
Vol 5 Chapter 1157: Unlucky person

The Shang layer began to implement macro-control in a targeted manner. But going out of the direction of the year is indeed a big deal for enterprises.

However, in the recent stage, the expansion of private enterprises is indeed relatively rapid. It is no wonder that there will be some exaggeration. In addition, for various purposes, local government officials often encourage these private entrepreneurs to work hard and quickly. Big projects that have to go to billions or even billions of dollars. Finally caused the economy to overheat.

The first hit is the electrolytic aluminum project. According to the news from Fan Wuyi, the Baotou and Sanmenxia projects of the Oriental Group have been ordered to be suspended. Officials from the Metallurgical Division of the Department of Industry of the National Reform Commission said that many of their approval procedures are incomplete. Violated the relevant laws of the country. The relevant state departments have stopped the electrolytic aluminum project of Oriental Hope in Baotou. The Sanmenxia alumina project is a project that provides upstream products for Baotou, and it has also been suspended for review. "

Like previous macro-controls, there will always be some people who will become unlucky flag worshippers, just like the "fool melon seeds. Nian Guangjiu, "Wenzhou eight kings" and so on that have appeared in the previous decades. Now this list of unlucky people is on the list. One more name is to be added. It is Dai Guofang, who is working hard along the Yangtze River.

Then it is dramatic that Dai Guofang's entry into the "eye of the storm" of the regulation and control of the storm was an accident.

At the beginning of the year, several Xinhua News Agency reporters conducted research in Jiangsu. Their research topic was the land occupation of golf courses and university towns in various places. In an interview in Nanjing, an expert accidentally said that a company in Changzhou is building a steel plant by the Yangtze River.

The speakers were unintentional and the listeners were intentional. The reporters intuitively believed that a large amount of land was definitely needed to build a steel plant, and perhaps there was also the problem of illegal land occupation. So they called the Ministry of Land and Resources, and the response was that the Ministry did not know the project.

As a result, the reporters turned their heads to Changzhou and found the steel plant site along the river.

Within a few days, an article entitled "Three Thousand Mu of Soil Before Expropriation was Used. The internal reference materials of "Environmental Protection Review Not Approved First" were delivered to the top level of the central government.

Soon after, the National Reform Commission, the Ministry of Land and Resources and the State Environmental Protection Administration sent an investigation team to Changzhou.

Since last year, there has been a raging "heavy movement" in private enterprises.

The so-called heavy-duty movement is an investment boom that emphasizes heavy industry.

Forty-one-year-old Dai Guofang once stood vigorously on the long embankment on the south bank of the Yangtze River. He spoke to reporters who came to interview in Mandarin with a strong Southern Jiangsu accent, “Tieben has to pass Baosteel within three years and catch up within five years. Go to Pohang."

When he said this, he didn't expect the situation to take a turn for the worse in a year. Baosteel and Posco are the two largest steel plants in China and South Korea respectively, ranking fifth and third in the world respectively. Dai Guofang, who has only a primary school education level, plans to build a large steel plant with an annual output of 8.4 million tons on the edge of the Yangtze River.

Dai Guofang was actually born as a bitter child. He was a bitter child who grew out of the grass at the age of twelve. Because the family was too poor, I had to learn to find a living, and my first job was picking up scraps of copper and iron. He seems to have a special talent in business, 1996. Dai Guofang registered and established Jiangsu Tieben Cast Steel Co., Ltd. with a registered capital of 2 million yuan. The meaning of "Tieben." He started with iron and stayed true to his business.

Around two thousand years, Tieben’s factory area had expanded to 18 hectares and had more than 1,000 workers. He was ranked 376th in the “New Fortune” list of China’s 400 rich people that year. The estimated net worth is 220 million yuan.

In recent years, with the sustained high growth of the macro economy, steel prices have generally continued to rise. At the gate of the iron factory, large trucks from all over the country line up every day, waiting for delivery. Such a scene appears every day.

According to Dai Guofang's estimation, this domestic steel boom can last at least five to six years, and he decided to build a larger steel plant.

Tieben’s new Ji Rong Xiao was enthusiastically supported by the Changzhou Municipal Government. In the eyes of many officials in Changzhou, Dai Guofang is a person worthy of trust. His daily life is very frugal, all his family savings are invested in the factory, and his father and stepmother have been living by growing vegetables in the country.

In the beginning, Dai Guofang's vision was not as ambitious as later.

