
Vol 2 Chapter 62: If you don't have 2 methods, you will miss + 63rd

Fan Wubing quickly figured out the enemy's situation.

It turned out that the girl was named Xiao Qiang, and she was in the same class as her older brother Fan Kang. Her father was a middle-level cadre from Pingyuan Factory, and her mother was a high school teacher. The family conditions were good, and there was a younger brother in the family. One.

"This name is good, and it's also good for people. No wonder the old man keeps hiding it." Fan Wuyao commented unkindly.

Xiao Qiang is not only a good-looking person, but also the monitor of the class.

"I have to do something!" Fan Wubing felt that he should do something for the old man. It was annoying to see that he had a stinky face all day long.

Another day later, Fan Wuyi got up early and slipped out after cleaning up.

He has always had the habit of morning exercises. Since rebirth, I haven't left in these years, but I used to walk in my own yard, but now I have more freedom and run farther.

When Fan Wuyi came out, the current old brother Fan Kang was no longer at home, and he couldn't help but feel a little shocked. Xindao usually stays at home and sleeps late. It seems that today's situation is really a bit weird.

About two or three miles to the west of Pingyuan Factory, there is a grassland. To the southwest, there is a small river passing. On both sides of the embankment, farmers in the village have planted a lot of daylilies. When it matures, the entire embankment is golden. , Xiangpiao ten miles, really is a good place.

Fan Wuyi strolled over, and now there are a lot of people who come to the morning exercise to take a walk and study.

Although it is the summer vacation, everyone's enthusiasm for learning is still very high.

It didn’t take long for Fan Wuyi to discover the traces of his older brother Fan Kang. Fan Kang was sitting on the embankment reading a book. It was the Xiao Qiang who was more than ten meters away from Fan Kang, and she actually wore it. Listen to the Walkman with headphones. Moreover, the "Thunder" player is actually used!

"I also said that there are no ghosts, so ghosts believe that you don't have ghosts!" Fan Wuyao snorted to himself, and suddenly he had cares in his heart.

There must be some problem between the old brother Fan Kang and Xiao Qiang, but from the current state, it seems that there is an unbreakable deadlock. If you want to establish a harmonious relationship, you will need a strange trick to win.

Fan Wuyao looked at the clear and slowly flowing water on the ground, and smiled evilly. My heart said that who made you all choose this place, then I had no choice but to make full use of the local environment.

It happened that an eleven or twelve-year-old fat man ran over. He was a bit lower than Fan Wuyao, and seemed to be more robust, so Fan Wuyao grabbed him, and then asked mysteriously. "Friend. Want to make money?"

The little fat man was stunned for a moment. Now Fan's disease-free man is not much taller than himself. How could he ask this question, he scratched his head and asked, "What kind of money?"

"Do me a favor, ten yuan!" Fan Wubing sighed, and took out a big unity from his pocket like a trick, and shook it in front of the child's eyes.

Seeing the banknotes, the little fat man's eyes flashed with golden light. Nodded immediately, "What do you want to do?"

"It's actually simple. Have you seen the young lady over there?" Fan Wubing pointed to Xiao Qiang, who was sitting on the riverbank listening to the Walkman, and whispered to the little fat man, "You pretend to pass by her. s Then she accidentally fell. Then she accidentally squeezed her into the river, it was like this!"

"Grass! Do you want to buy murder?!" The little fat man stopped doing it immediately.

"You keep your voice down!" Fan Wuyao was shouted by the little fat man. Almost frightened, he hurriedly pulled him to explain, "Don't worry, when she falls into the river, I will find someone to fish her up again. You see, the river is so shallow that it can flood people? If it doesn't work. , Let me add another one?!"

"Two!" The little fat man usually spends gross tickets, and one piece of land is small. The two big units are placed in front of him. It is really shocking, and suddenly he can't hold it.

Fan Wubing dangled the two pieces of big unity in front of Little Fatty, and finally Little Fatty agreed, "You have to make sure that someone will help!"

"No problem, there are no liars!" Fan Wuyi swears.

"Deal!" The little fat man finally agreed.

