
Vol 5 Chapter 1137: Took people away

[======Hand fight=====] Pan Wubing wore a pair of sunglasses. I drove a very popular car and stopped in the Yexue Building


Several bodyguards are scattered all over the campus, openly or secretly, watching people who seem to be coming and going with fear.

When it is time for class to end in the afternoon, the campus of Beiwai University is very lively. There are always many luxury cars parked here, and then many girls with heavy makeup or lightly sweeping eyebrows sit in and walk away.

According to the general rule, these cars will not be driven back to give people away until tomorrow morning between classes.

The driver and bodyguard sitting in the driving seat has been here for several days. From time to time, he glanced at the teaching building in front, and then chatted with Fan Wuyao.

"What are you doing with and following Minister Jiang?" Fan Wuyao asked casually.

"What is engaged in intelligence analysis is to find clues from a large amount of intelligence information to determine which direction the latest situation will develop, and to make different action plans for its possibility." The driver and bodyguard replied.

"Well, it sounds like a technical job." Fan Wubian nodded, and then asked, "What is your name, why I can't remember?"

"Luo Yizhen" the driver and bodyguard replied a little speechlessly, apparently helpless to the boss's forgetfulness.

"Oh." Fan Wubing nodded.

This driver and bodyguard was one of Jiang Lue’s gifts to Fan Wuyi. At this time, he was only thirty years old. However, he was second to none in the system in terms of his skill and intelligence analysis ability, and Jiang Lue has kept it secretly. The ultimate weapon, since Jiang Lue was planning to retire at this time, he naturally wanted to leave such talents to Fan Wuyi. At the same time, it also means to rely on him to establish an effective connection with Fan Wuyao.

After all, it's safer to use a trusted confidant as a link between the same Fan Wuyi.

"Come out" Luo Yizhen said to Fan Wuyao suddenly.

Fan Wubing straightened up, climbed on the back of the seat in front, patted Luo Yizhen's shoulder and asked, "Where?"

"The most beautiful one is gone, the one in yellow, shirt and umbrella" Luo Yizhen said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing followed Luo Yizheng's instructions and looked to the other side. In between, four or five girls were walking together talking and laughing. They were standing under a sycamore tree on the side of the road in the campus, seeming to be Waiting for someone, there really is a girl wearing a yellow shirt, a denim skirt that is not knee-high underneath, holding a lavender parasol, and laughing with her companions.

Although there was a road across, Fan Wubing still clearly saw a faint worry on her face. It was obvious that there was something in her heart.

Fan Wubing rolled down one side of the car window. Then he took the 8-megapixel professional digital camera placed aside, and the longer lens narrowed the distance between him and the girl.

I saw the girl's long shawl and her hair dangled casually, like a green weeping willow in spring. Floating with the wind, inside the outline of the soft big eyes is a dazzling pearl, shining brightly, the melon-shaped face and the slender arms are very cleverly matched, adding a bit of embellishment to the beauty of this fairy. A pair of tennis shoes lightly stepped on the ground under his feet, moving playfully, gently touching the heart, and his slender figure exuded youthful light. After watching it for a long time, Fan Wubing sighed.

Luo Yi really took it seriously, "A beauty is a disaster."

This girl is also the reward for another thing Jiang Lue said, called Lu Qingtong.

When Jiang Lue mentioned this girl, Si did not hesitate to say about his vocabulary about beautiful women. In the end, he was too dry and didn't make it clear, so he simply said to Fan Wuyao, "Go and see it yourself. No need to say that my old man fooled you, as to whether it is worth your shot. I don't want to force it. However, if such a beautiful woman is ruined by people because of these things, it is simply a treasure."

Fan Wubing was half-believing Jiang Lue's words, because he had always doubted whether the old man's vision was as good as what he said, and what he said about Jiang Lue's friend's daughter. Also felt a bit tricky, and did not make up his mind for a while whether to help him with this favor.

In fact, things are not complicated, but a bit sensitive.

This girl named Lu Qingtong is a third-year student of Beijing Foreign Studies University. It is not the kind of little girl who has just entered the university campus. She used to go to an aristocratic girls’ school, but her father Lu Minyu was a member of the civil aviation system. The director of the local air traffic control bureau was also one of the victims of Fan Wuyi's heavy blow this time.

