
Vol 5 Chapter 1164: This is a problem

Pan Disease did not stay in Cairo much. After looking at the Sphinx like a horse, I looked at the Egyptian Museum. They went on flying to the south as a group, and they officially embarked on the 6th in Africa.

Fan Wuyi's goal is West Africa, nothing else. It is because according to his understanding, there is a big iron ore here.

In fact, it is very difficult for the Chinese to truly integrate with the world and participate in the game of international interests. Some domestic experts talked about buying China’s foreign exchange reserves into strategic resource reserves. . It's no different from talking on paper.

It is like investing in West Africa. Although Fan Wubing has a lot of money in his hands, he still needs someone to introduce him. Otherwise, it will be difficult to gain the trust of the locals.

When he came this time, he also took advantage of the family power of the French and Germans he had worked with before. I introduced my own local tribal king. I have had some communication before, and both sides have a full understanding of each other. This is the opportunity to set foot on the African 6th.

The two families that cooperated with Fan Wuyao had colonized Africa for many years. Although they do not mix with Africa, it is not a problem to tell Fan Wuyao about the cooperative relationship. Both at the same time. The family also has a certain degree of control over the smelting industry in Europe. At the same time, they have extensive contacts in Africa. They need the Chinese market. It also needs Chinese capital, so when Fan Wuyao revealed his intention to invest in non-state mining. The other party expressed friendly enthusiasm and arranged for him this trip to Africa.

Fan Wubing and others didn't know much about West Africa. In my impression, it should be a relatively poor, addicted and backward indigenous place. If you throw a dozen breads generously, there will be hundreds of poor people robbing it.

But when they came to their destination. The sight in front of them still surprised them. Fan Wuyi’s first feeling was, is this Africa?

Not only are the roads spacious and tidy here, the houses are chic and beautiful, and the environment is clean and beautiful. What surprised them the most is that the taxis here are all Mercedes-Benz cars. They look like the most advanced country in the West. The suffering, famine and war-ravaged African states inside are completely different.

"Damn! Is this Africa?". Fan Wubing couldn't help but burst into swear words again and again, obviously feeling very unbalanced.

The reporters of CCTV and Phoenix Satellite TV were also a little surprised, but their adaptability is very strong. After all, they are a group of people who run abroad every day. Has been very calm.

"In fact, in Hong Kong TV programs. There are often some introductions about the situation in Africa. This scene is also often seen. Africa is very large, and the differences between countries are also very large. Some are like paradise, some It's like hell, so Mr. Fan, your feelings will be very different, a reporter from Phoenix Satellite TV explained to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing turned his head and asked the reporter of CCTV, "I think CCTV has never seen this kind of footage? When African people are being promoted, they always look like they are in dire straits.

The CCTV reporter smiled and said to Fan Wuyao. "This is also very normal, please think about it, Mr. Fan. The African countries that were willing to establish diplomatic relations with us at the beginning are basically poor countries, so the domestic propaganda on Africa is mainly based on them. After so many years, I have become accustomed to it. But these countries have been fighting and killing for decades, and there has been little improvement, so they still look poor and poor. As for these rich countries, the relationship with us is dispensable, and people's interest in us is also It's not very big, of course I won't report much."

Fan Wubing nodded, and Xin said that the reason was reasonable, but he changed his mind. It seems that this reporter has yet to point out another issue, that is, the relationship between China and African countries is based on foreign aid. So when reporting, it is always linked to assistance.

If everyone sees that all taxis in African countries are Mercedes-Benz, will anyone be willing to continue to provide assistance? so. The media's public opinion propaganda is oriented, and it is suddenly understood when we understand this.

"Oh, you guys" Fan Wuyao looked at the reporters, and smiled without saying a word.

Fan Wubing had a good time to come here this time. Because of the front bedding, the reception specifications of the other party were also very high. They were greeted by the brothers of the chiefs of the local tribes, and they were driven by six or two BMWs and the accompanying motorcade. There are more than twenty vehicles in total.

It's just that the airport is a bit far from the destination. It took more than ten hours to drive it all the way to reach the place.

