Chapter 143: Inheritance and Transmission.

The moment this prompt pops up.

The people of the entire empire were all dumbfounded. They look at the prompt in front of them.

Stunned in place, the whole planet, the entire empire up and down. The atmosphere became unusually awkward.

There are even some Imperials, looking at the prompt.

Stunned in place, he didn’t say anything for more than ten seconds. The work in their hands has completely stopped.

Even some people,

“I forgot to dodge when I fought. In the dungeon, he was killed by the boss with one blow. But…”

These are trifles. Tips in front of you. It’s the big thing.

What are the tips they see now?

The emperor of the empire, transferred the right to rule to Lu Cang? It’s really not an illusion.

Not dreaming yourself?

Do you really see the real information?

Some imperials even gave themselves two slaps. Snap – with two slaps passing.

These red-cheeked Imperials looked at the news in front of them. The news is still on.

There is still no change. This is not a dream!

“I lean.”

“Is this true?”

“What happened?”

“Oh, no, this is a bit informative, let me brush it up.”

Although said.

Lu Cang is powerful, they have also heard of it.

But the problem is that this information is also too outrageous. How to say that this permission is transferred?

And at the same time.

In front of all the Blue Star Terrans. The same prompt pops up too.

[Terran Emperor Yilu Cang–has obtained the right to rule and manage the empire]

【Transfer of management power–Emperor–Xingxuan】

See this tip. Blue Star’s Terrans.

It also fell into a state of numbness.

However, their reaction was obviously different from that of the Imperials. Imperialism is a crazy and messy state.

But the Blue Star Terrans have a wooden feeling.

“Lord Renhuang, you really made trouble again.”

“Why did I see this prompt, I actually have an unexpected feeling.”

“Actually, when I heard that Lord Renhuang directly entered the imperial palace.”

“I already expected that something big would come out of this trip.”

“Sure enough… Made a big move. ”

For the Blue Star Terrans.

It is not unusual for the human emperor to make a big movement. Not unusual, not unusual.

But there are still shocks.

The empire is so big, they have seen it.

Some Blue Star Terrans say that it is impossible not to have ambition in their hearts.

They also longed for their own human emperor to be able to make a Terran race as prosperous as the empire. And yet such a big empire.

It must also be the result of a long period of time. It is obviously impossible to ascend to heaven in one step.

There are even some people who are betting on how long the emperor can reach the glorious achievements of the emperor of the empire. Ten, twenty, or hundreds of years.

Of course, it could also be tens of thousands of years.

The existence of the empire itself is the accumulation of tens of millions of years, and the human races of all parties continue to converge. There is less time.

Simply impossible.

Even, the Blue Star Terrans didn’t think about it for a few months at all.

But the result.

Their human emperor directly obtained the ruling authority from the emperor of the empire. Good fellow, now the empire is its own.

Time, if calculated from the beginning of Lu Cang’s becoming the emperor. Probably, in fact, less than a month has passed. This… It’s a bit outrageous.

At this time, in the combat academy. Some joined the Combat Academy.

Blue Star cadets who had friendly exchanges with the Combat Academy [hanging] flow [fighting] saw this news. His expression changed slightly.

And on the other side.

Imperial student of the Combat Academy.

But his jaw fell to the ground. Then he looked at the Blue Star trainee.

“You guys, why aren’t you surprised?”

“Did you already expect this to happen?”

“This is also one of your plans of the Emperor?”

However, in the face of this problem.

Blue Star’s trainee just shrugged his shoulders and said, “I’m also a hen, the devil knows what the Emperor can do.” ”

“But one thing I can know is that as long as Lord Renhuang goes to some special place, it will definitely cause something big.”

“Like the palace of your imperial emperor.”

“As long as you know the premise.”

“It’s not unusual for Lord Renhuang to do anything again.”

“Alas, except for this matter, Lord Renhuang, everything he did was beyond our expectations.”

“It’s like leading us to win the Red Moon Battle and putting a buff against the sky.”

“Strengthen the equipment that is completely impossible to strengthen successfully, and strengthen it to the full level.”

“Occupy Jupiter and make Saturn disappear.”

“And beating to the realm of the dead…”

“And the recent expansion campaign….”

“In addition, there is the battle on Worm Island, when I first saw the name Lu Cang, etc., etc…”

The surprise that Lu Cang brought them was too much.

