
Vol 5 Chapter 1169: Encountered international commercial fraud

Wen is a very typical commercial fraud! "Legal experts chased by.

Fan Wuyao rolled his eyes, his mind is so obvious now, don't everyone have the ability to judge? Do you want to emphasize it again?

However, it is obvious that after the experts have reached a conclusion, everyone's heart will be more steadfast, and even if they are seeking the other party to settle the lawsuit, they will be more confident.

"These samples, we should keep them as evidence." The expert immediately made a more pragmatic suggestion.

However, some people raised their concerns. "At present, our county is in a foreign country, and we are not very familiar with the laws here. In case the other party is making a moth, the situation is very unfavorable for us!"

According to these people's suggestions, you should first ensure your own safety, and then come back to file a lawsuit with them.

After all, this time, the participants in the Fan Investment Group felt very annoyed, and it was unforgivable that someone had moved their crooked brains on themselves.

Fan Wubing thought about it. The other party’s doing this is indeed very irritating. They already knew where they came from before, and there was a middleman in Europe as an introduction. It was said that they shouldn’t play tricks, but these Ren Li Lingzhi faint, dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head, is it tolerable or unbearable? !

Their actions have indeed constituted international commercial fraud.

The so-called commercial fraud refers to misleading and defrauding units and individuals, defrauding money and various material benefits through fictitious concealment of facts, disseminating false information, signing false contracts, and exaggerating publicity in the process of market transactions, investment, and services. Acts that undermine the order of the market economy and harm the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

Commercial fraud is an act of unfair competition that violates the principle of good faith, aims at seeking profit, and uses deception as a means.

Legally speaking, commercial fraud is when one party deliberately informs the other party of a false situation. Or deliberately conceal the truth and use false information to induce the other party to make a wrong judgment.

The reasons for commercial fraud are diverse. There are economic, political, cultural, educational, ethical, legal and other social internal reasons, as well as individual reasons for the greed of lawbreakers, the lack of law enforcement resources and the lack of law enforcement capabilities, and the public’s lack of business knowledge and prevention of commercial fraud. Reasons such as the ability to discern, and the consciousness to resist commercial fraud.

In any market economy, there is commercial fraud. The market economy system is not perfect. As a result, some criminals who are pursuing profit will inevitably take advantage of loopholes in the economic system to commit commercial fraud. This is the economic reason for commercial fraud. With the gradual improvement of the market economic system, the loopholes in the economic system will gradually be compensated and repaired, and the breeding space for commercial fraud will inevitably be greatly reduced. Most commercial fraudsters will inevitably have nothing to do.

Today's society is constantly moving forward, and the old laws are no longer adequate to punish commercial fraud. There is an urgent need to revise or even abolish these regulations involving commercial fraud and formulate new regulations.

Abandonment fraud itself is not static. It is also in a state of change. The rigidity and lag of the law have led to the inability to regulate some of the constantly renovated commercial frauds, and the ambiguity of legal regulations has led to the ambiguity of application. It will inevitably lead to the difficulty of regulating commercial fraud.

As far as international trade is concerned, the conflict of laws and regulations between countries has led to wrangling or confusion in the application, and the intensity of punishment is not enough. Nor can it fundamentally stop the corruption of those lawbreakers who are proficient in calculation, because they firmly believe that the benefits obtained from breaking the law are more than the losses incurred by being punished. The legal system of some countries is also due to its own reasons. An important reason for commercial fraud.

The lack of ethics and emotion in honest management is the inherent reason for commercial fraud.

A person bound by good ethics can resist the temptation of interest even if the opportunity is in front of him. Those who lack integrity and moral sentiment will try their best to find ways to bring them illegal benefits.

In the non-Zhejiang area, the chaotic and disorderly social environment provides space and opportunities for international commercial fraud, which will inevitably be used by these criminals. In addition, the fluke that can avoid legal punishment is also an important reason for some criminals to take risks and commit commercial fraud.