"Obviously, if it were not for such a superior family environment, it would be difficult to cultivate a beautiful woman with superior temperament," Fan Wubing said to Luo Yizhen. "How much money did Lu Minyu get in his hands?"

"It's probably more than 400 million, and more than half of them have a young wife. This time it is said that the death penalty has been set internally." Luo Yizhen replied.

"The oil and water of the local air traffic control bureau is so big?" Fan Wubing heard Luo Yizhen say so. Obviously there was some surprise.

Although he unveiled the shady civil aviation system before. I also know that there is plenty of oil and water in it, but the main starting point is that I am more resentful about the dismantling of the Yun-10 project. It is not very clear how deep the water is in it. At this time, Luo Yizhen mentioned it, but it was a bit stunned.

The Air Traffic Control Bureau of the Civil Aviation Administration of China is the functional organization of the Civil Aviation Administration of China to manage the national air traffic services, civil aviation communications, navigation, surveillance, aviation meteorology, and aeronautical information. More people.

Its main responsibilities are to prepare medium and long-term development plans and annual construction plans for the civil aviation management system, formulate industry regulations, standards and specifications, manage scientific research, training and personnel licenses, organize the implementation and supervise the daily operation of aircraft and flight verification. Responsible for handling international affairs of the air traffic control system.

The current industry management system of the air traffic control system is the three-level management of the air traffic control bureau of the general administration, the air traffic control bureau of the regional administration, the air traffic control center or the air traffic control station. The operation organization form is basically regional control, approach control, and airport control as the main line. The three-level air traffic service system has more than 10,000 employees in the whole system.

Lu Minyu is the director of the Air Traffic Management Bureau of the Regional Administration Bureau. He has also worked in the industry for more than 20 years. He has relatively old qualifications and belongs to a very influential person. Quite a lot of economic problems have been detected. Although they have not been announced at this time, they are still in the dual regulations, but the high-level internal departments are basically already; the conclusion is that it will be the target of the civil aviation department's re-examination of the corruption case. Sentenced to death Zan Xieer doubts.

Fan Wubing was also a little tangled in his heart at this time. After all, I stabbed it out by myself, and now I have to come forward to find people. It is indeed a bit difficult to handle. Although he is basically certain, if he said he was begging to wait for a few with Chief One. It is certainly possible for a big man to do this, but he hasn’t used this relationship for so many years. Seeing that these people should retreat behind the scenes, but they have to go to private channels. Isn’t it a bit unkind? NS?

But after thinking about it again, Fan Wubing felt that this matter could also be considered from another aspect.

After all, things like human relations started by taking advantage of each other. If I ask them for a favor at this time, I guess everyone will not refuse. Because if you need to use yourself in the future. They also have a reason to speak. After all, they are the people who retreated behind the scenes, and the energy to do things is much inferior.

Looking at the seductive lady, Fan Wubing suddenly felt that it was not a bad thing to do Jiang Lue’s favor. It was indeed a swift win for the members of the two leading groups, both old and new. Good thing.

The most important thing is that the girl in front of him really makes Fan Wubing feel amazing, thinking that if Lu Minyu dies, a little girl like Lu Qingtong will definitely get into trouble. If she is lucky, she will become the mistress of the rich. If you are unlucky, it is estimated that you will end up in a place like heaven and earth.

"Sometimes, girls are too beautiful, which is not a good thing. If they are mediocre, they are too eye-catching. But it is difficult to live according to their own wishes." Fan Wuyao couldn't help but sigh with emotion. One sentence.

Luo Yi really nodded and said, "Minister Jiang and Lu Minyu are family friends, although they are a little bit different in age. However, they have taken good care of this little niece. Over the years, Lu Qingtong has been able to go smoothly. It doesn't matter. Now that he has decided to go, he can no longer take care of Lu Qingtong. Instead of watching Lu Minyu's ruin and Lu Qingtong becoming someone else's plaything, it is better to hand this hot potato into your hand. In his words That said, even if a flower is inserted on the cow dung, it is also a pile of super cow dung unparalleled in the world.

Fan Wubing smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "This Jiang Lue. He will hurt others."

