
Vol 2 Chapter 58: Fan Wubing's New Trends + 59th

[======Hand fight=====] After acquiring the equity, the enthusiasm of the Pingyuan Plant was fully mobilized. This is not only reflected in the construction of the new production line, but also in the production line. In terms of efficiency utilization, mass production exceeded 60,000 units that month!

After hearing the news, Fan Wubing smiled and said, "The production capacity of a state-owned enterprise is like a woman's cleavage. If you squeeze it, it will look much better."

Two months later, the new production lines of the Pingyuan factory were put into production one after another, but because the purchasing department did not consider that the production scale of the factory would increase so much in a short period of time, the output of the month only reached 220,000 units. This part of the profits slipped into the pockets of "Hong Kong businessmen".

Because of this incident, the factory director Wang Fuming and the party secretary Lin Feng both went crazy. They removed the head of the procurement department. The members of the department also changed more than half. The procurement task must be completed next month. Otherwise, Leave directly.

Fan Wubing looked at the extra 4 million and was a little bit dumbfounded. The speed at which he is making money now makes him feel a little surprised. In this situation, an ordinary worker's monthly salary is only more than 40 yuan, and His monthly income has reached 8 million, which is equivalent to the monthly income of 20,000 ordinary workers!

"The speed of making money is terrible!" Fan Wuyao could only comment like this.

After the winter vacation, Fan Wuyi went to school for a walk, and found that he was taller than many fifth-grade children, so he slipped back, thinking that he would wait until the exams to go around for a while.

He doesn't think how difficult it is to take the exam from elementary school to junior high school, and besides, he doesn't plan to take the top pick, so why do you work so hard? Will I still work for others in the future?

But his teacher didn't think so. Normally Fan Wubing didn't go to school, and she didn't see her for granted. This time she suddenly found that Fan Wubing had come around and left without saying hello to herself. I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, so I ran to the school phone and gave it to my old colleague. Comrade Zhang Mei, the current deputy director of the Bureau of Culture and Education, called and complained a lot of hardship.

As a result, when Deputy Director Zhang returned home at noon, he grabbed Fan Wuyao's ear and severely reprimanded him and ordered him to go to school honestly and not to skip class in the future! Deputy Factory Manager Fan also added firewood to the side, and he had counted on the various crimes that Fan had committed, nothing more than skipping classes and doing business. Except for this, they couldn't find any fault with Fan Wuyi.

Frightened by the lewdness of the two elders, Deputy Director Zhang and Deputy Factory Director Fan, they did not receive strong support from their sisters and brothers (they themselves are still in desperation). Fan Wubing worthy of the humiliation promised not to skip class for the time being, although it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Why is it for the time being? You are not allowed to skip class in the future!" Deputy Director Zhang chased after the victory, recklessly.

She thought that Fan Wuyi was so smart and capable. After the college entrance examination was not a champion in the province, she would be sorry for the knife on her stomach, so she took it out for a long time. Finally, Fan Wuyi had to surrender and surrender. Didn't he follow the usual route when he was born? Now I'm left with the story.

But. Going to school with a group of young loli and young ladies, and they are in elementary school, really very mentally handicapped!

Fan Wubing felt that he was really sad! Although he has calmly faced this bleak life, it is really difficult to adapt, it is difficult to adapt! He really didn't know how the seniors who were reborn before survived? ! I'm depreesed!

It's just that he was helpless, so he had to lean on the table in the last row of the classroom, biting his pen to pass the time. s

He drew on the paper casually, and when he refocused his attention, he suddenly found that many memorable lyrics appeared on the paper!

"Oh! I'm really a genius! A genius for plagiarism!" Fan Wuyao couldn't help but despise himself severely.

But this incident also reminded him of a problem. That is, the function of the single player is simple after all. Even if the country releases the restriction policy in the future, there will be an additional recording function, and it will also cause attacks from other domestic or foreign manufacturers. They have the ability and rights to produce tape recorders, and they have the advantage of the single player. That is three or two years.

