Mr. Bart's use of my sword to defeat the Aoshi demon soon spread throughout the village.

I made the swords together and left them in a nearby box.

so that the people of the village can use each one freely.

Now that I'm ready for the sword, the next thing I've tried to do... is rebuild the village.

"Lelius, thanks for the sword everyone"

Camilla, who was handing it out, came back here.

"Nothing's fine. I can give you my level."

Now I have the capacity to be a blacksmith.

If you don't have to do what you make, that's all you'll get.

Earlier the level went up to 11. The current capacity is 110.... Well, rarely does this mean it's going to be full.

"Oh well.... So what are you doing now?

"... hey, I thought I should rebuild the village"

"... Oh, yeah? I was going to talk to you about it."

"Oh, really?

This was only meant to be my level up.

When I build a house or something, I get experience.

It's just not something you can build there if you want...

"... there are other villages. I wanted to move those people here and, if possible, we all want to act together."

"... that's certainly safer, isn't it"

"Yeah. That's why I was hoping to get Relius to have some houses ready"

"Okay. If that's the case, is it okay for me to make it as well as I like?

"Yeah, please"

It's just, if there's a problem, is that about all I can do is build the same house?

"Migratory Bird Inn" allows for reproduction in the brain, but otherwise... it's hard inside.

I think I can make one room, maybe. For example, Mr. Fira's room... or a store nearby.

I remember the Adventurer Street store in my brain and create it right in front of me.

There's only one room in this house.

... Probably there's always a room in the back of the cashier where the store owner sits, but I don't know because I've never been in there, so there's no beyond.

"Wow! We're home again!

... but the kids go inside looking like they're having fun.

Go inside, furnish as much as you can to live in, and then leave the house.

"I knew Lelius was awesome... I can't believe I made it so light"

"Anyone can do it if they have my abilities. Speaking of which, Mr. Camilla. There aren't many adults in this village, but what about elsewhere?

My question, Mr. Camilla laughs bitterly.

"It is necessary to welcome adults to be given artifacts. Someone that old enough to go hunting demons... because it's dangerous... I think it's a similar situation everywhere"

"... is that right? How could God not give me artifacts and vocations from birth?"

That's all I could say.

... No, I actually thought so too.

Once upon a time, when I heard my parents had been killed by demons... I had no power to fight.

I regret it. That explains a little why Mr. Bardo seemed to take care of my sword.

"I really do. But now I still had better be lucky. Because Lelius is here."

"I don't know who did it."

"Probably not God. Because God is mean."

Mr. Camilla was clapping his shoulders.

"Mr. Camilla. Do you know who's nearby or something? I think it'll give us a lead on finding Lynn, so we'd like to protect her as soon as possible."

"I went east from here, about six months ago, but there was a town. I just don't know any more."

"Well, let's start with your search."

After I built some more houses, I exhaled lightly.

Drink magic restoration potion at once to restore magic.

I also kept about thirty golems for the defense of the city.

Exactly with all this, you'll manage to retreat even if the town is attacked.

It was when I thought so.

One woman came.

"Oh, um... Mr. Relius"

"What is it?

When asked, the woman raised her shoulder to her surprise.

"... er"

I look at Mr. Camilla in trouble.

"She's Bian. A familiar child."

"... is that right? So, uh?

When I asked again, Mr. Bian tried to hide behind Mr. Camilla and opened his mouth.

"What about me, the walls, things like... can you build...?

"Me, the wall, is it?

"Shh, excuse me! You can't make one, can you!? Heh, sorry I asked you something weird. No!!

Wall-proof, huh?

... Imagine me in my head a little bit.

... It was called home, but nothing just builds something like home.

For example, building walls only... How about that?

Produce only the parts of the wall with homemade screens deployed in the brain.

Then, unfold it in front of you.

Walls the same size as mine could have been built there.

"You can make something like this. … I think we can build something even bigger if we consume some magic"

"... well, you are! Then cover the perimeter of the village like a fence or something..."

"I see... you just can't imagine much..."

... There are also scaffolding on the fence. I think it would be better if it didn't have to be this time.

Thinking so, Mr. Bian took out a book.

It's an old book. As I approached him, Mr. Bian was blushing and grabbing Mr. Camilla.

"Here, this... this is a book about its wall protection"

"... I see"

Maybe someone in this village is the one involved in making the walls.

It depicted walls and castles with pictures and texts on them.

... I just have a lot of professional knowledge. I was spinning, but I didn't know very precisely.

"... so... that. I tried to build... the village walls, but..."

Mr. Bian has given me more paper.

... touch Mr. Bian's fingers slightly when I receive them.


Mr. Bian trembles.

Then, you distance yourself from me, and you cry.

... You're really familiar with people.

"... is this like a blueprint?

"Yes, sir"

... I see. Sure, this could make it.

However, there are still many parts of this that are beyond my imagination.

"Mr. Bian. I would like to start by building these as something of a small model.... If possible, would you cooperate?

"Ha, yes...... eh. Wow, I wanted to do something for the village too...!

"Thank you. Well, I'd like to make it quick."

... just a fence to cover the whole village, huh?

Sounds like you're going to use a lot of magic.

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