However, building large projects is the best way to pull the recession, and it is also the best way to increase political achievements, driven by the enthusiasm of official people. In just six months, the scale of the Tieben project has gone from two million tons at the beginning to 8.4 million tons. The scale of the project has increased from two thousand acres to nearly 10,000 acres. It has risen to a scale of tens of billions.

At this time, Tieben’s fixed assets were 1.2 billion yuan and the net assets were less than 700 million yuan.

It is undoubtedly a small horse-drawn cart to start a ten billion yuan project with such a capital scale.

However, Dai Guofang said to his subordinates, “Where can I find such a good opportunity with such support from the locality?”

It was after confirming the message of government support. The local bank dared to lend to Tieben, and it immediately obtained a bank credit of 4.4 billion yuan.

It is difficult for a private enterprise to start a steel project with an investment of tens of billions of yuan and covering an area of ​​nearly 10,000 mu. It is difficult to obtain approval from the relevant central authorities.

China’s economic reform has always had a tradition of “passing through barriers”. The people of Changzhou have also tried “passing through barriers” on the Tieben project. Tieben’s 8.4 million tons project was split into seven sub-projects and a terminal project. According to the report, Tieben correspondingly set up seven "Chinese-foreign joint ventures" in name only for the approval of construction land warrants. The land has been "divided into parts" and divided into 14 land applications for approval.

The Economic Exhibition Bureau of Changzhou High-tech Zone, where the project is located, approved all infrastructure projects within one day.

Dai Guofang told reporters who came to interview in the detention center in the future, “All the procedures at the time were handled by the government, and we did not ask about these things. When the government said it was OK to move, we started construction.

Of course, macro-control is a last resort, and Dai Guofang is not alone in forcing high-level officials to use this method. He is obviously not the only private entrepreneur to enter the steel industry.

In the same year, Guo Guangchang of Shanghai Fosun was also planning to build a steel plant in Ningbo, Xijiang.

And in other areas. Liu Yongxing of the Liu family in Sichuan announced in Baotou that Eastern Hope Group will invest 10 billion yuan here to build a megaton-level aluminum-electricity integration project.

This heavy movement of private enterprises. Many years later, people still talk about it, and the wheels of the market seem to be rolling towards a hard monopoly.

You know, in the past two decades. China’s private capital forces made two attempts to break through the barriers of ownership in 1987 and 1996, but failed. Then. This year's heavy-duty movement is already the third and most powerful collective assault.

In response to this pain, some magazines wrote in their comments, "When people see that Shunji and China’s new-type industrialization are in due course. Private entrepreneurship and private capital are injected into China’s heavy industry. At the same time, people no longer doubt that private enterprises working in the heavy industry field will refresh the strongest camp of Chinese private enterprises in the next few years. This new industrial movement with market forces as the main motivation will give birth to China’s first batch of non-governmental enterprises. A heavy industry giant with official origins, not being appointed or dismissed by the government, and relying solely on the market for meritorious deeds."

However, it is clear that this commentary will be like a dream language from a previous life when it is read in the future. All that was left was gasping.

In the context of macro-control, Tieben’s problem quickly changed from destroying land and occupying land to illegal construction.

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Dai Guofang, who was in the vortex of the incident, began to become restless, and he didn't know it himself. How can things get worse and worse. In those days he was running around the construction site all day, according to his budget. The first blast furnace of the steel plant will soon be built. It can be put into production immediately. By then, the raw rice will be cooked and mature rice will be cooked, so there is no need to worry about it.

He said to his subordinates, such a big project. Once it is built, it will be built, and at best it is impossible to dismantle it with a fine.

However, the situation was far more serious than he thought.

Since the notice of the State Council, investment in heavy and chemical industry projects in various regions has not cooled down.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the country’s fixed asset investment in the first quarter still increased by more than 40% year-on-year, setting the highest growth rate since the mid-1990s. The investment growth rate in the steel industry was as high as 1%. One hundred and seven. At this time, a number of major suspects of illegal land occupation, illegal construction, and other major suspects surfaced on the Tieben project, which became the most suitable and typical target for punishment.