Another very important reason is law enforcement resources. Social security in Africa is very poor. Fights and fights are commonplace. Killing and arson are just a matter of leisure. The police are basically furnishings, and the army may have a little right to speak. Under the premise of lack of law enforcement resources and insufficient law enforcement capabilities, the allocation of law enforcement resources such as human and material resources for combating commercial fraud is not enough to create conditions for effective combating of commercial fraud. This will inevitably lead to some commercial frauds that cannot be obtained due to the lack of law enforcement resources. punish.

The insufficient ability of law enforcement personnel to detect and deal with commercial fraud will also lead to the failure of timely detection of some intelligent and concealed cases, or the failure of some difficult commercial fraud cases to be handled well.

Some law enforcement officers have a weak sense of responsibility in combating commercial fraud, leading to ineffective supervision of commercial fraud. What's more, they accept bribes from commercial fraudsters, provide an umbrella for commercial fraud, and use their power to give the green light to commercial fraud.

Even if Fan Wubing used his feet to consider the problem, he knew exactly what kind of environment it was like here. Although it is true that there are quite high-quality ilmenite mixed raw ore worthy of large-scale investment, if these problems cannot be resolved. It is also difficult to deal with, even if it is not deceived. The mine was successfully completed, and subsequent troubles will continue to exist.

This time, Fan Wubing felt most annoyed. It was the European partners who actually introduced himself to such a partner, which reminded him of Jae Shu and Nursery. He very much doubted that the European partners played an extremely disgraceful role in this incident.

It's like a person who wants to buy a laptop. Especially consumers who are unfamiliar with notebooks usually find someone who knows how to go with them, such as friends, classmates, relatives, and so on.

Here we must be careful when encountering people who are not good, not doubting the character of friends, classmates, and relatives, but be careful that they collude with profiteers and become childcare.

The profiteers collude with these childcares, and the childcare is responsible for bringing consumers into the business, and selling some models that are more expensive than other businesses. The profiteers are urging on the sidelines, and consumers are naturally hard to resist under the double influence of childcare and businesses. I bought this notebook, which is much higher than other places, and the higher money will naturally go to the pockets of Wangjiang and the nursery.

This approach seems to be very lethal to those consumers who are not familiar with notebooks. One side is a cunning profiteer, and the other side is their trusted friends, classmates, and even relatives. Naturally, they recommend the right type and The price is convinced, absolutely never thought they would cheat themselves.

When consumers find themselves being cheated, they are angry at their friends, classmates and even relatives for their help and abuse, but they can only endure for a while because of their friends, classmates and even relatives, and they can only endure such commercial fraud. Behaving helplessly. Undoubtedly, this trick of profiteers is very despicable.

The way to deal with it is naturally the old saying, asking for others is better than asking yourself, only if you know how to do it yourself will you not be deceived by others.

Therefore, when this phenomenon occurred, the most complaining was not the profiteers, but the childcare. Now Fan Wuyi has a great resentment towards the two partners of Ou Yuan, so he let the other side Let's investigate carefully. Has the other party colluded with the mine owner in Africa? Deliberately cheating yourself?

It took about a day before the news from the European side came. The two partners vowed to say that they knew nothing about it, and they also hated what they did in Africa. Commercial fraud is really shameful!

Immediately afterwards, Fan Wubing’s subordinates also figured out the details of the people here. Although the person in charge here is French, it was a group of Jewish swindlers who came up with this method. .

In fact, they chose Chinese people to participate in their projects, and there was some careful planning behind them.

Although titanium is one of the most important military and strategic materials in the world, more than 80% of the world's titanium reserves are in China. There are a large number of ilmenite-associated ore in mainland China. Because there is no smelting separation technology in the country, the titanium metal cannot be separated and extracted, so it cannot be used. These ores are generally smelted from iron, and the rest is discarded as slag.

