
Vol 2 Chapter 89: Senior executives from Compaq visited

After dealing with the Jianlibao factory, Fan Wuyao returned to Beijing.

Because from my sister Fan Ting, there has been news that the sales agent request to Compaq of the United States has been replied, and that the other party’s senior management is planning to visit mainland China recently and is willing to contact here.

Is it just a touch? Fan Wubing smiled secretly in his heart. He understood the arrogance of Americans. He thought that all the latest technology in the world was made by himself, and that China should have come from the primitive society in ignorance, which is very ridiculous.

However, Fan Wuyao is confident that as long as the other party comes to Beijing and sees the huge market opportunity and his own economic strength, he will definitely be tempted. At that time, Lenovo, which had only 200,000 funds, was able to take down IBM and hold hundreds of millions of funds in its own hands. Could it be possible that a Compaq company that was founded only two years ago and has not taken off in a real sense?

After Billy Merton got off the plane and arranged the hotel, he came to the FANS club in Wangfujing.

This name was chosen by Fan Wubing at will. Although it will take many years for personal computers to become popular in mainland China, it is also a good choice for everyone to remember a resounding name, so when Billy Merton saw the red at a glance When the English signboard with gold letters on the bottom was shocked.

It was the weekend. There were about a dozen part-time Peking University students in the lobby. More people went out to do business. Billy Merton glanced at the surrounding environment and found that the layout was very casual and attractive. I can't feel that this should be a commercial organization. On one side of the hall is a bar counter. There were also many alcohols and beverages inside. A refrigerator that was probably made in Nissan was filled with ice cubes. Obviously, they were also drinking ice water.

Around the hall, there were some wicker chairs with a Chinese flavor. Billy even saw two or three swings hanging in a corner. In short, the feeling here for Billy is different from that of any commercial organization in China. He couldn't help but feel very curious about the Chinese company that has issued a cooperation proposal to Compaq.

Billy is undoubtedly one of the few major shareholders of Compaq. In 1982, he and Rod Kenyon and Jimmy Harris, also from Texas Instruments, invested 10 million U.S. dollars. Founded Compaq.

Compaq’s initial product was IBM’s first version of a personal computer with both portability and compatibility. In March 1983, its price was 3,950 U.S. dollars. This big guy should be considered the ancestor of today's laptops. Although it is not the first portable computer produced in the world. But it was the first portable computer produced outside of IBM. The first personal computer to be compatible with IBM recognized by IBM, and it was quickly recognized by everyone. Compaq sold more than 53,000 units in the first year, creating the company’s business in the United States. Sales revenue records in the first three years. However, this computer looks very cumbersome in the back. It is a big guy with a nine-inch black-and-white screen, two five-inch floppy disks, and a weight of twenty kilograms.

Billy and others have grasped the key to the problem very keenly. Most of IBM's components in the machine are not directly produced by itself. This may be the main reason for Compaq's great achievements. And because Microsoft has never transferred its operating system license to any computer manufacturer. This has also become a major obstacle facing all computer manufacturers. However, Billy and others found that in hardware production, the only thing that needs to be copied is S, so Compaq bought the patent for one million US dollars and can decompile it. This makes it quickly become an industry leader among other companies in the compatibility industry.

Throughout 1982 to 1984. Compaq's development momentum is extremely rapid, and it is expected that this year's sales revenue in 1984 will reach more than 100 million US dollars. It will set a US commercial sales record for the first time, which also makes the bosses of Compaq feel very proud. After receiving the cooperation proposal sent by Fan Wubing and others, everyone is not very interested.

"That ancient and blocked eastern country, would they use such advanced modern tools? I doubt this deeply——" A major shareholder expressed full suspicion, believing that even if selling computers in mainland China, the gains would be minimal. .

The final result of the discussion is to let Billy, one of the major shareholders, come to Beijing to take a look in person to see if there is a real possibility of cooperation.

"Hello, what do you need?" A girl in charge of reception immediately stepped forward and asked Billy in English.

Oh! Thank God, this is great! I thought they could not speak English! Billy first paid tribute to God, and then introduced himself, "I'm Billy, executive vice president of Compaq Corporation of the United States. You proposed to request cooperation." Billy handed the invitation letter from his pocket. .