"Hehehehe--" Fan Wubing watched the little fat man ran directly to Xiao Qiang, and then shook his shoulders and laughed unscrupulously, thinking that as long as Xiao Qiang was pushed down, the old man next to him would be sure. Will jump down to save people. In this way, the hero saves the beauty for the second time, and saves the beauty with a wet body, close contact, and then break the deadlock, agree with the body, and then feel uncontrollable, thunder and fire, wow haha-I'm so evil NS.

As a result, things seem to be inconsistent with what you imagined!

Fan Wubing suddenly realized that after the little fat man ran to Xiao Qiang, he didn't follow the road map he had set and squeezed her down the river. Instead, he patted Xiao Qiang on the shoulder and talked to her. Speaking of it, Fan Wubing was even more shocked. He had been here for Fan Wubing, and the girl Xiao Qiang's gaze shot over.

"Damn! I've been betrayed!" Fan Wubing had met Xiao Qiang. How could he not be recognized in broad daylight? He looked at Xiao Qiang's gaze very stunned. He was really a little uncomfortable, and he whispered. Turn around and run.

As he ran, Fan Wubing thought, this little fat man is too unreliable. Even if he took the money from Lao Tzu, he turned back! Don't let me see you next time, otherwise this kid must be detained and abused again!

Fan Kang was reading and didn't know anything about it.

And the little fat man said to Xiao Qiang kindly, "Hehe, sister, am I very smart! That kid made me play around and thought it was a good idea! I lost two great unity in vain!"

"Are you sure he gave you the money to push me down the river?" Xiao Qiang felt a little incomprehensible.

Naturally, she recognized the child as Fan Kang's younger brother. The other night, she was a super hero to save the United States. Why did she become so evil today that she wanted to spend money to hire someone to push herself into the water?

Although the river was not deep, at best, it was just over the knees, but if you fell in unexpectedly, it would be very embarrassing, and it was summer again, and I didn't wear much clothes. How good is it like that?

Why did he come up with such a bad idea? Xiao Qiang couldn't figure it out, where did he offend Fan Kangdi's brother? In a blink of an eye, I glanced at Fan Kang who was sitting quietly reading a book, Xiao Qiang felt a little confused in his heart.

Chapter 63 Is that your balcony?

Fan Wubing ran back home in a hurry, saying that today he was really degraded to the extreme, and he was actually fooled by a child.

But then again, that kid is too hateful! Even if he didn't do anything with the money, he even reported against the water, so there are so many guts at such a small age. It's hard to guarantee what it will be like when you grow up in the future. This is the age of peace, and for decades in the morning, maybe there will be a traitor in Panshi City!

Fan Wubing felt sorry for himself for a while. I feel deeply that this action has failed, and it is most shameful that he actually exposed the target. In the future, Xiao Qiang has preparedness, but it will not be so convenient to act!

After a while. The old brother Fan Kang is back. Looks in a good mood, still humming a little tune.

"It seems that Xiao Qian didn't tell me the blackness--" Fan Wuyi felt a little relieved.

Although this matter is not a big deal, it was spread out, and it made me ashamed after all. It seems that this little girl is still more kind, um, not bad! Fan Wubing thought so, and Fan Kang walked over.

"No illness, so you didn't go out!" Fan Kang smiled and walked over. He patted Fan Wushu's head.

Fan Wubing shook his head, turned aside, and said with some dissatisfaction, "Don't pat my head, you will be stupid! You don't want to have a stupid brother, do you?"

"I obviously touched--" Fan Kang defended.

"You can't touch it! This action of you. It makes me feel like a kitten or puppy." Fan Wuyao resolutely resisted.

Fan Kang chuckled. Then he took out two pieces of Great Unity and said to Fan Wuyao, "Xiao Qiang talked to me today. She said that you lent her twenty yuan and will pay you back today."

Fan Wubing was very speechless at once, and it seemed that he was recognized! He took the two pieces of Great Unity very depressed, and then asked suspiciously, "In addition to paying back the money, she didn't say anything else?"

"Yes! She asked a lot about you!" Fan Kang looked happy, "However, when did you lend her money? Their family conditions are also pretty good, so they wouldn't want to borrow money from a kid like you. ?"

