
Vol 5 Chapter 1206: Can't sit still

What he is worried about now is that the price of rare earths is already very high, and the profits he has obtained are quite generous. Now this situation makes him very satisfied, and there is no need to raise prices again for the time being.

According to Fan Wubing, if Japan has begun to negotiate with the government and at the same time, it will further increase the export price of rare earths on its own side, will it cause official disgust and lead to unpredictable consequences. , This is what worries him most.

Therefore, Shen Peiming considered it for a while and explained the problems to Fan Wubing. "Son-in-law, you know that my company has a military background. Although I am the helm of the future, the military only divides the profits. Profit, but I can’t be good at this kind of major decision-making, so if you want me to cooperate, you have to explain to me all the details, otherwise it will be difficult for me to be on the board of directors. The price increase resolution was passed."

Naturally, Fan Wubing knew very well what was going on with his father-in-law’s company. In fact, he also considered it clearly. This matter is related to the issue of the foreign policy of rare earths, and it is impossible for the military leaders not to care. Therefore, he He said to Shen Peiming, "You don't have to worry about this. I will contact the leaders of the military to get their unanimous understanding."

Fan Wubing has made a comprehensive plan this time, that is, by trying his best to squeeze the investment in rare earth resources from Japan, South Korea and other countries, so as to obtain the key technologies most needed in the country. Since rare earths are industrial food, then he must The grain is stuck on the necks of foreigners to achieve some of their own purposes.

Naturally, at any given time, such a large price increase will cause many doubts.

But this time the situation is a bit different. When the country was very troubled by the epidemic situation, when Western countries began to block China, and when the high levels of the central government were eager to find a breakthrough to break the current deadlock, Decisively adjusting the export prices of rare earths can precisely meet the needs of high-level leaders.

The next day, when the two major rare earth groups in the north and south announced the increase in the export prices of rare earth resources, there were some small waves in the media. However, since this was a decision on export, it had little impact on the country. The sentiment of the companies using materials is stable.

It was only in the international market that there was an uproar. The Americans questioned China’s monopoly on rare earth resources, which was not in keeping with the spirit. Japan, South Korea and other countries also clamored to retaliate against China and cut import quotas for some agricultural products. Other countries They also expressed their attitudes on this issue more or less. All in all, everyone feels more worried and believes that China, as the most important exporter of rare earth resources, has continuously increased rare earth export prices and reduced rare earth export quotas. Affect the development of the world economy.

"So what?" Fan Wuyi smiled happily.

Although Shen Peiming did this with Fan Wubing, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. He didn't know how the military and high-level officials reacted. However, when foreign media expressed their views on this, he was very surprised. , The domestic response to this is basically mediocre, and the high-level officials have expressed refusal.

This situation is very strange. It stands to reason that when the foreign government reacts strongly, the domestic government will definitely exert a certain influence on the company to balance it. Although the two major domestic rare earth groups are both private enterprises, If the government wants to make some decisions, it doesn't care whether you are a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise.

Especially in the previous period, the new round of macro-control seems to have become very strict on the control of private enterprises. Although Shen Peiming's enterprise has passed the period of being choked, he thinks of the previous few times. He still has some lingering fears in his heart about the blow to private companies during the macro-control.

If the government wants to do something with private companies, it can just find a name, or there is no need to find any name at all. First, send someone to your company to check it for a few months. I don’t believe it can’t find anything. Even if you stole a chicken and evaded 200 yuan in taxes, you can still be wiped out, not to mention that most of the private companies are not very clean in the process of developing.

Since the two major groups announced price increases, some government officials in the local government have expressed concern that too high prices have an impact on the friendly relations between China and other countries, but Shen Peiming is not a vegetarian. The bureau-level local officials crooked a few words, but they still couldn't let his eyes go. What he cared about most was the higher-level attitude.

But obviously, the senior management was dealt with by Fan Wuyi.

"My son-in-law, I'm really not an ordinary person," Shen Peiming couldn't help but sigh.

Fan Wubing was explaining this time to Shen Ying. "In fact, if you want to do a big thing, you must first understand the attitude of the senior management, and at the same time, you must know what they want most! This way, it will not be disadvantageous."

