
Vol 5 Chapter 1223: Admiral of the Navy

Pin Liu Xiao! So I will find Bu Fan Heng's way. Except for two people! One very important reason for the "foreign" mule is that the Fan family has always been thicker with the military. Among the influence on the military's older generation, no one can compare to Fan Wushu.

This may sound a bit weird, but in fact, you can understand the truth after thinking about it.

Not to mention that Fan Wuyi was caused by the torpedo in the snowstorm. He has long had a strong influence in the high-level military. The various things he did for the military afterwards were enough to make many senior generals feel grateful, especially after Fan Heng became a member of the Standing Committee. This gratitude becomes support in actual action.

More importantly, there is one thing that everyone can't avoid, and that is the issue of birth, old age, sickness and death.

No one can escape the end of death, but how to delay aging and leave the world later is what everyone wants to achieve. Fan Wubing is a genius doctor who can cure many intractable diseases through abnormal means. The old man's affairs are clear evidence.

With this in mind, even if the older generation of characters can see through these life and death matters, there is no guarantee that their offspring will also be able to see this point, so Fan Wubing became a sweet potato. It is especially important that the military has its own system, with unfathomable depths of water in it, but those who have inherited the military's command are still the descendants of those big men back then.

Therefore, Fan Wuyi or Fan Heng's influence on the military is considerable.

Chen Guangyi is not an ordinary person. He is very aware of the powerful power of his old friend Fan Heng and Fan Heng’s son Fan Wuyi. He also knows how many catties he has, so he dare to be here and seek the commander of the navy. The position, this is after some careful consideration by him.

Even he has great confidence that as long as the No. 1 leader does not object, he can sit firmly in this position under the promotion of Fan Hengfan's disease-free father and son, and he himself is not a generation who is vying for fame and profit. He has deep feelings for the navy, so he also knows the status quo of the navy very well. He hopes that through his superior position, the navy will become stronger, so that he can not only protect the people in the coastal waters, but Build a true blue water navy and travel to the oceans.

And his treasure was indeed crushed. Fan Wuyi calmly contacted several military leaders, and the matter was finalized in an understatement.

No. One commander did not have any opposition. After the submarine crash, the top leaders are most concerned about rectifying the navy as soon as possible, promoting the renewal of the navy as soon as possible, raising the level of weapons and equipment, and creating an adaptable The new type of navy in modern warfare, so the new navy commander and Fan Jiashu twisted, it does not seem to be a bad thing.

At least, when Chen Guangyi took office, it was impossible for Fan Wubing, the big money master, to ignore it. It is also impossible to ask for too high a price, which is beneficial to the Navy.

Moreover, in this year's generation, there is no talk of usurping the throne of a certain dynasty, and no one can always occupy that seat and not come down. As for Fan Heng, it means that he has retired as a member of the Standing Committee. In the concave position, he could not have the opportunity to sit on it. I have never had that kind of thought.

Next, is the investigation into the incident of the naval submarine crash.

The published information indicated that the navy wrecked submarine was a "Ming. Class fierce submarine, which was approved by the Military Commission in 1967 and developed China's first-generation conventionally powered torpedo attack submarine. The central task of the development is to do its best. To improve underwater navigation, in order to achieve this goal, researchers have carried out a large number of studies and experiments in three main aspects: reducing drag, improving propulsion efficiency, and increasing propulsion power.

The Western-type submarine craft was delivered to the navy in April 1974. The construction has been suspended twice to carry out the design of modern modified boats. It is required that weapon systems, underwater acoustic equipment, communication equipment, navigation equipment, underwater acoustic countermeasures, and noise control are maintained on the premise of maintaining the overall performance of the original Western-type submarine. , Improve living and working conditions, and make various improvements to improve the combat capability, survivability, mobility, concealment, reliability, and safety of the boat to a certain extent.

