Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 183 Weird changes, a place where the world is connected

High in the sky.

Feeling that You Chong was stronger than ever before, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

He never expected that at the moment when his rationality was about to completely sink, he would accidentally touch the memory of the beast's life and be able to completely control this destructive power.

What shocked him even more.

After the complete integration, rationality is like a candle that is about to be extinguished, but it appears to be extremely strong.

Reason sank and seemed to have stagnated at this moment.

His cold eyes glanced below, but he was not in a hurry to take action against the law enforcement officers.

Because he has more important things to do.

When inheriting the memory of the beast during its lifetime, he learned that this disaster-level beast took the initiative to cut its power into two parts in order to resist the suppression of heaven.

Part of it remains in the body, and the other part is sealed in other forms.


He can feel the other part of the power... somewhere in the city!

If he can re-integrate it, he will completely inherit the power of the disaster-level beast!

This is obviously an irresistible temptation for You Chong, who has just felt the power of the destruction level.


You Chong swam back and forth several times high in the sky, then disappeared from everyone's sight with a swipe.

"How is this going?"

The law enforcement officers who were already prepared to escape desperately saw this strange scene and looked at each other in disbelief.


Now seemed like a perfect opportunity to escape.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Zuo Qing eagerly.

And Zuo Qing also let out a long breath, released the 'Mountain God Burial' state, and his expression changed: "Wait a little longer..."

"Maybe something else happened."

"Otherwise, the combination of ferocious beasts that hates our Supreme Court will never let us leave so easily."

Among them, a law enforcement officer shook his head: "But even if unexpected changes occur, there may not be anyone in this area who can suppress this terrifying beast. Rather than having unrealistic illusions, it is better to If you take the opportunity to leave, your chances of successfully escaping will be much higher."

"Yes, it is indeed inappropriate to place your hopes on illusory changes." The others agreed.

At this time, Xia Shengxuan arrived here and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the terrifying beast leaving.

This meant that he could successfully join Su Qi.

However, he sensed circles after circles.

In this chaotic battlefield, Su Qi was not found.

This made him feel a little thumped in his heart.

"That boy, could it be..."

Xia Shengxuan's expression was extremely solemn, but with so many apostle-level extraordinary beings surviving here, there was a high probability that nothing unexpected would happen to Su Qi.

But this is just his guess.

He still couldn't relax until he saw someone.

After all, Su Qi is too important to District 9.

Even if he dies here, he must ensure Su Qi's safety!

On the other side, Hou Yong frowned and murmured: "What is You Chong doing? If you don't take the opportunity to kill this purge team of the Supreme Court, are you really losing your rationality?"

Ruan Maoshan retorted: "It's impossible. Mr. You Chong has always been cautious and never made any move out of control. What's more, he has always protected his rationality very well."

"Oh, who can say for sure."

"With the apostle-level realm, stealing destruction-level power is an extremely risky thing in itself."

"You just saw how many times You Chong was smashed to pieces in the fight with the terrifying machinery high in the sky. You must know that every time we inhuman aliens repair our bodies, our rationality is further destroyed."

Someone expressed his opinion and was immediately recognized by many people.

This is also related to their next choice. You Chong has completely lost his rationality. Even if they are both inhuman and alien, their lives will be in danger if they continue to stay.

At this time, the city was in chaos.

Visions occur frequently.

The ferocious beast shows off its power.

The huge mechanical body crashed, and all hope seemed to be wiped out.

The eerie river seemed to become wider and cover more area.

In a simple house.

On the bed.

Xiaoyan suddenly started and said in a panic: "It's coming."

While talking.

Both hands eagerly pushed Fan Shixing and his son out of the cabin.

"You guys leave quickly, or it will be too late!"

"What's too late!?" Uncle Fan stared with big bell-like eyes. Now that District 13 is so weird, where can they run to?

Fan Shixing quickly asked: "Xiaoyan, what exactly happened, you have to tell us so that we can find a solution."

Xiaoyan shook her head in pain: "I don't know, I really don't know. Anyway, you just listen to me!"

Seeing Xiaoyan's appearance, Fan Shixing and his son could not rest assured.

"It's okay. As long as our family works together, nothing can defeat us. I treat you as my own daughter. Even if I leave Xiao Xing behind, I will never leave you alone!"

Fan Shixing consoled him, "Yes, even if we can't handle something, there are still conservatives."

"I contacted a strong conservative today and did him a small favor. I'm going to call him now. Don't panic..."

While the three were arguing.


The sky is falling.

This was not a collapse of the sky in the true sense, but an instant collapse in their spiritual consciousness, as if they were being suppressed by the falling sky.

The sudden change caused their bodies to sway, as if their souls were separating from their bodies.

"What happened..." Uncle Fan swallowed hard and suddenly felt that the sound of the entire city was completely silent at this moment.

Fan Shixing moved to the window with trembling steps in fear.

Look up.

Then I saw a sight that I will never forget.

In an instant, the whole person was about to suffocate!

Damn it!

Wasn't that terrifying disaster-level beast fighting in Dongze District? Why did it suddenly come to them!

All the time.

He is always paying attention to the outcome of the battle between the disaster-level beast and the machine through the Internet.

After just a few minutes of not looking at it, the ferocious beast came here!

What surprised him even more was Xiaoyan's next sentence.

"It's coming for me..."

At this moment, Fan Shixing almost stopped thinking.

What a joke! ?

A disaster-level ferocious beast with terrifying strength is actually coming towards an overlord-level inhuman alien! ?


Thinking of Xiaoyan's weirdness all the time and her previous performance.

He suddenly felt cold all over.


No matter how much he didn't want to believe it, it seemed to be true.

Different world.

Su Qi searched for several strange places where the big worlds merged, and found that the degree of integration was not deep. He did not find the kind of fusion place that connected the two worlds as he imagined.

If you can't find it anymore.

He could only go back the same way and try his best from the dimensional passage.

Just when he was like this.

Suddenly, vaguely, I seemed to hear a scream.

Take a closer look.

The place where the sound came from seemed to be the wide and boundless river in the distance.

"found it!"

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