So there is a story that Japan purchased Panzhihua **** and claimed to be transported to Japan to pave the way. Although China does not have relevant refining technology, it also restricts the embarrassment of narrow slag. Therefore, only the Chinese in the world will be indifferent when seeing such Qin-iron associated ore. At the same time, China’s iron ore is extremely scarce, so only the Chinese will come to the meeting. Focus only on iron ore.

In this meticulously concocted Cege Elementary School, the final finished drink will be sold to the United States, and the United States can obtain the titanium resources it needs most. Therefore, the Chinese will not interfere in obtaining iron ore. This kind of international balance is quite familiar, and the opponent's abacus is really too shrewd.

"So, we Chinese people must not think that we are the smartest. Most foreigners are stupid. If you think this way, you won’t know how to die in the end. You know, ordinary foreigners are indeed stupid. Stupid, but once they reach their top elite level and their shrewd business calculations, it is quite powerful. For those of us, there are still a lot of things to learn. After Fan Wuyao thoroughly figured out the other party’s plan, he couldn’t help but feel it. I sighed with emotion to my entourage.

"It is said that Jews are born to do business. This seems to be a little credible." 6 Qingtong said.

Although the agreement between the two parties had not been negotiated, Fan Wuyi had not been deceived, and they felt a lot easier.

Although in general terms, even if an agreement is reached according to the current agreement, Fan Investment Group still has a lot of room for profit in iron ore projects, but he always feels that as a Chinese, it is necessary to have the most basic Concord, such an unfair agreement, even if there is money to make, it cannot be so cheap for foreigners. Negotiations between China and foreign countries are that there are too many Chinese people who leave for profit, and the Chinese people are petty. Li always likes to keep prices down. In the end, it is the harriers and the clams fighting for the foreigners to benefit.

And there is another point that made Fan Wubing feel very deep, that foreigners are not as honest and honest as some self-proclaimed Chinese returnees advertised. They will strictly abide by the terms of the contract and even reach a consensus. Will be secretly changed back when going to print. Such a bad behavior. There is really no basic integrity and no business ethics, which makes many people who have received an education of honesty from an early age can't imagine it, and such a situation should also explain the nature of a person, and cooperation with such a person is the foundation. Terrible.

This is reminiscent of the time when Li Hongzhang signed the Sino-Russian secret agreement. The Russians invited Li Hongzhang to dinner before signing, and then asked the secretary to secretly exchange the documents. Many people now laugh at Li Hongzhang from a historical perspective, but who Nor did it condemn the Russians' dishonesty, which is very unfair.

The integrity of foreigners and their gentleness are based on their interests. People from the Fan Investment Group of these foreigners have also interacted many times~www.readwn.com~ The graceful and honest actions at the time were indeed very impressive. People, so this time they will go to Africa to seek opportunities to exhibit together. But this time, everyone realizes that behind their honesty, in the face of major interests, foreigners' tricks are much more powerful than Chinese people.

The reason why they show integrity is because the interests they face are not big enough. If we Chinese are wealthy enough, we won’t quarrel over trivial matters, just as we look at remote farmers who think they are simple and cute, but if you Living in the village becomes another way.

At the same time, the actual social cost of dishonesty caused by the foreign environment is very high. For example, in the court, the two of them argue with each other and there is no other evidence. The Chinese law is that the evidence is insufficient and the plaintiff loses the lawsuit. In the past, all actions were taken to consider who the jury believes. In this case, your usual dishonesty will have to pay a painful price, so honesty must have a social environment, just like the south and the north. China From a country of good faith and etiquette for thousands of years in history, the lack of credit in just one hundred years is also related to the social environment caused by China's political and legal system.

Now they venture into Africa. There is no room for moral survival in the environment, and the interests involved are very huge. It is clear what the honesty nature of foreigners is. As for the idea of ​​superstitious belief in foreigners’ credit and aristocratic identity traditions, it’s extremely stupid.

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