
Vol 5 Chapter 1203: Take advantage of the momentum

"This matter is not unnegotiable--" Fan Wubing replied hesitantly while considering the pros and cons of this matter.

The current situation is very clear. If you don’t have the ability to control the SARS epidemic and cure these sudden SARS patients, you won’t have the courage to take up this burden. Make an accurate estimate of the prospects of an SARS epidemic.

As Singapore’s Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong said, it will take two to three years for China to control the SARS epidemic. In this disaster, China will die of thousands of people.

There is no precedent, no treatment. There is no accurate research on the ** virus. So judging from the current development situation, the destructive power of this fatigued situation should be very large. This is also the consensus of the medical circles of all countries in the world. Even the current domestic high-level people are worried about this matter.

Although the US military has launched a strike operation in Iraq. But in China at this time, there is no longer a leisurely mind to take care of things over there. Now the entire government has concentrated all its forces on the prevention and control of the epidemic.

The new prime minister’s opinion is very clear. The Ministry of Health must be able to effectively solve the current problems in accordance with the deployment of the central government, and earnestly implement the general policy of treating diseases and saving people. Interfere with high-level decision-making.

Regarding this point, although Fan Wubing didn’t say anything, he didn’t agree with him in his heart. You must know that in the early days, he and his father Fan Heng urged the relevant parties to pay attention to this matter, but at that time everyone was busy preparing. Regarding the NPC and CPPCC, no one took this seriously. Now there is a big trouble, but they are all anxious to find themselves as a lobbyist.

However, Fan Wuyi changed his mind. At this critical juncture, he stepped forward and turned the tide, so that the new leadership group would have enough respect for him. After all, the old chief had passed away. If I don't get along with these people, it will be difficult to continue to support my father Fan Yu to stay here. Location.

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Fan Wuyao took the initiative to accept this task.

However, Fan Wubing is not a person who does nothing for nothing. He asked directly, "Goh Chok Tong in Singapore speaks wildly, does the central government have no attitude at all? It will make everyone very sad."

The new prime minister did not immediately realize what Fan Wubing meant by saying this, but only replied, "The issue of national policy. After all, Singapore is still useful for us, and it is not good for us to tear our face at this time."

"This is an irresponsible attitude." Fan Wuyao directly pointed out the problem. "Singapore has become a bridgehead for international democracy. If left alone, it is not only the domestic people that will have serious confrontational emotions, but the overseas Chinese. Overseas Chinese will also be disappointed by the central government. After all, this time the outbreak of the epidemic has caused the central government to be unjustly wronged. If it fails to actively respond to this matter, the country’s dignity and prestige will be compromised. The derogation is inexhaustible, and the influence of the central government will be hit unprecedentedly."

"Is it so serious?" The new prime minister obviously had some doubts that Fan Wuyao was exaggerating the facts.

"It's more serious than this!" Fan Wuyao replied without hesitation.

Fan Wubing then pointed out the key issues, and said that the reason why the central government is not clear on this issue is because the Singaporean government has fostered a large number of spokespersons in the country, and pointed out that the Temasek Consortium is working on China’s financial affairs. The industry is eyeing the status quo.

"I heard that the Temasek Consortium’s investments all over the world have been frustrated and the losses are huge. This year’s losses are about tens of hundreds of millions, but they are planning to concentrate all their energy on getting involved in the domestic banking industry. Gain about 200 billion in income within this year." Fan Wuyao said to the new prime minister.

"Temasek intends to enter the domestic banking industry, but I am afraid that you say that is unfounded?" The prime minister asked, frowning.

"I also heard that Temasek plans to spend US$1.5 billion. Obtaining 5% of the shares of Bank of China?" Fan Wuyao asked directly.

"There is such a thing, but we are still talking about it. 1.5 billion US dollars is our bottom line. They probably don't want to spend so much money." The Prime Minister replied.

Fan Wuyao said immediately, "I have given 2 billion U.S. dollars and I also hope to obtain a 5% stake in the Bank of China."

"This is not that simple. Temasek has a wealth of experience in financial management. This is also a resource that Bank of China hopes to introduce. It is not as simple as spending money to buy shares." The Prime Minister laughed.

Fan Wubing asked nonchalantly, "In terms of ability and scale, Fan Investment Group has the largest team of financial experts in the world, as well as banking industry acquisition experience. At the same time, our asset appreciation is the best in the world. The scale is huge. Temasek’s total assets are not as good as our one-year earnings. I think Xihuawei is qualified to cooperate with the domestic banking industry.