Fan Wuyao’s work on rare earths this time has directly suffered a heavy blow. Of course, Japan, South Korea and other countries, the United States has also been greatly affected, especially when the US military continues to attack Iraq at the same time, arms dealers Many of our products require rare earth elements as a primer. Once there is a problem in the supply chain, it will directly affect the performance of the weapon, which is beyond the reach of the Americans.

It is precisely because of this that, while the central government cannot control the outbreak of the epidemic, while the international community has unanimously imposed restrictions on China’s entry and exit system and reduced the number of Chinese exports, Fan Wubing’s card is very important. The key is to hit the opponent's weakness all at once.

"The United States, Japan, and South Korea can no longer sit still. They are now sending representatives to Beijing urgently to conduct consultations with the government." Fan Wuyao smiled and said to Shen Ying. Er, and then swallowed back the original idiom. Because of this, the new leadership group now has a more positive view of me, and the importance of old equipment in the group has also been highlighted, and the right to speak is becoming more and more important. ."

Shen Ying tilted her head and thought for a while and said, "I'll do the calculations. There have been so many things in China in the past few months, but you are always the one who has benefited most? Could it be that your thinking is so sharp and your consciousness is so sharp? Before, can you see through everything?"

"Feng, j! Do you want to be the first army leaf!": "O's martyrdom, that's all yy's novels used to deceive people." Fan Wubing replied solemnly, "The secret of true success lies in constant thinking. I think, so I am."

Shen Yingbai took a look at Fan Wuyi, and then said, "However, this time you directly engaged Temasek, which is considered to have completely offended the Singapore government. There must be many people in the country who hate you to the bone, because Singapore is the country of choice for many people. Because of this time, I heard that Singapore has temporarily suspended entry applications from the mainland, and many people complained a lot about this.

"It's something to do with me." Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders.

"That's true, most people don't know that you did it this time.

Shen Ying nodded.

This kind of thing, that is, relatively high-level talents will be clearer, where do ordinary people have the opportunity to understand this inside story?

It's just that the Singapore lobby has already arrived in the capital, but I don't know if they can mobilize high-level officials and create some opportunities to ease the tension between the two countries.

In fact, Fan Wubing is very clear that Singapore appears to be free and democratic on the surface, but in essence it is the Li Dynasty. It treats outsiders very harshly, just like most people from the mainland who immigrated to Singapore, except for a few who wish to have With a foreign status as a cover, in addition to the convenience of doing things in the country, there are more corrupt officials who have become rich after becoming rich. They have become investment immigrants and are happy to go overseas.

There are two reasons why Singapore seems to be in a leading position in ASEAN. One is the Temasek Consortium, and the other is the personal relationship with high-level officials and big families in ASEAN countries.

These two points are actually one point, and the main one is money laundering.

It is precisely because the Lee family has been conscientiously helping the leaders and big families of ASEAN countries to launder money, they have established long-term friendship with each other. Through Singapore, these people have turned illegal income into legal income and quickly used politics. Resources gained the opportunity to get rich, and then became the super rich class in ASEAN countries ~ www.readwn.com ~ in turn used wealth to consolidate their political status, so they have a very good impression of Singapore's Lee family.

Singapore is a small country and a city. If there are any exhibition opportunities in this kind of place, it is a lie. Many people in China are targeting the new Canadian garbage to handle the transfer of chestnuts. "In fact, it means that Singapore is already very good. A mature money laundering system can easily convert state-owned assets into private property for oneself.

On the other hand, it is because most of the people who need this kind of service use domestic political resources to pay. They simply cannot survive in countries such as chivalrous and beautiful by relying on their own strength, so they choose the same language and the same kind. Singapore is the most suitable place to settle down.

It is said that there is a street in Singapore, and the villas on both sides were bought by corrupt officials from the mainland. This is a clear evidence of money laundering rumors.

Because of this, when Jigapo unilaterally closed the immigration channel, the most anxious people were the corrupt officials who urgently needed to flee the mainland.

Fan Wubing did not expect that these people are still very energetic. Although Temasek's entry into China's financial industry has nothing to do with them, after Singapore closed the immigration channel, everyone could not sit still.

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