
Vol 5 Chapter 1147: No reason

"Shen Wuyi has a sister." Zhang Mei heard what Fan Bing said! After that, she was surprised. "Oh, it's a half-sister. When my old father-in-law was young, my family." Fan Wu Bing irresponsibly Xiang's mother, Zhang Mei, acted wildly.

After hearing Fan Wubing’s explanation, Zhang Mei said in amazement, “There is such a thing, the plot of the novel! Is there any reaction from your old mother-in-law? And it will also involve contention for inheritance! Think about it, Shen Ying was originally inheriting the inheritance by himself, but now suddenly a competitor has appeared, hey, it's going to be lively now!"

Fan Wubing was speechless after hearing it, before speaking for a long time. "Mom, you have watched too many bubble dramas!"

Fan Hyung came back later. After listening to Zhang Mei talking about this matter, I also felt a little weird, but he was more kind, "The children of the family, many people are not able to do their own marriages. Even if there were no differences in those years, they may not be able to come together. This There are too few cases. Speaking of which, it is quite sympathetic."

Then Fan Heng asked about Fan Wubing's affairs today, "Someone mentioned to me that Boss Zhu was furious today and scolded the heads of the General Administration of Quality Supervision and Administration and the Food Safety Department. Did they see you when they were there?"

"Oh, there is such a thing." Fan Wubing Lixuan nodded and agreed.

After listening to Fan Wuyi's words, Fan Ting asked curiously, "How do you know that there is Sudan red there? Professionals don't know."

"The so-called professionals are just people who eat a lot of food. Fan Wuyao points out unceremoniously, "Once these people have mastered the part of power, they have a stable and decent job. You are no longer professionals. In fact, if you go to the Department of Biochemistry and randomly pull a graduate student out, their knowledge will have to pass these so-called professionals far away. It is precisely for this reason that these professionals not only did not become the patron saint of ensuring the food safety of the people, but they became the perpetrators of hindering industry exhibitions. "

"What you said is a bit too absolute" Fan Heng shook his head.

Fan Heng also had a headache at this time. But he didn't tell Fan Wubing, because he felt that as soon as Fan Wubing got involved, he would often turn a small matter into a big one, and every action was a painful one.

However, Shen Ying stayed with her new sister for several days. When Fan Wubing called to ask about it, Shen Ying said that she wanted to talk to her sister, which made him depressed. Qing Tong had eaten it, and after doing so, the house was uneasy, and he lost his thoughts.

After about three or four days, the quality supervision department and the food safety department finally released the first batch of inspection results, and announced the list of companies and products with prohibited Sudan red added to the food, which were published on the websites of major newspapers and related departments. , To be announced, and ordered the exposed companies to seal up and recall the products, and be responsible for this behavior.

Suddenly, the name, Sudan Red, was being discussed nationwide.

What makes people feel dissatisfied is the storm of encirclement and suppression of the Sudan Red One that has been underway for a week. In the domestic market, no company has taken the initiative to issue warnings to consumers and report the situation to law enforcement agencies, and some are just concealing mysterious ideas, quibbling in every possible way, and shirking responsibilities in every possible way.

Almost at the same time, the British Food Standards Agency also released a list of companies containing Sudan Red in their products, which can be said to echo the Big 6 side and kick off the anti-Soviet storm worldwide.

In the list of foods containing Sudan Red published by the British Food Standards Agency, McDonald's Western BBQ sauce and other seasonings are on the list. And after the domestic order to kill the Sudan Red was issued. McDonald's China headquarters has stated that McDonald's products in China are all manufactured in China in accordance with the highest standards of the health department, so Sudan Red No. 1 is not included.

Unilever also stated on its website that the content of Sudan Red No. 1 pigment in the product is very low, so it will not affect the safety of consumers. Unilever (British certificate actively cooperates with the British Food Standards Agency to do a good job of recycling. The food produced by Unilever (China) is completely incompatible with the UK, so the listed products are not produced and sold in China. Unilever (China) It also audited all Chinese suppliers and confirmed that the products in China do not contain Sudan Red No. 1 pigment.

Heinz, which was later found a large number of Sudan Red No. 1 products, stated that the food recalled by Heinz by the British government this time were four varieties, including frozen foods and jiong beans. It does not involve the main domestic products such as rice noodles for infants and young children, bottled juices and fruit purees.

While these multinational companies that have been on the list of foods containing Sudan Red published by the British Food Standards Agency have stated that their products in China do not contain Sudan Red One, all localities have announced after inspections of imported food that they are not in the market. The market now contains imports of Sudan Red One.