So much so that now that they rule the empire, they are not surprised. It’s really not unusual, but it’s really TM.

Hear this answer.

The cadets of the combat academy were numb. What the?

Can these things be compared with the transfer of ruling power by the emperor of the empire? But what they don’t know is.

Each of these things. All in the case that Lu Cang did not match the rank.

What is done.

It is also because this happens again and again. Blue Star’s Terrans have really become resistant. So even if something outrageous happens.

Although they will be shocked, they will no longer think that this is outrageous. In Lu Cang, no matter how outrageous things happen, they are not outrageous.

“Oh, by the way, then we are already compatriots now.”

“We’re all family.”

“Lord Renhuang, you have just transmitted your thoughts to us.”

“If there are those who are willing to join the Blue Star Terrans, they can directly transfer their nationality for acceptance.”

“He has given us the full permission.”

“Come and come, if you want to change your nationality, you can find me to sign and seal ah, each of us Blue Star people has permission.”

Hear this statement.

The imperial Terrans were a little confused for a while. I don’t know where to start.

“Will your human emperor still convey his thoughts to you privately?”

“How could it not?”

“Isn’t that normal?”

In the eyes of the Imperial Terrans, it seems that the high-ranking rulers are high-level. Transmit your thoughts to the mind of a small person.

That’s just too bizarre.

But they were unaware of the existence of a sea of consciousness. This kind of thing is very ordinary and easy.

And at the end of the day.

In fact, this is mass messaging.

Of course, in fact, the thoughts of everyone in the Terran race can also be transmitted to Lu Cang’s mind. It’s just that it depends on Lu Cangli or not.

If it is some important information, it needs to be reported. It will be passed layer by layer.

From low to high, it is divided into six floors.

The people at the bottom pass the information upwards, and the people at the top judge whether this information is important or not. Then continue the pass up the next layer.

Eventually, it may be passed on to Yunqing, or someone of the same rank as him. In the end, these people personally transmitted their thoughts to Lu Cang.

And so it goes.

Important news will definitely reach Lu Cang’s mind. And the whole process seems complicated.

Less than a second, actually.

It depends on whether the information needs to be kept confidential. Lu Cang also has the permission to delete memories.

In the end, even if there is a news that the whole human race knows in an instant. Lu Cang can also directly delete their memories completely.

And if they leave some marks or hints in the real world. Lu Cang can be screened twice.

Find out who has done the marking behavior. Control them to erase records directly. And so it goes.

Basically, there will be no problem.

Of course, if the record cannot be erased, the matter must be completely confidential. That Lu Cang can only solve the people who can know the record.

For the magic of the Blue Star Terrans.

The students of the Combat Academy were kind of eye-opening again.

In the past few days, they have been beaten by the Blue Star Terrans. The entire academy may not be able to beat one of them.

“Then if you join the Blue Star Terrans.”

“Will I become as strong as you are?”

“If you can have that much power, why not join?”

“Since the emperor of the empire is willing to transfer authority.”

“Then it shows that your human emperor is worth believing.”

Otherwise, they didn’t believe that Lu Cang’s strength was already strong enough to put a knife on the Emperor’s neck and force him to transfer the authority of the Terrans.

That’s. Well.

However, according to the thinking circuit of the Blue Star Terrans. It seems to be in their heads.

This kind of thing is not impossible.

At this moment, in the imperial emperor’s palace. Lu Cang was communicating consciousness with the Emperor of the Empire. The consciousness between the two collides with each other.

In an instant, billions of ideas were generated.

The two discussed the knowledge of the universe, the situation, the governance of the Terrans, the power, and the root in the collision of ideas.

Lu Cang’s expression couldn’t help but move slightly. It has to be said.

The other party is worthy of being the emperor of the empire. An existence that has lived for countless years. Its knowledge is vast.

Lu Cang, on the other hand, has the knowledge of countless creatures. Just one Buffer has lived for tens of millions of years. Not to mention other king-level existences.


The sentient beings that Lu Cang could see. Every creature you see.

As long as he has time and leisure, Lu Cang will subconsciously use cognitive imitation on it. In Lu Cang’s heart.

It has long contained the lifelong learning of countless creatures. In terms of knowledge.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the forefront of the universe.

As for whether it is the first, that is not certain.

