
Vol 2 Chapter 97: Investment in the feed industry

After Fan Wubing shot Wuzhi away, he fell into a brief emptiness again. I read

It should be said that in the current environment, Fan Wuyi's intelligence can only be less than one percent, at least he himself thinks so.

Fan Ting sneered at this. She always knocked Fan Wu's genius on the head, and squeezed him into a double blow mentally and violently. Give up right-wing thinking and bring a bomb to attack the emperor? Isn’t it just making a high-tech inflatable doll? Can you make the inflatable doll move on its own? Isn’t it just making a Jianlibao out? Can you make it sell well? Coca-Cola? What to look at? You are not convinced! I said these three, as long as you can do one of them, I won't knock your head anymore!"

Fan Wubing hugged his head painfully and said, "The first one is too difficult. Although Wuzhi Xiaoji is my little brother, it is because of the money's face. It’s blown up! The third is impossible. The Coca-Cola formula is too accidental. No matter how hard I try, it’s impossible to make Jianlibao’s sales reach even one third of others’ sales! There is a slight possibility, but only the second. You can try it!" Fan Wubing thought of this, he couldn't help but raised his head suspiciously, staring at the old sister Fan Ting somewhat weirdly, and asked, "Old sister, you are deliberately inducing me to open an inflatable doll that I can move. Ah! You, you, you—I don’t think you have any needs in this area-

Before Fan Wuyao's words fell, he saw a powder fist hit his nose. With Fan Wuyao's strength, he didn't have time to avoid it. The speed of this punch seems to have broken through the sound barrier. The limit of human stamina!

Fan Wubing's nose suddenly bloomed, and he jumped up while clutching his nose. He rushed to the outside quickly, and shouted angrily, "It's incredible! Killing and killing!"

The employees of the s club can often hear the miserable sound of the boss being beaten by the boss’s old sister.

"The boss and the boss are really brothers and sisters, they are so sturdy!" The employees all said so when they communicated privately.

Fan Wubing knocked Erlang's leg. Lying in the wicker chair, while drinking hot tea, while watching the report data sent from various places.

At the Jianlibao factory, the order quantity in December has passed 20 million yuan, and the order quantity in January next year is only a lot higher. I read *Book^ The two major production bases, one in the south and the other in the north, are full of horsepower. After all, the factory implements an effective wage system. As long as they work more, the workers will get more bonuses. Everyone Naturally motivated, he can't wait to give birth to eight arms.

Everything is running step by step, and Fan Wubing only needs to decide on some major route issues.

On the pig farm. The three Wang brothers submitted to him a design plan for investing in the construction of a feed processing plant.

In fact, the late father of the three Wang brothers. The old man Wang was specializing in the stuff of feed, but it was a pity that he didn't catch up with the good time, so he just went. The three Wang brothers have been raising pigs with Fan Wuyi in recent years. They have basically dominated the pig industry in Panshi City, and have radiated their influence to a dozen nearby counties and cities. Recently, they have been in Fan Wuyi again. What kind of pigs to go to the countryside with support, the response is very good.

Looking at the whole Wangtian Province, I can compare with the splendid spring pig farm hosted by the three Wang brothers. I really can't find a second one, even a large state-run pig farm can't do this.

Once a person has money and a reputation, he wants to do something he wants to do, especially if he didn't have the ability to do it before. Things that I have never forgotten. The three Wang brothers are most worried about it. It is the feed industry that the late father Wang and father had been talking about during his lifetime.

But wanting to set up a large-scale feed processing plant is not as simple as imagined.

The right time and the right place. One of these can't be less!

Speaking of Tianshi, this is the most important thing. When last year, the three Wang brothers' thoughts might be irritating. The state has strict control! If the policy is not loosened, don't think about doing anything by yourself! Since Deng Gongnan’s tour this year, the domestic atmosphere has obviously relaxed. People with ideas in their hearts have gone to sea to start companies. My brothers are itchy in their hearts and want to open up this feed processing factory that has been planned for many years. It can be regarded as the final wish of the deceased father.

As for the advantages of geography and people, there is never a shortage of land. The three brothers work together as one person. In addition, Fan Wuyi fully trusts and delegates power. As long as the three Wang brothers have good ideas, Fan Wuyi’s big boss has always been a strong supporter. He really wants money and policies. The policy, the brothers are grateful, it really means a kind of rewarding confidant.

