Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 195 Expanding the city, a towering figure reaching into the clouds

"A world fusion has occurred in District 13!?"

"The whole city moved to our ninth district?"

District 9, City Lord’s Mansion.

After receiving the news, Lin Nan immediately called Pei Jing.

The two of them frowned, and the first thing they thought of was Su Qi and Xia Shengxuan. They were just going to destroy a stronghold of the Evolution God's Cult, so why did they encounter such a shocking event!

"The two of them shouldn't be messing around..."

"Maybe he is escorting the people from District 13 back."

"Well, Lao Xia is quite stable."

The two of them seemed calm and calm on the surface, but in fact, there were great turmoil in their hearts.

Because Su Qi is not a trouble-maker.

Based on their understanding of Su Qi, that little guy really puts one's mind at ease in practice. He knows how to advance and retreat, and how to hide his weaknesses.


Once it comes to other things, it's like a different person.

From the time he established a cleanup company to the time he destroyed the Evolution God's stronghold, it was not difficult to see that that little guy was actually the same type of person as them.

That's why they hit it off so well.

But having experienced previous disasters, they really didn't want to see such a good seedling make the same mistakes again.

"Do you want to notify the Holy City?" Lin Nan asked.

Although Pei Jing's expression was a little unhappy, he still nodded: "Even if the Holy City is willing to lend a helping hand, I am afraid that it will wait until the world fusion breaks out completely and the level of disaster is determined before making arrangements. When they take action, it is estimated that our graves will be buried. The grass is two feet high."

"Notifications still need to be made. As for expectations, it is better not to have too high hopes."

"The top priority is to step up the expansion of the city."

"If you really can't make it in time, let's see how many people can be accommodated in the old city."

Lin Nan is not very worried about this. Since the cleanup company has taken the first step, the Ninth District's finances are very sufficient.

A long time ago, Su Qi mentioned to him the idea of ​​expanding the city and opening up the inner and outer cities. Lin Nan also arranged for someone to design the blueprints, and it could be implemented with just one order.

With various high-tech means and a large number of ordinary people in District 9.

Not to mention building a new city in one day, at least it can be done before the arrival of District 13.


In Su Qi's vision, the Ninth District's finances are so abundant that all these funds must be circulated so that ordinary people can make profits and everyone is rich. Only in this way can ordinary families have enough money to support the Ninth District. District cultivates more extraordinary beings.

Otherwise, the property earned from cleaning up the company will be nothing but dead goods!


The blueprint of the new city was made public by the city lord's palace.

The whole city was boiling.

Because in this blueprint, there is no distinction between inner and outer cities, which means that everyone receives the same protection.

Moreover, the city lord's palace offered extremely high wages, recruited manpower, and embarked on a large-scale construction project.

For the people of District 9, who had already experienced the reconstruction of a new city, this was something they could easily do. They signed up enthusiastically. Almost all the people from top to bottom were infrastructure workers.

The treatment is too generous.

You know, when the old city was abandoned and a new city was built, many people used labor instead.

Now, the wages of construction workers are already the highest for ordinary people. If they can maintain this wage, they can build District 9 into the wilderness!

Even the vicious beasts can't stop them!

When Pei Jing Lin Nan saw this scene, his blood boiled involuntarily.

Compared with having to bear the risk of exposing the cleanup company, seeing such a vigorous attitude, they have no fear even if they have to face the Holy City in the future.

Clean up the company.

It is the new heart of District 9.

And Su Qi is the soul of District 9!

The next day.

District 13, Blackwater.

The four of them, Su Qi, were still sitting on the beast's hillside-like shoulders, guarding the place.


The status of God's Favorite was refreshed, and he could fight again.

However, if the ferocious beast didn't show up, he wouldn't bother to make any effort.

After all, his main purpose is to guard the dimensional passage here and buy more time for the entire city to migrate.

It's best if you can be quiet.

Moreover, he was also worried that if he killed too much, he might not attract the attention of the truly terrifying beings in the other world.

In order to prevent unnecessary complications, he did not let Xiaoyan manipulate the corpse of the disaster-level beast into the deep pit.

"what is that……"

Xiaoyan, who was watching the wind, suddenly exclaimed.

Su Qi and the others immediately stood up and looked intently. They saw that the strange building above the pit showed more details.

There were even two fuzzy figures as tall as clouds, who appeared at some point.

Even if there is no fluctuation, it is still chilling.

"Those are...the two humanoid ferocious beasts that maintain order in the strange building in another world! Are they even going to cross over?" Su Qi recognized them at a glance. He kept paying attention to the two humanoid ferocious beasts. Very afraid.

You know, when he entered the different world, he was attacked by the opponent while maintaining the state of God's Favorite, and he almost couldn't withstand it.

Even if it's not a disaster-level beast, it's not far off.

"Look at the sky!!!" Fan Shixing also exclaimed.

I saw a huge humanoid figure in the clouds high in the sky, standing in the void, as if quietly watching something.

Su Qi's eyes narrowed and he looked around.

Shocking discovery.

more than one.

Wherever he looked, he saw at least four towering figures.

It's like the 13th District is under siege.

If the strength of a ferocious beast is linked to its size, then how terrifyingly powerful are these huge figures!

this moment.

Four people’s scalps exploded!

An extremely strong suffocation swallowed them up instantly.

Not only them, but some people in the city waiting to be evacuated also saw this horrifying scene and couldn't help but take out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"Oh my God, what the hell is that!"

"Is there really such a huge creature!?"

Being huge is one thing, but having limbs like humans and not far different in appearance is extremely weird.

It's like a human being magnified billions of times.

Seeing this scene, the three Shen Chan sisters immediately realized that there was not much time left for them.

Must speed up.

But they are really short of manpower, and basically all the extraordinary people who can be arranged have been arranged.

Even if the safety factor has been reduced to the minimum and an overlord-level transcendent is stationed in the convoy thousands of meters apart, only less than one-fifth of the people have been moved.

It is really impossible to find other extraordinary beings to escort the remaining ordinary people, so we can only wait for those extraordinary beings to return, or for the ninth district to send extraordinary beings over.

Otherwise, if these ordinary people enter the wilderness, they will also escape death!

But now, what is even more tingling is the strange river covering most of the area.

Under the dark river surface, there are countless behemoth figures swimming around, as if they can jump out at any time and choose people to eat.


It is changing in a direction that ordinary people cannot understand.

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