How to ensure that you get a stable and high profit return is a very critical issue. If you want to maintain it, you must have a new profit growth point. That is to come up with new tricks.

The sketches in class today reminded him of some things.

It seems that I haven't seen Kara O in China now!

Fan Wubing remembered that when he was in elementary school, there were Kara O's stalls all over the street, singing a song for one dollar. Under the conditions of consumption at the time. It's almost no different from grabbing money, a set-top box plus a 14-inch black and white. There are a few microphones and two speakers. Such a simple thing doesn't cost much in total. You can charge at least one hundred ten yuan a night. What a good project!

Fan Wubing had no doubt that if he could get the Kara O machine out, it would definitely sell well.

And one of the advantages is that although Kara O has become very popular abroad, his patents are not registered, and they are open to all manufacturers.

Fan Wubing remembered reading a report before that Kara O was made by a Japanese first. He couldn't remember what his name was. He just remembered that he used to be a drummer of a Japanese band in the 1960s. Invented the accompaniment track and portable microphone. In less than three years, Carla O has become popular, and big companies have plagiarized his ideas and launched their own models. By the time someone suggested that he apply for a patent, it was already too late. Later he admitted, "I never thought about applying for a patent."

In the late 1960s, after the advent of cassette recorders, left (L) and right (R) stereo tapes could record two sound sources, one for accompaniment music and the other for vocal singing. People can use this tape to learn popular songs and sing. When people learn to sing the song, they will turn off the vocal channel and sing the song in person through the microphone. This kind of entertainment first became popular in Japan. The Japanese called this E entertainment game. ARA means "empty" in Japanese, and OE is the abbreviation of English symphony.

After the E-game became popular in Japan, it caused a lot of disturbance in the society. In some bars, cafes, dance halls. The boss quit the original band and adopted a set of audio equipment. This was dissatisfied by a large number of electro-acoustic bands, who protested to the entertainment industry and E manufacturers. But it didn't help. Later, these bands had no choice but to switch to advertising and TV drama production.

"The Chinese should also use their own karaoke machine!" Fan Wubing felt distressed when he thought of the money taken away by the Japanese. He immediately made up his mind to put all the money in his pocket. .

Chapter 59 "Thunder" card karaoke O machine

In April, the first Santana sedan rolled off the assembly line in Shanghai. Stimulated by this impact, several production lines at the Pingyuan plant were completed and put into production. Finally, the basic goal of producing 250,000 units per month was achieved this month. It met the requirements of the contract. Since then, the Pingyuan Plant has obtained 49% of the equity of the "Thunder" brand single player production project, and its pre-tax income exceeded 8 million yuan that month.

The popularity index of Pingyuan Factory immediately soared and became the most eye-catching star enterprise in Panshi City. However, as far as the Panshi City Government is concerned, the Pingyuan Factory is a centrally-owned enterprise, and under the direct leadership of the central government, tax revenue is not the turn of Panshi City to collect. Therefore, they can only look at this big cake very depressed and jealous, drooling, but there is nothing to do.

Fan Wushang stayed in school honestly, continued to have his daydreams, then plagiarized a bunch of lyrics to practice calligraphy, and by the way perfected his idea of ​​the Kara O machine, nothing more than the input and output four channels It is still a boring problem such as the signal-to-noise ratio of the eight-channel power amplifier rate. Of course, the details do not need to be considered so thoughtful. What he seeks is just a complete solution.

In this way, Fan Wubing finally came up with a relatively complete solution after pondering for half a month.

The solution to the Kara O machine is very simple. In layman's terms, it is a microphone + amplifier cassette player + TV. Of course, the coordination between them requires a certain amount of technology, but overall it is not a big problem.

The biggest problem is not the hardware, but the software, that is, the production of the tracks. Fan Wubing believes that he does not have the right to produce film and television, so he must find a collaborator.

So under careful planning. He decided to go to CCTV again to talk about the development of the Kara O project.

"What? Are you taking a month off?!" Fan Wubing's teacher asked angrily, patted the table.