Fan Ting, who was reading the report in the next office, heard the movement and walked out immediately. After checking Billy’s invitation, after confirming his identity, he apologized and invited him to the next bar to sit down. He complained, "I thought that Fan Wuyi would come over, but now I don't know where this kid has gone. I'm really depressed."

However, Fan Ting still understands Fan Wubing’s intentions. In addition, they also have a certain understanding of Compaq in the United States. They also know that Billy is one of the big bosses of Compaq. Therefore, there is no reception at all. Dare to neglect.

Billy opened the door and said, "My time in China is very tight this time, because Compaq is also very interested in business in mainland China, so after seeing your company's cooperation proposal, I also discussed it. So I As soon as I came to Beijing, I paid a visit to your company. I want to know what kind of development roadmap will your company bring to our company if your company becomes the general agent of our company in the mainland area?"

Billy’s problem is actually one of the most concerned issues of Compaq’s executives. The economic level of mainland China is relatively lagging behind. It is difficult for them to imagine what the Chinese people will do if they buy these personal computers. Besides, the problem of Chinese input in the computer has not been well solved yet, right? Using the English input method alone, Billy can hardly imagine how much personal computers will develop in mainland China.

Even the top executives of IBM only think that high-end servers are the ultimate demand of the market, and personal computers are just a kind of luxury that looks very good, and it will not have a big development.

Although Compaq’s personal computer business is the highest in the United States, it does not dare to imagine that in the next few years or more than a decade, more than one-third of the world’s population will use personal computers for study, work, communication, and communication. One of the main tools of consumption.

Fan Ting calmly said to Billy, "Mr. Billy, the market in Mainland China is much more complicated than any other country and region. From your point of view, this is a **** and there is not much profit. But from our point of view, it is not difficult to open up this market. Therefore, you first need to establish confidence in our potential partner, and secondly, can you understand our complete set of market operations strategies."

"Huh huh?" Billy felt that this young girl had some negotiation skills, and couldn't help asking with great interest, "Then, beautiful lady, how will you strengthen our confidence in your company? This is not as simple as talking about it—"

Fan Ting was prepared for this, and immediately took out a document and sent it to Billy.

Billy unfolded and looked at it and found that it was bilingual in Chinese and English, which was very formal, and when he looked closely, he couldn't help but feel deeply shocked.

This material is what Fan Wubing used to negotiate agency negotiations with major companies.

The content is not complicated. It is just a certificate issued by the Swiss Bank regarding Mr. Fan Wubing’s income and asset details. However, the amount involved on a few pages is in the hundreds of millions of yuan. Some of them are more than 100 million yuan. It is settled in Japanese Yen.

Calculated in this way, the personal assets of this Mr. Fan Wubing is about 30 million US dollars, but 30 million US dollars sounds like a lot, that is, the total investment of Compaq when it started. Although Billy I believe that this fan club has the strength to represent the brand of Compaq, but I don't believe that his influence can cover the entire mainland of China.

So Billy said, "I believe that your company will be able to act as a business agent in a region without any problems, but can you afford such a huge market in mainland China~www.readwn.com~? And, from the perspective of qualifications, Most of your company’s employees are students at school. How can I believe that your company’s business will continue to grow?"

There are so many words from this foreigner. Fan Ting frowned, and then explained, “Personal computers are a relatively new thing in mainland China, and sales alone cannot meet the needs of consumers, so we need to establish A large and effective after-sales service team, as college students, their learning ability is very amazing, within three to five months, they can grow into a qualified sales or after-sales service personnel, this is also Why does our company place emphasis on choosing college students as employees. Moreover, young people are full of vigor and enterprising spirit. I wonder what Mr. Billy thinks?"

"So, okay!" Billy obviously wouldn't be impressed by Fan Ting's short words. He shrugged and said, "I think I need to contact the head office and do some preliminary work on the Chinese mainland market by the way. I understand that before the formation of my visit to China, I will represent Compaq and give your company a clear answer on the cooperation."

"As you wish." Fan Ting replied reservedly.

"Also, can you make some of this drink for me? I think it tastes good." Billy pointed to Jianlibao and said to Fan Ting.

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