
Vol 5 Chapter 1200: Also a good opportunity

The second and second disease naturally hates the tricky ghost artillery tricks, when You Dian is a woman who is used to a kind of thing in front of her. It is even more furious.

In his previous life, with his abilities, he could not touch such high-level actions at all, so it was not clear that while the slaughter was raging, the Singaporean government stabbed China severely, nor did he know what was behind it. Insider trading, but this world is different. Not only will Fan Investment Group's interests in mainland China suffer to a certain extent because of the epidemic, but Fan Wuyao himself will have to do some extra work because of the epidemic.

Therefore, Fan Wubing naturally does not have any good feelings for Singaporeans who fan the Yinfeng and light up the wildfire. Especially for the ugliness of their eyes flaring up and begging for mercy.

Because other countries in Southeast Asia have their own history, tradition and resource advantages, they are complementary to China's economy. Facing China's economic rise, they can see both challenges and opportunities. It's not too difficult to adapt.

Singapore is different. China will be able to do what they can do sooner or later, and sooner or later they will do better than him. It’s not difficult for Singapore to take advantage of the same language, the same kind, and the same Chinese and Western advantages to get a ride on the Chinese Economic Exhibition. Common prosperity is not difficult for Singapore. people.

For these elites who are accustomed to despising the Chinese, this is more uncomfortable than killing them.

Lee Kuan Yew's statement that China must be a second-rate country forever can truly express the ideal goals in the hearts of Singapore's ruling elites. China is second-rate, and Singapore is naturally first-class and superior.

It is precisely because of this that among so many countries in Southeast Asia, Singapore is the only one who clamors about the China threat theory. It is no wonder Singapore is so eager to invite the navies of the Western powers back so that they can relied on the provision of military bases. Congliang, don't forget the line.

However, only under the situation of confrontation between the United States and China, the United States was willing to pay for maintaining a military base in Singapore. Therefore, Singapore is actually afraid that China will not be chaotic, and will not forget to increase the tension around China, so it will invite the U.S. military team to come for a while. After a while, I brought in the Indian army again, and when I had something to do, I had to call on the China threat theory. The purpose was nothing more than to increase the value of my military base.

Singapore’s past prosperity was based on China’s greed, poverty, backwardness, and weakness.

The rise of China has broken the interests of these vested interests, and they are unwilling to adapt to the situation. Turn yourself into a vested interest in China's prosperity, so you must find ways to prevent, destroy, and at least delay China's rise. This is the most fundamental reason why Singapore is so vicious. It has nothing to do with whether it is Chinese or not.

After listening to his son Fan Wuyi expressing a lot of insults against the Singapore government, Fan Heng said that the problem is actually not that serious. The main reason is that some insider trading is done at the government level. I just hope to get some benefits.

Although this approach seems very despicable. But for these small small countries that are struggling to survive in the cracks, it is also a power trick that must be played from time to time.

But Fan Wuyao doesn’t think so much. He thinks that China is now rising and all countries in the world can see this process. It is not something you can do if you want to keep a low profile. People should block you or block you. The reason for so many years. The goal has not been achieved because in the current environment, no government of any country can block the 1.3 billion Chinese people.

Facing the destruction of Singapore. China should and must respond appropriately when necessary, and must not be soft-hearted, let alone soft-hearted. The reason is simple, because it is in China's national interest, and it is easy to be rational, beneficial, and disciplined without much effort.

"Singapore’s hostility towards China stems from a fundamental conflict of interest. Unless China voluntarily subjugates its country and goes bankrupt, it must not satisfy Singapore. That is to say. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on. China wants to avoid it and cannot avoid it. The destruction of Singapore is left alone , The harm is great, because its impact is far greater than Singapore itself.” Fan Wuyao pointed out sharply, “Singapore has always preached triumphantly that leaders of other ASEAN countries look at Singapore’s attitude towards China to determine their own policies towards China. If this statement is true, it proves that Singapore is at least the root of the Southeast Asian democratic forces, and counterattacking Singapore can quell these countercurrents. If this statement is false, it means that they are self-inflicted. For this The kind of quack liar must completely record the capital he scammed, so as not to be deceived by others. People think that China treats Singapore as a friend, and thinks that Singapore can have **** with Singapore without punishment. It is Singapore’s biggest capital in slander. You don’t fight back. Then some people will believe their bad ideas, and it will be more harmful to China.