The road conditions in this place in Africa are really not very good, and the owners don’t seem to think about the maintenance of the car at all. They actually drove the BMW on the sandy road at a speed of over 120 miles. This made Fan Fan. Feeling very ashamed without illness. Think about it, I am also a rich person. I have seen any rich person in China, but I have never heard of anyone who dares to drive a BMW car to run cross-country. I can’t help but feel a little breathless.

It should be said that African friends are very warm and hospitable, and they arranged the best hotels. And according to the hotel, many wealthy people in the world love to spend their holidays here.

The hotel is actually a luxury villa on the golf course. Each villa has its own swimming pool and is divided into private spaces with green fences. Each villa occupies an area of ​​one hectare, which is more style than the one-acre garden of domestic luxury villas.

Golfing here is free, you only need to tip the caddy.

Of course, in Fan Wu's eyes, this is nothing. The only thing he admires is that the best part of the hotel should be said to be the original ecology. Because there are hippos and crocodiles walking in the low-lying waters of the golf course, there are pouring pigs, hares, antelopes on the grass, and countless beautiful birds and monkeys on the tree next to your house.

Of course, as a guest, the hotel will especially remind you to remember that the surrounding walls of the hotel can't go out casually, except for hippos and antelopes. There are also fierce lions and leopards waiting for you. It is said that there are more than two thousand leopards in this area alone, and it is hard to say whether there are two hundred wild leopards in China now.

After the host arranged Fan Wuyi’s party, he was not in a hurry to discuss business. Anyway, he told them what is delicious and fun, and then he asked them to have a good rest. The chief will personally tomorrow. Host a banquet to entertain guests from China.

"Really hospitable African friends." The reporters who accompanied Fan were so impressed that they couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Not long after, waiters from the hotel will come to serve the Chinese guests, offering all kinds of Western and Eastern local delicacies. There are even large lobsters transported from Australia to eat. This is totally different from the movie advertised that Africans are full of cannibals or eating insects to satisfy their hunger.

The enthusiastic waiters also said that if the female fruit guests are willing, they can also apply for hunting. All the land here is privately owned, and the wild animals on it belong to the landowner. You only need to pay the landlord for the game. I hunted casually on the other side’s land. According to their introduction, the cost of hunting a leopard is about five thousand US dollars. Hunting is also one of the very lucrative tourism projects here.

After staying in the hotel, Fan Wuyi found out. He originally thought that the communication services in Africa were not advanced enough. He estimated that even the phone was not good enough. But when he arrived here, he knew that he was an aboriginal, because all the satellites used here were all dead and satellites. You can go online and communicate globally at any time.

Because there is no Shao in China at this time. Therefore, Fan Wuyi's mobile phones and other communication devices could not be used at once, and they suddenly realized that they had become isolated people here.

And one more point, the price of such a hotel is also world-class, and the daily cost is more than ten times more than traveling in other parts of the world.

"As long as it is rich, no matter where it is, it is heaven." On the other hand, Fan Wubing ordered the people in the hotel to order them a cell phone. One side said to everyone with emotion.

The so-called% concept was put forward at the time of 2,000 years, when foreign% technology was just at the initial stage of application. But to be honest, it is not technology or investment that restricts Shaozhan now, but monopoly.

If it is not for domestic telecom operators who are thinking of ways to make money in the second-generation mobile communication technology, there will be no obstacles to the domestic technology, whether it is network technology or terminal equipment. aspect. It is not a problem now. Fan Wuyao estimated that all the departments under his Fan Investment Group can basically solve all these problems.

The reason why China has not yet decided ~www.readwn.com~ has not launched the sorrow technology, mainly because the telecom operators and terminal manufacturers believe that the potential of the second-generation mobile communication technology is not exhausted, and there are still a lot of market opportunities that can be used. This will happen.

After buying the mobile phone, 6 Qingtong said with emotion, "When can we use such technology in China?"

"According to the normal degree. Fan Wubing tilted his head for a while and then replied. "We want to get to the current level of technology application of African friends. It should take more than eight years! "

6 After Qing Tong was different, he didn't say anything, and directly returned the phone to Fan Wushen.

"What?" Fan Wubing asked curiously.

"I'm worried that if I use it smoothly, I will not get used to it when I return to China. The little beauty replied calmly.

Fan Wubing was speechless when he heard the words, scratching his head, and then said for a long time, "Well, this is a problem.

One, one, two essays late, one one, one one

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