Fan Wubing was speechless at once, and you still need to talk about it! However, Fan Kang was obviously in a good mood and was not interested in further questioning. He hummed a little tune and went back to his room. It is said that there is still a lot of summer homework to be completed, and there are 20 compositions arranged by the teacher. However, Fan Wubing sneered at this point. Does the high school teacher still accept the homework assigned by the junior high school teacher? !

However, how could that child give the money to Xiao Qiang again? Is it true that the charm of beautiful women is really impossible to kill young and old? ! Fan Wubing couldn't figure out the joints, and finally didn't think about it. Anyway, if you come to Japan for a long time, as long as you focus on monitoring, fortify and control, and resolutely attack the non-Fankang boys who dare to approach her, victory will come!

But at noon, Fan Wuyi spotted his little fat man in the yard in front of the building.

"Damn! Your brat is so courageous! Even I dare to fool!" Fan Wuyi looked around at no one, and directly grabbed the opponent's collar and dragged him into the shadow of the big willow tree.

The little fat man had no fear on his face, but he yelled, "Fan Wuyi, what do you want to do?!"

day! He actually recognizes me? ! Fan Wubing couldn't help but froze for a moment. Could it be that I'm so famous? Even a child knows my name. If this person is talented, he will kill all the young and old! I just don’t know if there is a little loli who admires me in the kindergarten, hahahaha——

"How do you know me?" Fan Wubing felt a little curious.

"Halo, you and I are in the same class, how can I not recognize you?" The little fat man rolled his eyes and looked at Fan Wuyao like an idiot.

"Isn't it?! Then why don't I know you?!" Fan Wuyao felt very incredible. There is such a coincidence in the world, this kid is actually a classmate with him, and he doesn't know him yet? !

The little fat man replied helplessly, "Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, you stay in school for ten days at most, and you still jump several levels to come up to the genius children, not to mention a classmate, it is the whole school. Teachers and classmates here, who doesn't know you?"

Fan Wubing suddenly felt very, because he wanted to hide behind the scenes of the remote control command site. Who knew it would be recognized as soon as he came out. It seems that being well-known is indeed a troublesome thing, and it affects personal sex!

"It's so bad--" Fan Wubing was embarrassed to pull the collar of his classmate again, so he let him go, and pulled the collar for him, and said apologetically, "Hey! I don't blame anyone who doesn't know! I'm sorry! Yes, I really don’t know you and I are classmates! By the way, what’s your name?"

"My name is Xiao Guizhi, and I live upstairs opposite." The little fat man apologized when he saw Fan Wuyi, but didn't blame him any more. He answered Fan Wuyi's question and pointed his finger at the location of his balcony.

Little Guizi? ! How did you get such a name? As soon as Fan Wubing heard it, he thought of Lord Wei Jue Xiaobao in Daxia Jin’s "The Deer and Ding Tale". He looked at Xiao Guizhi and felt that this servant was really a bit ghostly, but he followed the other person’s fingers to the balcony of Xiao Guizhi’s house. After looking at it, I was a little dizzy.

"Are you sure~www.readwn.com~ that is your balcony?!" Fan Wuyi groaned in pain.

"That's right! Do you have any comments?" Xiao Guizhi replied unhappily.

"No, no! I hate myself! Why am I so stupid?!" Fan Wubing suddenly beat his chest and blamed himself, "I'm so stupid! Really! I just know that this balcony belongs to Xiao Qiang's house. , But I don’t know that this balcony is also yours! I only know that Xiao Qiang has a younger brother, but I don’t know that you also have an older sister! I only know that children can be bought with money, but I don’t know that children are also close relatives. I'm so stupid, why did I meet you today?!"

The little fat man watched Fan Wuyao vent to himself and said, "I find that I am also stupid, really! Why can't I understand what he said?! Staying with genius children Together, the pressure is really great!"

The most tragic thing in the world is to meet the wrong person at the wrong time and make the wrong decision. Let the wrong person execute the wrong decision. The result will be the wrong result and the wrong impact. ! In order to make up for the impact of this mistake, it is bound to continue to make many mistakes!

Ugh! The wrong life! You are wrong and you are wrong, let me be born again!

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