Construction of the improved boat started in August 1988 and was delivered at the end of 1990. It was finalized in 1993. So far, a small batch of boats have been built and delivered to the navy. The piping and valves of the superstructure are rationally arranged, the space on the deck is reduced, the water hole is improved, and the high-efficiency propeller is designed. A heading autopilot and a depth autopilot are used. The submarine is guaranteed to have normal maneuverability in all flight ranges.

According to information disclosed by overseas media, the highest-ranking officer in the submarine killed was a naval colonel, and the other thirteen officers were trainee instructors from the Naval Academy and technical support cadres from relevant departments.

According to subsequent investigations, the official announcement was that on April 16, the boat recharged the submarine on its way back to Qingdao's Weihai base. According to the procedure, Kedian is to activate the diesel motor. When this motor is activated, it needs to burn a lot of oxygen. Therefore, the submarine needs to float close to the sea and extend the periscope and intake valve above the command platform to the sea to inhale air.

But the investigation is now. When the diesel motor was activated, the intake valve did not open due to a mechanical failure. After the diesel engine is activated, a large amount of oxygen in the boat is absorbed and burned.

Relevant data showed that the oxygen content of the gas in the boat dropped to zero in less than two minutes. Because the submarine was doing silent training at that time. All telecommunications communications with the outside world were interrupted, so no one outside could detect the accident in time. However, all hatches were closed at the time according to the procedure. Because the internal oxygen is absorbed and the air pressure is unbalanced, it is impossible to open the hatch cover from the inside under negative pressure in the first to seventh compartments, even if the officers and soldiers try to escape.

"The submarine took part in the exercise in the sea on April 2. The exercise ended on April 12 and was required to return to the base in silence. The so-called silent posture is to close all contact with the outside world. However, four scummers appeared floating on the 26th. After the submarine off the Changshan Islands was towed back to the base, it was found that all officers and soldiers had suffocated to death. The post-violence date recorded in the log was April 16th after Fan Heng saw the internal report, and then said to Fan Wuyao.

"It's a pity." Fan Wubing shook his head. He didn't believe in the information of this report very much.

"This is an investigation report from the navy." Fan Hyung's words seemed to have something else in it.

Fan Wubing was taken aback after hearing it, and then he understood something.

Obviously, the current navy leadership must have concealed something. After all, according to the report, the exercise began on April 2. The exercise ended on April 12, and even if the radio was kept silent, it would not take long to return to the base, but it was very problematic to know that the floating submarine was spotted by fishermen on April 26.

How long was the silent period at that time? It won't be half a month long, right?

Why is Danmin the first to discover the submarine? Does the navy know about this situation? What arrangements have been made for this?

The most important question is what happened on the submarine at that time?

All of these questions need someone to answer, but the navy hasn't had a clear statement, which made the senior executives feel very angry, and at the same time feel that their influence within the navy is too weak.

Fan Heng does not believe in the authenticity of this investigation report, and of course many people do not believe it.

Do not believe it is a very serious problem.

Therefore, Chen Guangyi's activities finally played a role. At the Standing Committee, when everyone discussed the matter, some people raised the issue of changing the generals, and Fan Heng directly nominated Chen Guangyi to take over the navy.

When asked why it was Chen Guangyi, Fan Heng's answer was also very simple, "First, I understand his personality. Second, he is a technician.

Third, Ran has both grassroots experience and leadership experience. "

Fan Heng’s answer is very skillful. Everyone understands after listening. This is Fan Heng’s guarantee for Chen Guangyi in his own capacity. The first point is that Fan Heng understands Chen Guangyi’s personality. Although this is false, it is true. The most important thing.

If you want to recommend a person to the top position, there must be a lot of reason, but one thing is very important. First, you must have a reason to recommend this person. Fan Ting's so-called understanding of Chen Guangyi's personality. That is to tell everyone directly that Chen Guangyi is my person and I am responsible if something goes wrong.