But even so, it is erudite enough.


··· Ask for flowers…

For Lu Cang’s erudition.

Even the emperor of the empire could not help but be a little shocked. Of course, Lu Cang may have about three hours to pass.

The two separate consciousness.

During this three-hour long exchange.

Both have a very deep aftertaste of each other’s views.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve met a friend like this who can sit and talk with me.”

“I entrust the empire to you, very relieved.”

“You said you need special props.”

“I don’t know exactly what you need.”

“I can only give you a vague hint.”

While testing the emperor’s intentions, Lu Cang did not forget his other purpose. That is the search for heritage.

Accept your eighth form.

“That’s right, Xingxuan.”

“You strike in your palace.”

“It shouldn’t violate the treaty, right?”

“This, well, really doesn’t count, but as long as I leave this space, even if I break the contract.”


Lu Cang left a spatial anchor in place.

“Then from today onwards, your imperial Terran will be taken over by me.”

“Xingxuan, just lie down here.”

“I will lead the Terrans to a level that you have never reached.”

Hearing Lu Cang speak so boldly.

Xing Xuan couldn’t help but laugh.

“Hahaha, I’m looking forward to your performance.”

“Okay, go do what you have to do.”

“And Lucia, you and Lu Cangren Emperor and serve the new Terrans.”

“Well, new Terrans, good name.”

That’s the end of it.

The shadow behind the curtain gradually dissipated. All that remained was a blank curtain.

After all, Lu Cang did not see the true face of the emperor.


“Let’s go.”

Lu Cang opened a rift in place.

Then, with Lucia, he left the imperial palace in an instant. The next instant.

Lu Cang took Lucia back to the Imperial Star.

“You, go to reincarnation first.”

“This is the essence of the soul.”

“After you are reborn, you can also have half the strength of your soul state.”

Lu Cang took out the soul essence from the backpack.

This white, pure and flawless soul essence. Exudes an aura of nothingness.

“Able to recover half of the strength!”

“How many good things do you really have?”

Something that can regain half of its strength after rebirth. Unheard of at all.

Plus during this time.

Lucia had already learned what the Hall of Reincarnation of All Souls was. This soul essence and the Hall of Reincarnation of All Souls add up.

Doesn’t that mean just having enough time? The entire race will be super strong.

Just by seeing this one prop, Lucia seemed to see a terrifying future. In the future, as long as the supreme heaven is opened.

Open the road of four hundred levels.

At that time, more than four hundred levels of strong people will be reincarnated, and the baby will just be born. It is possible to have demigod-level strength.

That’s probably terrifying. And now.

The existence that can do this is in front of you.

Just everything. Lucia looked in the eyes.

The control of the empire really passed into the hands of the man in front of him.

Although it was only the right to rule, the emperor of the empire had long been unprepared to deal with anything. Now, this man is already the new emperor of the titular empire.

“I should call you now…” The new emperor, or the human emperor, or…….. Lu Cang? ”

“It doesn’t matter what you call it.”

“I don’t care.”

“You go to reincarnation first.”

“I’m going to go about my own thing.”

Then Lu Cang lightly tapped on Lucia’s body. Behind Lu Cang.

A temple appeared.

【Hall of Reincarnation of All Souls】

In the next instant, Lucia’s soul was detached from the body.

In an instant, it was sucked into the temple. Lu Cang then closed the Hall of Reincarnation of Ten Thousand Souls.

Then Lu Cang opened the crack. After ten minutes.

Lu Cang came, an extremely special place in the empire. This place is known as the Imperial Forbidden Land.

Above the total star of the empire, it occupies one percent of the area. Although only one percent.

But put it on the entire Empire planet.

It has long been much larger than the surface area of the solar system. This area is surrounded by a hemispherical barrier.

All the Imperials. Including all buildings.

They are all built tens of thousands of kilometers away from this forbidden place. And from the edge, to the barrier this section of the ring area. It is the nothingness of complete desolation and nothingness.

That’s right, nothingness.

Not even the ground and the soil exist. Only a piece of pitch-black nothingness remained. Through that nothingness.

The barrier in the distance can be seen.

However, it has just arrived in this area. In front of Lu Cang, a prompt popped up.

【Tips for obtaining inheritances: You are close to the area where the inheritance is located】 Busy, normal is new.

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