After finally constraining this naughty student for two months, now he actually wants to take a long vacation again? ! Don’t they know that they are about to face an exam? ! How can it be carved like this kind of rotten wood? !

"If you want to ask for leave, you can make this pile of papers for me first." The teacher directly took out ten papers. Throw it in front of Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wubing glanced at the mimeographed paper. Lamented, you are forcing a gifted child to show his talent in public! This is not conducive to the healthy growth of other children! But he didn't do anything. Zhang Mei strictly restricted his school activities, so he didn't say much, and directly pulled the paper over, and it was a burst of violent writing.

Fortunately, these questions were too simple, and there was no difficulty except for the large amount. After one class, Fan Wuyi finally turned in his papers and left the school in the teacher's shock.

"Genius! Zhang Meidi is so lucky that he actually gave birth to a genius son!" The teacher sighed. No one would have thought that Zhang Mei, Deputy Director Zhang's son, was so strange that he really didn't need to receive an elementary school education.

After Fan Wuyi went home, he told Fan Heng about his ideas as usual, hoping to get Fan Heng's support.

"According to your statement, this thing is very good! We find a few technicians in the factory, and they will definitely be able to do a good job in one week! Why go to Beijing?" Fan Heng felt a little confused.

The huge profits of the single player let Fan Heng understand that it is best not to have too many collaborators, otherwise, the share of his own will not be much. Therefore, he felt that Fan Wuyi's idea of ​​pulling CCTV into the water was inappropriate.

"I don't want to either! But are you qualified to be a film and television production location? That stuff is not something that anyone can do if they want to do it----" Fan Wubing said.

If it is more than 20 years later, with computers, networks, NXP, and FLASH, you can really make your own karaoke O. You can do as many as you want, but now it’s 1983. ! If you don't go to CCTV, where did the original soundtrack come from? Where does the post-production come from? Where do the subtitles come from? Where does the broadcast license come from?

"According to you, it seems that the three companies have to cooperate." Fan Heng said regretfully.

Although Zhang Mei disagrees a bit, Fan Wubing got Fan Heng's support. After all, this is related to a new way to make big money. Righteousness takes the lead and personal issues need to be given way.

Fan Heng assigned an urgent task to the technicians in the factory, and produced a prototype of the Kara O within a week. After having mature experience in making stand-alone players, the technicians of the Pingyuan factory have unique features in appearance design. Yes, the shape of the entire Kara O machine is more durable, thick but not bulky, as long as it is connected to a TV, it can be entertained.

"What should it be called?" Fan Hyung asked.

"Of course it is the Thunder brand. This is our fist brand. How can we let it go?" Fan Heng replied naturally.

"Next, what should we do?" Fan Hyung asked.

"Of course it's going to register a patent!" Fan Wubing said with a smile.

The father and son went to Beijing again. They still found Director Zhang and contacted the relationship. Then they registered the domestic patent of the Kara O machine, and then they went to the CCTV Advertising Department.

"Comrade Fan, Teacher Xiao Fan----" Old Chen from the advertising department was surprised when he saw the arrival of Fan and his son.

These two are the gods of wealth! CCTV receives hundreds of thousands of advertising revenue from their Pingyuan factory every month, and it is said that they will have additional advertising investment next year. Such customers need to be flattered.

Fan Heng said, "Comrade Chen, this time we want to have some cooperation projects with you. Can we talk about it in detail?"

What cooperation projects can we have? Old Chen felt a little strange. You produce products, we advertise, and the last thing is paid. Can we have other cooperation with customers besides advertising fees?

"For specific issues, let's find a suitable place for conversation, it's not very convenient here." Fan Wuyao said.

"This is no problem, where shall we go?" Old Chen nodded, saying that he had no opinion.

So the three people quickly appeared in the private room of Donglaishun~www.readwn.com~ and drank some Red Star Erguotou, and after more than half an hour of cooking the lamb, Fan Wuyi took out the Kara O prototype. Put it on the table.

"What's this new thing?" Although Lao Chen didn't know what it was, he instinctively told him that this thing must be a new product from Pingyuan Factory, a profitable guy!

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