Seeing that Fan Heng was still a little unsure, Fan Wuyi went on to... "The world is a little one in charge. Not only are mosquitoes who have always been gracious than prisoners, but they also know how to take advantage of people's dangers. But deal with Xiaoxiao. It is not difficult for people, because its characteristic is to bully the soft and fear the hard, spare a bunch of others, and pack up one, honestly a bunch. An eye for an eye must be dealt with against a villain. For a tooth for a tooth, the virtue of tea and rice will be rewarded. The grievances will be reported, in short, we must use the human way to deal with the villain

"It's easy to say, but some things are not so easy to do." Fan Ting shook his head.

Many things in China are not as easy to handle as you think, but you have reached a consensus at the top. However, there are many specific obstacles to specific implementation, especially in Singapore for many years, from academia to business in China. There are a large number of loyal followers in the financial sector and even at the level of government officials. These people will consciously support the interests of Singapore. So it is not easy to deal with it.

Fan Wuyao had a different view, "To deal with a villain in a gentleman's way is to swallow eye drops in his belly, and he is blind.

It is actually very easy for China to clean up Singapore. It does not have to fire or yell. You can tell it to walk around without being sullen. "

"Why do you see it? Now that the high-level people are having a headache, Fan Hyung asked with some interest.

In fact, high-levels are not all-knowing and omnipotent, and it is impossible to understand everything. Generally, consultants in various fields can consult. Then, after discussing, come up with the most suitable countermeasures, but there are some problems in this. If the national policy consultants have been bought by others, then when the policy is formulated, it will be faint. This is not a joke. , But a big problem that does exist.

So Fan Heng listened to his son Fan Xiubing. It's easy to deal with this problem, and it seems a bit interesting.

Fan Wubing said with a smile, "Actually, there is nothing to keep secret. To put it simply, I will no longer regard Singapore as a friend and leave on business."

"It's that simple?" Fan Heng was taken aback after hearing this, then he nodded when he thought of something.

Don't be so simple. In the past, China did not know how much burden it carried and how much it suffered.

In the long run, at the time of the Asian financial crisis, China itself suffered a loss to stabilize Asian finance. Apart from Hong Kong, it was mainly for Singapore, lest its economy collapse and even desperately screamed the China threat theory.

Similarly, many things that are beneficial to China have been delayed for fear of impacting Singapore.

For example, the cooperation with Thailand to complete the Kra Isthmus Canal Project is not technically or financially difficult. Once it is realized, it will definitely get rid of dependence on the dangerous Strait of Malacca, and it can also reduce the risk of being controlled by others. It will economically affect China and Thailand Both are beneficial and harmless, but they are bound to be greatly detrimental to Singapore’s shipping industry.

The senior management has always been hesitant about this project, and cannot fail to mention Singapore’s response to one of the main concerns.

Another example. The proposal to develop oil pipelines and land transportation through Myanmar is not mentioned before. These projects can further reduce China’s dependence on Southeast Asian countries for foreign shipping. However, one of the main considerations that the central government has not taken action on is obviously not. Willing to make a stalemate with Singapore.

Another part of the deep-seated reason is that Singapore has gone through decades of painstaking effort and isolation. Indeed, a large number of interest spokespersons have been cultivated in the country. These people are already in high positions, or are in and out of the government such as their own courtyard, or are very important in the financial world. Or they have become authoritative figures in the economics field~www.readwn.com~ These people have a great influence. Usually, they may not say anything, but once they encounter a threat to Singapore’s interests, they will immediately jump. Come out and trumpet the opposite opinion. Eventually interfere with the central government's decision-making and achieve the goal set by the other party long ago.

Obviously, without a certain amount of determination and courage, it is still very difficult to eliminate interference and accomplish some major things that are truly beneficial to the country.

"This time it's a good opportunity. I don't mind pushing it in secret." Fan Wuyao said to Fan Heng.

As Fan Wubing said, this time is indeed a good opportunity. At the time when Singapore has openly exposed the face, if public opinion is focused on publicity, it will immediately make them regret not the original. If the project proposal cannot be passed smoothly, the effect will be very good.

After all, at this time, even someone wants to jump out and act as a lobbyist. Also need to worry about the condemnation of the whole people.

After Fan Heng listened to some advice from his son Fan Wu-yin, he was also quite moved. After all, this time the other party had done too much. It doesn't care about the feelings of the Chinese people at all. This must be taught.

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