In the face of massive investigations, Dai Guofang, who has never dealt with big scenes, has never dealt with chaos. He and his counsellors thought naively. Tieben’s problem may be settled with money. then. He submitted a self-examination report to his superiors. According to the internal statement, the company conducted self-financial inspections when investigating illegal investment and illegal land use by the relevant state departments, and found illegal problems in the operation process. Since the establishment of the company in 2000, the company has started The company's purchase of scrap iron and steel is worth more than one billion yuan. Among them, nearly 200 million yuan was falsely invoiced. The tax deduction amount is nearly 20 million yuan, and the legal representative Dai Guofang should bear the relevant responsibilities for negligence in management.

This self-examination report for the purpose of eliminating wealth and eliminating disasters. It was Dai Guofang's last effort to save Tieben. He quickly submitted the deductible tax to the local Internal Revenue Service.

Unexpectedly, it was this self-examination report that became the prosecutor's office's most powerful accusation evidence.

Changzhou City, which was under great pressure, formed a leading group for the clean-up of the Tieben Project and issued an emergency suspension order.

Soon, the leaders of the State Council arrived in Suzhou, and the secretary and mayor of the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee were summoned to report on the Tieben project and the problems it introduced. Then, a special inspection team composed of nine ministries and commissions rushed to Changzhou to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the Tieben project.

This is the second time since the "Liu City Incident" in Wenzhou in 1991, the central ministries and commissions have conducted an unprecedented joint operation on a local project.

Then, Dai Guofang, his wife, father-in-law and others were taken away by the police because of suspected tax evasion, and the number may be huge.

Then, the nine ministries and commissions reported on the investigation and punishment situation at the executive meeting of the State Council to determine its nature. They believed that this was a typical case of serious negligence of duties and regulations by local governments and relevant departments, and major cases of enterprises suspected of illegal crimes.

The next day, Xinhua News Agency broadcasted the draft to the whole country. The five major issues identified by the joint investigation team are listed: the local government and relevant departments have seriously violated relevant national laws and regulations, and have exceeded their powers to split and approve projects with an investment of up to 10.6 billion yuan; Thousands of acres, illegal organization and implementation of violent demolition; Tieben Company defrauded bank credit and loans by providing false financial statements, embezzled bank working capital loans of more than 2 billion yuan for fixed asset investment; relevant financial institutions seriously violated National fixed asset loan review and cash management regulations; Tieben company tax evasion and tax evasion.

The administrative handling of the Tieben incident was unprecedented, and eight government leaders and bank officials were severely punished. in. The secretary of the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee was punished with a serious warning within the party; the deputy director of the Changzhou Municipal People’s Congress was dismissed and was given a punishment of staying in the party; the secretary of the Yangzhong Municipal Party Committee was removed; the deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Land and Resources, the deputy director of the Provincial Reform Commission, and the Bank of China Changzhou Branch The chief executive was dismissed or ordered to resign, and Dai Guofang's property was seized.

After Fan Heng dealt with these things. When I returned home, I mentioned it to Fan Wuyao.

"Actually, this matter is related to the agitation of local officials." Fan Wubing listened to it. I immediately grasped the most critical thing, "Local government officials can do anything for the sake of their political achievements and for the sake of notch. This is also expected."

Another point is that naturally the domestic real estate market is rapidly expanding, so the demand for steel is very large. Taking advantage of this good opportunity, everyone wants to go first and seize the market, so this time the private enterprises have become heavy. In fact, the movement is all about people wanting to squeeze the traditional state-owned enterprises in the market.

"But in this matter ~www.readwn.com~ the enterprise does have problems." Fan Heng also needs to point out other problems in it. "Illegal projects are illegal projects. No matter how local government officials encourage them, entrepreneurs themselves Without the awareness of law-abiding operation, the ultimate evil result was caused."

"But then again, if local officials encourage entrepreneurs to go to big projects, and also actively provide land and loans, not to mention who can resist this temptation, they will have the courage not to make money, nor the courage to refuse officials. Our good intentions. Affect others' political performance, right?" Fan Wuyao went deep and exposed the influence of officials on local private enterprises.

In fact, it is true. If you want to make a big show in the local concubine, you can't do it without the support of government officials. After all, there are not many domestic companies like Fan Investment Group that do not need to worry about the development of funds.

As long as you ask for something, you will inevitably be stroking your neck. Once something happens, no one can run away.

It's just that Fan Wubing felt that this matter was up. Local governments account for 80% of the responsibilities, and entrepreneurs can only account for 20% at most. The current handling opinions are actually somewhat biased.

But he also understands that this is a way of killing chickens to show to the monkeys, and that someone will always come out and be treated as a victim. "Today's first update...a call

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