"That said. But in fact, there are still some difficulties in operation," the Prime Minister hesitated. "We also need to respect the bank's choice. After all, this is their own business. In some practical work, the central government cannot override it. "

"In other words, the central government has ignored the issue of banks selling state-owned assets cheaply?" Fan Wubing asked. "The Singaporean government has already expressed a positive attitude towards democracy. Could it be that the central government will let it go? Temasek, the official consortium of Singapore, came to China. With the cooperation of some interested people, it looted state-owned assets frantically?"

"What you said" The Prime Minister was dumbfounded by Fan Wuyi's words.

If it is an ordinary person, it is natural that he does not have the courage to speak so much, but Fan Wuyin is different, where is his status and status, let alone anything else, it is that the relationship between the old leaders is a lot. Especially when he stood on a very righteous position, no one dared to underestimate his power.

After thinking about it, the Prime Minister felt that if he didn't face the problem of Fan Wuyi, he would not be so easy to agree to help, especially when the matter affected Fan Investment Group's investment in China, it would be more than a loss.

As a senior, he is very clear about the existence of the Temasek Consortium, which is just a consortium playing capital operations. Its own strength is just as Fan Wuyi said, not very strong. The total assets are only US$50 or 60 billion. Even if the current central government spends RMB 50 or 60 billion in a project, it is not difficult.

Just as a banking reform, it is an established policy to allow the four major banks to be listed overseas. The goal to be achieved is not only to develop and grow, but also to establish contacts with overseas capital groups. Form an inseparable network of relationships, so that you have me in you, and after you have me in me, you want to influence and cooperate with each other. Even if you encounter some difficult political problems, you can achieve a curve solution through economic exchanges. the result of.

"If you have a way to make Temasek withdraw sadly. Personally, I am optimistic about its success." The prime minister said at last.

Fan Wubing nodded. Agreed.

After deducting the phone, Fan Hyung asked about his son, "What are you going to do?"

"Naturally, you need some small tricks, so don't ask for details.

"Fan Wubing replied.

"How do you think that you must target Singapore?" Fan Heng was a little curious about Fan Wu's attitude.

Fan Wubing replied, "This is very simple. It is precisely because Singapore is a country dominated by Chinese people and a pioneer in the country, so China uses Singapore as a breakthrough point. The side effects of countering the international forces are compared to the fact that it thinks it is superior. Others point fingers at it, and there are few people in the world who are really willing to drown muddy water for it. "It can be said that there are almost no countries that sacrifice their own interests to get millet from the fire." Therefore, countering Singapore will not provide many shells for the Chinese threat theory, but it can teach those Chinese elites who rely on ** to eat, don’t look at you all day ** someone cheers and someone pays ~ www.readwn.com~ really bad luck No one cares about you! "

In fact, Fan Wubing saw clearly. Singapore can only obtain the greatest benefits in a bureaucratic society like China. Otherwise, in their current state, international investment has suffered serious losses and cannot find a basis for profit. In addition to coming to the mainland to engage in official * business * collusion* Plundering other than state-owned assets. There is really no way to make money.

Since I have insight into their wolf ambitions and naturally want to attack them, how can I let them act recklessly?

Now that he had decided to show the Singapore government a good look, naturally Fan Hyung didn't have to wait for the special envoy of Goh Chok Tong's former secretary to come to Hong Kong to explain, so the father and son packed up and took the special plane back to the capital.

When the secret envoy of the Singaporean government came to Hong Kong, he found that there was no object of explanation.

When he got in touch with Singapore to discuss whether he needed to go to the mainland to continue his unfinished task, he discovered that the mainstream media in China, especially the Internet media, had changed the direction in unison at this time. Began to report on the ugly behavior of the Singaporean government and Goh Chok Tong himself before and after the epidemic.

What is even more shocking is that this time the media seems to have suddenly become shrewd, revealing the old bottom of the Temasek consortium. They also revealed their plans to acquire shares in the banking industry at a low price. They also analyzed the profit model of the Temasek Consortium. They pointed out sharply that the Temasek Consortium has run into a wall everywhere in the world and suffered heavy losses. He turned his attention to mainland China, trying to achieve his goal of turning losses through collusion between officials and businessmen.

Suddenly, the wind is surging.

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