"It's about two or two possible. Local protector Feng Yi has appeared." As a result, Fan Maojian and Zhiyou simply said a word to Boss Zhu.

Boss Zhu was convinced, and immediately ordered a replacement. Starting from the city, focus on investigating and punishing some key precautions

Sure enough, just after everyone stated that their products did not contain Sudan Red, the relevant departments in Beijing detected Sudan Red One in the Heinz Chili Sauce produced in Guangzhou.

After the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar, and then "good news" spread frequently around the country, announcing that more problematic foods containing Sudan Red One and the raw materials of Sudan Red One that contaminated these foods were found on their own sites.

Beyond the expectations of relevant departments. And it is just the opposite of what the multinational corporations said earlier. The problematic food containing Sudan Red No. 1 and the problematic raw materials that have been found in various places are all produced in China.

However, in the face of facts, these multinational companies claiming to be responsible corporate citizens in China did not reflect on this, nor did they conduct a comprehensive investigation into all aspects of their products, from raw materials to production, nor did they conduct research based on facts. Disseminate relevant information to consumers for a while, but shirk responsibility and try to excuse themselves.

Without testing its own products, Heinz hurriedly announced that its products did not contain Sudan Red One. As a result, it reaped the consequences and was condemned by public opinion.

Another example of eloquence is Yum! The company's two KFC spices have just been found to contain Sudan Red No. 1, but before that. After Heinz’s products were found to contain Sudan Red One, Yum! Group, which has a business relationship with Heinz, said through its spokesperson that after personal confirmation by the quality control director of Yum! Does not contain problem products.

The fact is that Heinz and Yum! Group paid the price for their irresponsible remarks, especially Heinz. After its products were found to be defective, the relevant departments in Beijing again detected Sudan red from its six batches of products. One or Sudan Red Four. In view of the repeated problems with Heinz’s delicious food, Jingcheng also adopted market control measures against it, ordering the city’s operators to stop purchasing and selling all kinds of condiments produced by the company, and ordered stricter market access for the above-mentioned products. If you need to resume sales. Manufacturers and merchants need to submit a test report that this variety does not contain Sudan Red to the relevant authorities in Beijing.

Generally speaking, as a food company, when receiving warnings of such problems, the first thing to do is to conduct a comprehensive investigation and disseminate relevant information to consumers as soon as possible on the basis of facts. Even if the problematic product is really detected. It should also be promptly communicated to the public rather than concealed by metaphysical meaning, otherwise consumers will lose their trust. Will lose the foundation of survival in the market.

However, in the domestic market during the encirclement and suppression storm of Sudan Red One that lasted more than half a month. No company has taken the initiative to issue warnings to consumers and report the situation to law enforcement agencies. Some are just deliberate concealment and various sophistry. Do everything possible to shirk responsibility. As for Heinz Delicacy Source, Yum Group, Tantan Township, Huaqiao, Guangzhou Tianyang, Shenhe Tianli and other companies involved, if it weren’t for the relevant departments to obtain it, perhaps they are still producing Sudan Red raw materials or containing Sudan Red until now. Food.

When talking about this matter with Boss Zhu and his father Fan Heng, Fan Wuyao said that this incident focused on the inadequacy of the supervision thinking of the relevant departments, the simplification of handling problems, and several loopholes in the supervision process. , Making Sudan Red No. 1 a carcinogen that seriously endangers people's health has been banned by China's relevant laws and regulations for six years, and it has still appeared in food.

The domestic food safety battle ~www.readwn.com~ is still at the stage of passive defense where there is an enemy situation. Also explain. The current domestic food safety regulations are relatively extensive, lacking specific evaluation standards, and lacking one. More complete food safety regulations. In addition, the main work of the current food hygiene management department is limited to the inspection of submitted samples. Rarely go directly to the surgical field for spot checks. This has led to repeated follow-up by food manufacturers.

"Why are you so concerned about this matter?" Fan Hyung was a little puzzled about his son's behavior this time.

What Fan Wubing said made him feel ridiculous, "Actually, this matter is also very simple. Boss Zhu has reached a point. He has done half of his career and made a lot of effort, but he has to bear the negative consequences of reforms. , It’s impossible to say that there’s no anger in the stomach, and the clay figurines are also a bit sharp! I did this, in fact, to give Boss Zhu a place to vent his anger. Finally, do it more vigorously. Shock the Xiao Xiao, I believe he will calm down a lot."

"You fellow, are you my son? So many colorful intestines" Fan Heng couldn't help smiling bitterly.

One one...the third one today is sent to "One one (to be continued) Jianshu suns the fine concave and says Shaoshan) a different body clam", saying that the reading is going to the outside.

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