As for the venue problem, it has also been resolved.

There are a lot of free spaces in the village. In the past two years, they have exhausted the light of the pig farm. The villagers have a good income. There are well-known villages with more than 10,000 households in the distance. The children are standing up! This time the pig farm let out the wind and said that it wanted to set up a feed factory. The village cadres held a meeting overnight to unify their thinking and must keep this project in the village.

The village chief said well, "It’s good to run a factory! Isn’t the example of a pig farm just before us? It solves the way out for how much of our wealthy labor force?! If we want to set up a feed factory this time, we must recruit workers, right? In our village, how many rich labors do you think this can solve? This is a good thing!"

In this way, the feed factory did not have a single word. The village chief and village cadres took turns to visit the pig farm, which meant that there was a turmoil here, and they definitely wanted to follow it.

Fan Wubing read the feasibility analysis report written by the three brothers, which made it clear.

More than 80% of the domestic aquaculture industry is still free-range, with low efficiency and low output, which cannot satisfy everyone's appetite! As rookies in the pig industry, the three brothers are worried about this situation. They can't wait to reverse this unfavorable situation overnight and let the big guys eat the beautiful pork.

To achieve this goal, you must first improve the existing feeding methods and introduce new feeds with scientific formulas. Therefore, the three brothers thought of the problem of jointly setting up a factory. First, set up a large-scale feed factory in Panshi, which not only can solve the problem. To solve the feed problem of their own pig farms and improve production efficiency, the excess feed can also be exported to the entire Wangtian Province or even radiated to the surrounding provinces and cities.

In conjunction with this, there is also a pig breeding farm, which is also promoted according to the new breed of pigs cultivated by the three Wang brothers. Combined with the new feed, the pigs can grow to more than 200 kilograms in four months. This result is Very gratifying.

Fan Wubing took a look, and now the proposal of the three Wang brothers is very well-founded and feasible, and then thinks of Thailand’s Chia Tai Group, which is actually relying on the feed processing industry to open hundreds of factories all over the world. More than two hundred processing plants were opened in the Big Six alone, with an investment of more than 5 billion U.S. dollars. Fan Wubing felt that this thing would definitely be done.

The Chinese market is really too big, especially for consumables, and there is no worries that there will be no sales. For example, instant noodles, such as mineral water, such as washing powder, such as toothpaste, such as toilet paper, although they seem inconspicuous, in fact, their profits are much higher than many things such as cars and airplanes.

And feed is the same big consumable, and the appetite of pigs is much larger than that of humans.

Instead of letting outsiders come in and make money away, it's better to take advantage of the money in your hands now and take this position first, and then you will be able to share the most attractive piece of cream on this big cake.

So Fan Wubing directly signed his opinion on the proposal of the three Wang brothers, agreed to proceed accordingly, and provided 5 million yuan in funding. The three brothers will be the management and sponsor of the new feed factory, recruiting troops, and jointly contributing to this matter. And pointed out a problem for them, that is, to establish their own transportation fleet to achieve door-to-door business.

In Fan Wu's opinion, many domestic undertakings ~www.readwn.com~, especially those in the service industry, have not been clear about how to serve this issue, or the positioning is inaccurate. Some state-owned enterprises The business sector in China is even more squeezing scarce resources to take advantage of the demand and make the entire service industry black and obnoxious.

If you want to make your business bigger and stronger, you must first establish a sense of service, and fully care for customers in a complete set of processes from production and sales to after-sales, so that you can build your brand reputation among the majority of users. , And then occupy a larger market share.

After Fan Wubing made up his reply to the three Wang brothers, he found an employee to send a registered letter, and then continued to hold Erlang's legs and tea, but after a few minutes without stopping, the phone on the table rang sharply. .

This call was made by a relationship a few days ago. Although the telephone service has been opened to the common people, it is because there are too few resources. There are more than 2,000 ministerial-level officials in Beijing. Other leaders, large and small, are really It's quite a lot. It will be the year of the monkey when he is in the queue, so Fan Wuyi quickly found a relationship, and it was all right for a week.

But Fan Wuyao answered the phone, but the news was shocking.

I only heard my mother Zhang Mei cry out in shock over there, "Are you ill? Your dad hanged himself!"

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