
Vol 5 Chapter 1186: Have a cold

Six years is the year of the goat in the lunar calendar. Therefore, Eryang Kaitai's lanterns are indispensable for the two-meter-high decorative lanterns, which attracted many people to stop and watch and take photos.

The Ming and Qing-style small buildings on both sides of the road are covered with various slogans, and a variety of special famous snacks also allow many tourists to stop tasting. In addition, a variety of styles of lanterns are hung on both sides of the road. Festive.

In fact, there is also a base for making lanterns. There is a lantern factory in the village next to the resort, in a courtyard the size of a basketball court. With all kinds of vehicles parked to buy lanterns, a villager said, "From the first to the fifteenth, other villages are the most leisure time. Our village is the busiest. I want to find someone to play mahjong. Table. Because no matter the old people, women or children in the village, they are all making lanterns."

CCTV reporters immediately played their role and surrounded them for interviews. According to them, this year's Lantern Festival, the village will have to produce 2,000 lights to achieve the predetermined goal.

Fan Wubing and Cuiqi walked into the largest lantern factory in the village. They saw that the courtyard was filled with all kinds of brand new lanterns. The most beautiful lanterns were golden sheep-shaped lanterns. The person in charge here said, "This year is In the Year of the Goat, such lanterns are easy to sell. Many units have booked lanterns with us a few months earlier. The large ones are two to three meters high and the small ones are thirty to forty centimeters in height. They are all very popular."

Fan Wubing and Cuiqi chatted with him casually, only to realize that he was already the second generation of this lantern factory. Unlike his father who made lanterns, he had already learned how to design lanterns with a computer.

He said that the current lantern is no longer a traditional lantern. The skeletons are all made of steel, angle steel, iron wire and other metal materials. The binding process has also been replaced by welding. The fabrics are mostly silk and satin. The techniques of pasting, drawing, painting, and spraying make the lanterns stronger and richer in connotation. Many lanterns are also equipped with motors, controllers, timers, recording speakers, and spotlights, which have become high-tech products integrating sound, light and electricity. This year. Through computer design, they specially developed a three-dimensional lantern, which changed a simple plane into a three-dimensional shape, which was more vivid, vivid and beautiful.

At the side of the warehouse, two or three workers are decorating an eight-meter-long, three-meter-high largest Caiwan

A worker said that this colorful light, which integrates sound, light, and electricity, was specially customized by a company. In recent years, with the prosperity of life and social stability. Every Lantern Festival, nearby factories, mines, and units come to make lanterns. They often work overtime to make lanterns. They still can't meet the market demand. At present, the six to seven thousand lanterns in stock in the factory have been sold.

This village has a long history of making lanterns. Since the Song Dynasty, there has been a custom of hanging and admiring lanterns. It was more prosperous in the Qing Dynasty.

Starting in the 1980s, the lantern production in the village was mostly based on family workshops, but it was only a short-term seasonal processing in the twelfth lunar month and the first lunar month. Last few years. The lantern production in the village has formed a large-scale production, opening up the dog market.

The two of them turned around and then turned to the Huadeng Street of the resort. There were also people receiving them here, and a little girl in a welcoming costume was giving them an explanation.

"The night of the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. It is a traditional folk festival in China, the Lantern Festival, commonly known as the Lantern Festival. In the old days, the Lantern Festival night, whether it is in towns or villages, was full of lights and festivities. People watched lanterns and guessed lantern riddles. It is very lively and unprecedented. At this time, whether it is the rich official or the common people, they can break the routine, conform to the customs, and play in groups. Everyone makes lights and hangs for fun, and it is very interesting to go out and play. The little girl is obviously trained specially and looks good at rap and singing. "The poet Cui Ye of the Tang Dynasty once wrote in a poem that the jade leaking silver pot is not reminded, and the iron gate is completely opened.

Who can sit idly by seeing the moon, and where can I not look at the light? On the night of the Lantern Festival, infected by the festive and lively atmosphere, even the boudoir girls who usually stay at home often take this opportunity to call friends and invite a bunch of children out of the boudoir, talking and laughing, admiring the lights and watching the scenery. Some even take this opportunity to quietly meet with the person they like, and it's a good thing! "

With these words, Fan Wubing and Cuiqi couldn't help but smile slightly on their faces.

The two people came out to enjoy the lights in advance, and they couldn't help saying that it was a bit of a secretive pleasure. Listening to the little girl's talk, it was a bit embarrassing.

Zhang Qi said, "Xin Qiji's "Yuan Xi", the east wind blows thousands of trees at night, and blows down. The stars are like rain. The road is filled with BMW carving cars. The phoenix flute moves, the jade pot turns light, and the fish and dragon dance overnight. The moth's snow willow poisonous gold thread, smiles full and dark fragrance. People look for him a thousand pains. Suddenly, the person is there, the lights are dim. It should be the best description of the Lantern Festival."