Beiwai has always been the only place patronized by wealthy people. Without Jiang Lue's care, let alone the innocent Lu Qingtong who looks so simple, it would be difficult to resist all kinds of temptations even if it is a girl with rich experience.

It seems that the relationship between Jiang Lue and Lu Minyu is really good, otherwise he would not be able to send someone to stare here to clear the obstacles for Lu Qingtong. After all, according to Jiang Lue's temperament, the possibility of doing so is very slim.

"Well, when you look back, you can tell Minister Jiang, I accepted this matter, and Fan Wuyi considered it again and again, and finally expressed his opinion to Luo Yizhen.

Luo Yi really breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, and he said that Minister Jiang had chosen the right person, and only Fan Wubing could handle this kind of scene. It is estimated that he would not dare to provoke such a situation in a weaker government. Trouble, at best, it was just giving Lu Qingtong to Jinwu Cangjiao.

But what Jiang Lue asked for was not only that someone could take care of Lu Qingtong, but more importantly, that Lu Minyu could be kept in order to live up to the family friendship. As for how much money Lu Minyu himself is greedy. Enrolling a few mistresses is not a matter of his consideration. There are definitely not a few officials who do this. Fifty steps and a hundred steps. If it is not a typical example of being caught, what big thing is it? It's not just a photo at all.

However, Luo Yizhen was still a little shocked by Fan Wubing's words. This is the courage of Zheng Guo-level ya inner. Of course, there are many Zheng Guo-level ya inners, but there is no second one with Fan Wu's courage. , After all, this is already interfering in the political situation. It is taboo.

However, the timing of Fan Wubing's decision is just right. It is in the critical period of the transition between the old and the new. At this time, everyone has to take special care of Fan Wuyi's economic power, not to mention that there is also a Fan who is also a state-level leader. Heng was able to increase the bargaining chip of Fan's side, and the energy of Fan's father and son were tied together, which really should not be underestimated.

"However, there are many people pursuing Lu Qingtong, but we usually use various means to block her, otherwise she would have been eaten so much that there is no dregs left." Luo Yizhen said to Fan Wuyao.

"It seems that I have to put a sticker on her. It's okay to indicate that the famous flower has a master?" Fan Fang said Bing.


But soon, Fan Wuyi discovered that Lu Qingtong’s suitors had appeared. A red Ferrari suddenly stopped in front of Lu Qingtong and the others, followed by another Lamborghini, and another which appeared to be a Rolls-Royce Phantom. , And then I saw a few men between the ages of 18 and 30, surrounding Lu Qingtong and the others. It seems to be mobilizing them to go out and play together.

"Old-fashioned, isn't it the ditch horses in the campus. They use this method?" Fan Wuyao shook his head again and again after seeing it, sighing that these people have no new ideas.

"The most old-fashioned method is often the most effective. Haven't you seen that several girls are unsteady?" Luo Yi really curled his lips. He has been here for a while. Naturally, I have a better understanding of the situation here. There are really not a few girls who are picked up by the car every night and sent back by the car the next morning.

To be able to reject the temptation of wealth, the first condition is that you have huge wealth. This wealth is not only at the material level, but also at the spiritual level. This is the meaning of the Chinese so-called daughter to be rich, although in many At that time, the concept of affluence was given to the wrong geography


The two of them sat in the car and looked at them. Luo Yizhen said to Fan Wuyao, "Boss, if you don't do anything else, I'm afraid it's the small group? The head is about to drag your beauties away together.

Fan Wubing frowned, and he realized that a group of girls tried to persuade Lu Qingtong to go out with them, but Lu Qingtong's expression was a little hesitant, obviously he was cautious.

"Hey, it seems that you can't make a low-key appearance." Fan Wubing sighed. Then Zhou Luoyi really waved his hand.

Luo Yi really laughed, and then drove me directly into the red Ferrari that was listening to the other side of the road. To know what's going on, please log in to the muscles, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading! Fan Wuyi's car has always been irrelevant. The first feature is that it is strong enough.

Therefore, when Luo Yizhen drove his car and hit the red Ferrari with maximum power, he directly knocked off half of the car's butt, and then saw Fan Wuyi's car continue to move forward. Li, he just pushed the Ferrari out and hit the Lamborghini, followed by the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

It also happened that the place where they parked was not very good. There was an artificial lake separated by a wooden fence. Although the area was small, this season happened to be the time when the water and grass were lush. Luo Yizhen also really dared to do it. Pushing over, breaking through the wooden fence, Rolls-Royce Phantom, Lamborghini, and Ferrari were squeezed into the lake one by one.