For such a clear proposal, everyone needs to seriously consider it. Fan Heng has not put forward a request for an important leadership position so directly before, and has openly stated that Chen Guangyi is his own, so everyone needs to understand this point seriously. In addition, Fan Heng's background is closely related to the navy. The nomination of Chen Guangyi is not for personal gain, but the internal requirements for planned modernization of the navy. This is also the most critical point.

In fact, it doesn't matter who is nominated to be the commander of the Navy, but if you have a suitable candidate who understands both technology and management, and is familiar with both the grassroots and the senior management, the success rate is obviously higher.

Several members of the Standing Committee discussed it, and then sat down with the leading comrades of the Military Commission to breathe. In the end, everyone unanimously approved Fan Heng's suggestion and decided to replace Chen Guangyi to try and rectify the somewhat chaotic navy.

On June 12, with the approval of the Central Committee, the Military Commission ordered Chen Guangyi to be appointed commander of the navy and removed the former naval commander and naval political commissar. The next day, the results of the investigation into the cause of the naval submarine crash were announced, stating that the accident was caused by improper command and manipulation.

As a result, the Military Commission made a decision to seriously deal with the personnel responsible for the extraordinary submarine accident. The deputy commander of the military region and the commander of the North Sea Fleet and the political commissar of the North Sea Fleet of the Navy were given administrative demotion. At the same time, several other relevant personnel were given disciplinary sanctions such as administrative dismissal and demotion.

"Don't say it, this time the strength of the general change is a bit stronger." After seeing the result, Fan Wubing couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Dad Fan Heng said to his son, "In fact, this time the high-level people also used the topic to wave, and the movements will inevitably be bigger."

Judging from the content of the change of generals, the grassroots units have not been affected much, even as simple as administrative demotion. However, the high-level changes in the Navy are very large, and the commander and political commissar have been replaced. This can basically be regarded as It is the attitude of the senior management towards the work of the entire Navy over the past few years.

In other words, the senior officials are so dissatisfied with the navy's development that they can only be willing to replace the first and second in command. This seems unlikely in normal times. But this kind of thing happened like this.

"Well, the new number one leader. Very bold." Fan Wuyi commented.

There was obviously a little other flavor in Fan Wubing's words, even though Fan Heng could hear it. But he didn't pay much attention to him, just gave him a blank glance. Then he said, “To rectify the navy and build a strong army, you need a responsible leader. At this point, I admire the No. 1 commander very much. Although he is a few years younger than me, you can see. When he comes out, he is more decisive than other members of the Standing Committee."

Fan Wubing nodded and admitted this.

In fact, he is also very clear that from this naval submarine crash ~www.readwn.com~ the navy does have many problems, and to solve this problem, we still have to start from the inside, but if the top management wants a brand-new one A powerful navy, in addition to solving internal problems, decisively replacing personnel is also an indispensable step.

Otherwise, even if the middle and lower levels have solved the problem, the high-level people are still in control, which will always affect the overall situation. Therefore, the commander of the number one made up his mind this time to solve the navy's accumulated drawbacks in one fell swoop.

"But in this way, everyone will treat Chen Guangyi as your person. If he doesn't do naval work well, any arsenic will affect your reputation." Fan Wubiao could not help but think of this. Said with a smile to his father Fan Xiang.

"How can my reputation compare to having a powerful navy?" Fan Heng shook his head and smiled. It can be seen that Fan Heng is still very confident in Chen Guangyi, an old friend. Fan Wuyi is not very clear about this, but he also understands a little bit. As long as Chen Guangyi is not the kind of person who is arbitrary and incompetent, who likes to command blindly, then he will rely on several cooperation projects between the military industry department and the military under the Fan Investment Group. It is still certain to increase the combat effectiveness of the Navy by a large margin within a few years.

As for whether Chen Guangyi can bring down the officers and soldiers of the navy and make them reorganize according to his own intentions, it depends on his personal charm.

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