the blood.

‘Power Awakening’ increases damage and attack speed.

‘Hunger’ increases damage.

‘Memory of Blood’ increases damage and critical hit rate.

There are also offensive abilities of the berserker path, such as ‘Soul-Hungry Hand’ and ‘Rageful Slash’.

The 'Soul-Hungry Hand' is the ability to control the enemy's energy and blood to restrict the enemy's actions. However, this ability requires that the power of one's own energy and blood far exceeds the opponent's for the effect to be significant.

‘Rageous Slash’ is an attack method that explodes one’s own energy and blood into a large amount of sword energy.

At the same time, the offensive abilities of the Avengers path are ‘Doomsday Catastrophe’ and ‘Immortal War Cry’.

‘Doomsday Catastrophe’ is also a large-scale attack method, condensing the thunder of chaos to bombard the enemy in a large area.

‘Immortal War Cry’ explodes the power of chaos in the form of sonic power, and also imposes a curse abnormality on the enemy, causing it to receive increased damage from the power of chaos!

The rest are energy infusion and ability level improvement. Among them, the ones with the most improved abilities are the 'Pearl of Apocalypse' and the 'Evil Torrent', one at LV34 and the other at LV36.

This actually surprised him.

After consuming these thirty Heavenly Reflection True Crystals, Su Qi was still very lucky and had a lot of large-scale offensive abilities.

The strongest method is naturally the ‘extremely evil torrent’.

Right now, he had to rush back to District 13 as soon as possible. After all, a battle of this level was changing rapidly and anything could happen.

Now there are two ways in front of Su Qi. One is to return the same way, but this may cause him to face the two powerful humanoid beasts again. Although Su Qi is not afraid, it may waste a lot of time and consume a lot of energy. Too much strength.

Another way is to tear open the temporary dimensional channel through world fusion and return to the real world.

This was what the scene before him revealed to him.

Of course, this will also consume some strength. For example, the degree of integration here is not too deep. It is estimated that breaking the dimensional barrier is not an easy task.

According to his guess, as long as he finds other places with deeper integration, he may be able to reach the Thirteenth District directly without wasting any effort!

Just a guess though.

But the possibility is not small.

If he really finds such a place, he will conserve his strength to the greatest extent to face the ferocious beast combination, which will increase his chances of winning!

The thought of this.

He impatiently jumped into the air, as if he had broken through some kind of barrier. When he looked back, the dark mountain was still the same as before, as if there was no building at all.

But Su Qi knew very well that only after landing could he experience the incredible feeling!

Su Qi looked around.

Now, nearly ten minutes have passed.

I guess those ferocious beasts are not still searching for me.

So, he immediately used the Great Qi Condensation Technique to cover his aura, and quickly looked for other strange places.

Of course, he was not searching aimlessly, but was searching within the scope of the great integration of the world. Based on his previous discoveries, the scope without the suppression of Heavenly Law was not very large, at most it was not far from the size of District 13.

the other side.

The entrance to the dimensional passage.

In the giant egg that Su Qi casually smashed, an arm suddenly stretched out from the gurgling egg liquid.

It looks exactly like a human arm!

Then a naked man slowly walked out!

His eyes were blood red, and there was no energy fluctuation on his body. He seemed to be an ordinary person.

The man took a deep look at the dimensional channel without saying a word, as if he was memorizing a certain aura.

Then walked out step by step.

At first, the steps were a little crooked, like a baby just learning to walk.

But soon, his steps began to become steady.

When he came to the huge cave that was unknown how many thousands of meters high, he looked up, bent his knees slightly, and the strength of his feet exploded, instantly digging a deep pit into the ground. It seemed that he could move upward with just the strength of his body. Shoot away.

After rushing out of the huge cave, he glanced at the people who were fighting selflessly, and then glanced at the sky, his expression did not change much.

He slowly walked into the battlefield, like a stone thrown into the sea, without causing any ripples in the battlefield filled with energy and rolling dust.

It's like a ghost, not perceived by any spiritual power.

In this way, step by step, he quietly walked behind an apostle-level transcendent who was fighting fiercely with a ferocious beast. He seemed to ignore the fluctuations caused by the fierce battle and put a hand on the opponent's shoulder.

In an instant.

The master from a certain family in the 13th District who came for support felt that his body was frozen. Even the boiling energy in his body seemed to be suppressed by some kind of terror. He calmed down instantly and was unable to function!

The sudden change shocked the apostle-level master!

It's just that he can't move at all now!

He glanced at the pale arm on his shoulder from the corner of his eye, feeling extremely frightened inside.

Even the ferocious beast with its claws raised high couldn't help but stop its movements at this moment, with a hint of doubt in its ferocious pupils.

Just the next second.

The apostle-level master felt an extreme chill in his mind. He felt ashamed of being suddenly stripped naked and exposed in front of everyone, and then involuntarily, all the hidden memories in his mind were like those of a dying person. It started playing like a quickie.


The body of the apostle-level master was instantly transformed into strands of blood, which were all absorbed by the strange naked man, leaving only a pair of bones as he fell to the ground.

The strange naked man's blood-red pupils also became normal. Then, under the puzzled gaze of the huge ferocious beast, he picked up his clothes and put them on with familiar movements.


He snorted dissatisfiedly at the huge ferocious beast.

Suddenly, the ferocious beast felt the aura of the superior, couldn't help but tremble all over, and rushed away in a flash.

The strange man looked up to the sky and said lightly.


"That's not how power works."

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