"Ah—" The young people over there who were soaking up school girls immediately noticed what happened here, and suddenly shouted.

The girls were also shocked and eclipsed. They have seen arrogant ones, and have never seen such arrogant ones. These three cars can be worth six or seven million at least, so they were squeezed into the lake. .

What is even more surprising is that the vehicle involved in the accident was not a famous car, but an ordinary-looking domestic car.

"Damn, what do you want to do. You can't afford to sell this car--" A young man rushed over angrily, slapped his hand outside Fan's car window, his face full of anger.

Although the artificial lake is not big or deep, it is planted with lotus all the year round, so there is a lot of silt at the bottom of the lake. After the three cars entered the water, only a burst of bubbles, they all sank to the bottom of the water and sink into the silt. The electronic equipment in it should be completely scrapped after such a bubble. As for whether the engine will be fatally damaged due to this, it is still unknown, but one thing is certain, even if it is salvaged, a few wealthy children I have no interest in driving this kind of car that is crowded into the lake anymore.

Luo Yi really ignored these people. As soon as he hit the steering wheel, the car slammed back, and almost pushed the person into the water, and the other party was so angry that he yelled.

A few other young people felt insulted, and rolled up their sleeves to come over and start their hands. If you can afford to drive these cars, there are naturally some ways in your home. When did you experience this kind of idleness?

However, when Luo Yi really put the car's **** over at them, a few people immediately stayed there.

The license plate of the Central Guard Bureau was hung arrogantly behind the back of the car.

Although a few people are easily impulsive. But that is also divided into occasions. Suddenly I saw a car with a Central Security Bureau license plate. I had to study the other side's origin. After all, this type of license plate can't be obtained if you have money, and you can have this type of license plate on a private car. , Really not much, it seems that the boss of heaven and earth has a car with this kind of license plate. The energy of that person in the capital is obvious to all.

The car stopped, a bodyguard got out of the car, and then opened the back door, Fan Wuyi Shishiran walked out.

"You are—" a car owner in his thirties cautiously asked Fan Wubing, wanting to find out who the other party is and who looks so arrogant?

Fan Wubing didn't mean to talk to him at all, so he ignored them and walked through them to Lu Qingtong, who was also surprised and looked at her carefully until Lu Qingtong was completely seen. Uncomfortable, he said to her when he put his legs together and covered his chest with a book. "Well, Jiang Lue entrusted me to be your protector."

Lu Qingtong was shocked when she heard this. Jiang Lue has been very helpful to her all the time. She also knew that Jiang Lue had a great relationship with her father Lu Minyu, but she did not expect that Jiang Lue would send someone to take care of herself, and it seemed that this person was very good. It's unbelievable, three or two expensive sports cars seem to be **** in his eyes.

"Are you?" Lu Qingtong asked with a puzzled look.

"My surname is Fan——" Fan Wuyi said lightly.

"The surname Fan is great? The prisoner's offender? I ran into the water with a human car. Is nothing wrong with me?!" A younger car owner finally couldn't help it, shouting loudly.

Fan Wubing ignored these people, but said to Lu Qingtong, "Jiang Lue entrusted me with some things. About your father, you need to talk about it in detail and get in the car."

"I--" Lu Qingtong asked suspiciously, "How can I trust you?"

"You have no other choice--" Fan Wubing replied, and then he glanced at the young people and said contemptuously, "I count on these people? Can't do anything."

Lu Qingtong thought for a moment, nodded, and walked towards the car with Fan Wuyao.

"Qingtong, don't follow him, this person may be a liar." A girl nearby shouted anxiously.

A car owner also stood up, "Brother, I ran into someone's car and turned around and left. I can't tell you how to say it?"

One of Fan Wu's entourage immediately stood up, showed his ID, and said straightforwardly. "The Ministry of Security is handling the case. Your vehicle is suspected of a major smuggling case. Now I want to take you back for an investigation."

"Even if it is a smuggled car, there is no need to push it into the water, right?" a car owner retorted unconvincedly.