But the Budibu girl said again, "According to the old drama, there is also a sad and tearful legend on the Lantern Festival."

"Oh? Come and listen," Fan Wuyao said.

Xiao Rusheng said, “It’s said that Emperor Yan Sui was fascinated and wanted to marry his sister as his wife. Because he was

Hair armor. His sister insisted on him, but she reluctantly made excuses. Said that unless the first month of the first month, Wei Gong showed the miracle of stars full of stars and the city full of joy, brothers and sisters could get married. After hearing his sister's words, Emperor Yan of Sui ordered the people around the capital to set lights on every house on the night of the 15th day of the first month. On the night of the fifteenth day of the first month, Emperor Sui Shuo's sister went upstairs to see the lights everywhere. She mistakenly thought it was really the stars, and the sky could not tolerate her, so she jumped off the city wall and threw herself into suicide. In order to commemorate this girl, the common people set off lights on the fifteenth of the first lunar month. Express your respect for her. "

Fan Wubing shook his head and said, "This is estimated to have been compiled. Emperor Sui Shuo was originally a talented person. This arrangement of people is probably done during Li Tang. It is said that the Lantern Festival, the Lantern Festival originated from Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. At that time, the palace maid at that time missed her parents very much every year on the Lantern Festival. She imagined that the family could reunite affectionately during the festival. However, the imperial palace was deeply confined and heavily guarded. It was impossible to go out at will. Dongfang Shuo moved her compassionate heart. He first spread rumors that Vulcan would send personnel to burn Chang'an Avenue, causing panic in the palace. Later, he offered to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He said that all the personnel in the palace would go out to avoid disaster on the night of the 15th day of the first month. In the courtyards and houses of the streets, every family hung big red lanterns, as if a fire was burning all over the city, in order to deceive the Vulcan who watched and watched from the sky. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty promised to follow this, so the palace ladies facilitated the Lantern Festival Go out of the palace at night and take the opportunity to reunite with your family. From then on, every year on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the custom of hanging lanterns and admiring lanterns on the Lantern Festival has existed in cities and villages across the country.

The two people looked at the lantern for a while and felt that the weather was a bit cold, so they left here and drank tea in the resort.

"Last week there was another group of young girls in the stage. After graduating from university, they looked energetic and suddenly realized that they were old." Xi Qi held a teacup to warm her hands, and suddenly said to Fan Wuyao for no reason.

Fan Wubing took a sip of tea and didn't know what to say for a while.

Zhang Qi continued, "I don't know what's wrong in the past few days, and I have been in a low mood, so I thought about taking this opportunity to take you to see the lantern."

Fan Wubing nodded, knowing what was going on in his heart. The women who followed him always had to endure a lot of pressure. Not to mention, just to maintain this kind of relationship that is not recognized by the law. It will make family members feel very worried, and if they care about the feelings of their family members, the emotions accumulated over a long period of time will not be vented, which will definitely make people very depressed.

Unfortunately, it is obviously impossible to resolve this matter legally.

As a special phenomenon after entering the new era, apart from anything else, there is a lot of worship within CCTV alone.

It can be said that beauty resources are also monopolized.

Fan Wubing could not help but sighed when he thought of this, "When the African minerals matter is up, my global industrial layout will be completely completed, and I won't have to deal with ordinary things at that time, and I will accompany you to walk around. Walk around and have some light days."

"Can you really get out of it?" Zhang Qi asked rhetorically.

"There is nothing to get out of, and can't get out of it," Fan Wuyi said dryly, "Money is meaningless to me. If it weren't for this country, I would have quit. "

Zhang Qi tilted her head and thought for a while, and she felt that Fan Wubing was right. Over the years, he has been making adjustments to the domestic large-scale industrial structure ~ www.readwn.com ~ whether it is to integrate a certain industry or not. Whether it is to build a large-scale conglomerate in a certain place, it is all foresight.

"You really worked so hard," Zhang Qi said, leaning on Fan Wu's shoulder.

"Of course, I am actually a little selfish. After all, the domestic industry is ready, and there is no need to worry about food and clothing for decades. By the way, I will stabilize my father’s position and build up my own political resources. It's actually pretty good." Fan Wuyao said with a smile soon.

The two spent the night at the resort, and the next day Zhang Qi received a notice from the station that she was going to Guangzhou for a program and had to end her itinerary ahead of schedule.

Fan Wu was so sick that there was no other expression. I just told her that Shen Ying happened to be there for a meeting, and the two of them happened to be able to come back together. It would be suitable to take a Fan Airlines plane.

Who knew that when Huaiqi.com arrived in Guangzhou, he called Fan Wuyao and said that Shen Ying had a cold, and he had a bad cough, and the medicine didn't work.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let her come back quickly!" Fan Wuyao urged immediately after answering the phone.

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