"Does the Security Department need to ask you for instructions?" The entourage snorted coldly.

Then a few members of the security department came from one side, pulled them into an off-road vehicle, and drove away directly.

"Can we go now?" Fan Wubing glanced at the dumbfounded girls and said to Lu Qingtong.

Without allowing Lu Qingtong to argue, Fan Wubing took her hand directly and got into the car naturally.

After the car started, Luo Yizhen asked, "Ms. Fan, where are we going?"

"Well, let's go to the hotel first--" Fan Wuyao thought about it. This time things were tricky. You can't just take Lu Qingtong home directly. It's strange if your mother doesn't strip her skin.

Living in a hotel is a better choice. In fact, there are many hotels under Fan Investment Group. It is not a problem to find a place to settle Lu Qingtong.

Half an hour later, Lu Qingtong was taken to a high-end hotel.

Fan Wubing took her to the hotel room, and began to work on other things, and several assistants were busy turning around. Surrounded by Fan Wuyi, getting a laptop again and connecting to a satellite signal, it was a busy time.

Lu Qingtong took a look at the room and found that it should be the standard of a presidential suite. It covers a very wide area. A living room has hundreds of square meters, and there are two bedrooms, as well as a study room, a meeting room, an activity room, a kitchen, and so on. It is said that the bathroom is also a very luxurious place, but the open bathroom makes Lu Qingtong feel a little uncomfortable.

Who is this President Fan? Lu Qingtong felt very curious in her heart. But it looks like it doesn't look like a bad person.

Since the person Jiang Lue entrusted to protect him, he should be trustworthy, right?

Since Lu Minyu’s accident, Lu Qingtong’s life has changed a lot. In just a few months, she felt the warmth and warmth of humanity and the coldness of the world. This is because she has been staying at school and want to come at home. Mother will feel more.

There is also news that the matter of his father Lu Minyu is more serious. The funds involved have reached hundreds of millions of yuan. The consequences are extremely serious and have attracted the attention of national leaders. According to Jiang Lue, it is probably not optimistic.

Lu Qingtong is very clear about what Jiang Lue's not optimistic means. If the Minister of the Ministry of Security is helpless, then Lu Minyu is afraid it will be inevitable.

Over the past few days, Lu Qingtong has been thinking about what solution he can think of to help his father. After all, although Lu Minyu squandered public funds and also included a mistress, he loved his daughter very much, but Lu Qing Tong couldn't think of a way.

Although she had considered whether she could use her body as a price to win the help of some big shots, Jiang Lue clearly dispelled her thoughts.

"Most of the big people in the capital are eaters and don't spit out bones. For a little girl like you, a hundred of them won't be enough to stuff their teeth." Jiang Lue said to Lu Qingtong.

Then just yesterday, Jiang Lue suddenly called himself, saying that he had found a suitable protector. If he was willing to take action, his family could survive this catastrophe without risk.

When he first saw Fan Wubing, Lu Qingtong thought he was the son of some big man, but from his current performance, it didn’t seem to be the style at all, especially when Fan Wubing was accompanied by a group of assistants. The way she handles official duties makes her feel very attractive.

Lu Qingtong has always stayed in the school. She hasn’t had much contact with the outside world, so she doesn’t know exactly how sacred Fan Wubing is. If she changes to a classmate from the capital, she might have an impression of Fan Wubing because of the last time Fan Wuying got married. The big scene created at that time was really amazing.

Even if Fan Wuyi reported himself to his family, Lu Qingtong did not necessarily know which onion or garlic he was. After all, there was no intersection between the two types of people who were never related to each other.

It’s just that Lu Qingtong also realizes that ~www.readwn.com~ If it is true that the young man in front of him will act as his protector, as Jiang Lue said, then the energy of this person must be huge, and If he wanted him to help rescue his father Lu Minyu, it would naturally be his own body.

At this time, Fan Wubing had finished the most recent stage of work, and after stretching his waist, he said to the assistants, "Let's rest, and inform the kitchen to bring dinner."

"Yes, Mr. Fan." The assistants packed up their things and retired one after another.

For a while, Fan Wubing and Lu Qingtong were left in the room. ========== To provide you with the fastest and latest online novels. Our website is the first letter of Pinyin + browse by NET mobile phone users===============

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