
Vol 3 Chapter 32: 100 million dollars to save 5 chicks

In general, Wuzhi Xiaoji is still a good guy, at least he is more concerned about business.

Therefore, after he finished the phone call with Fan Wubing, he realized that the two businesses that Fan Wubing had confessed had not yet been implemented, so he contacted Kono Seiko, placed the order, and paid the deposit. Then he contacted a company specializing in the production of high-end crystal products and ordered several crystal glass production equipment and production process instructions.

Just as he was packing his luggage and preparing to go to the Chinese Embassy, ​​he suddenly discovered that the *** in his home had suddenly disappeared. When he was about to see if the insurance had burned, the floor-to-ceiling windows inside his home were slammed. It was smashed, and then six or seven masked men rushed in, put him in a black cloth cover, and dragged them out.

"Help--" Wu Zhi's little machine was almost frightened, so remember to call for help anyway.

But soon he found that he was asking for trouble, and suddenly suffered a heavy blow on the head, Wu Zhi Xiaoji immediately fainted.

After receiving the call from Wuzhi's small phone, Fan Wubing went straight to sleep. When he woke up in the morning, he dialed another phone to ask about the specific situation. Who knew that he couldn't make the call anyway. He changed several times in a row. All contact numbers were busy, so I felt something was wrong.

"Is this guy really kidnapped?" Fan Wubing thought for a while, but hoped to ask the embassy in Japan for help, but he has no relationship with the embassy in Japan at all! I just agreed to Wu Zhi Xiaoji without even thinking about it. It was only then that I realized that I didn't even know where the Tokyo Embassy in Japan opened, let alone know someone.

How can this be done? Fan Wubing thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that a few days ago, the minister of the Ministry of Security personally called his father Fan Heng and asked about Cao Jian. This matter can be regarded as a relief for them, although it is troublesome. It was also made by myself. But since they asked, they had to accept their own feelings.

So Fan Wuyao ran to the city government and talked about this to his father Fan Heng.

"Although they are talking to me on the phone, this person is not familiar at all? Why do you let me talk about this?" Van Heng suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Where can the main hall be placed in the eyes of others? Just say hello. It's strange for someone to care about themselves!

But his son never asked himself to help. He only spoke once and just pushed back. It was too shameful. Fan Heng suddenly felt that his official was still too young, if he was a ministerial level. , I’m afraid it’s very emboldened to speak, right?

Fan Wu's illness understands his father's difficulties better, he said bluntly. "Actually, dad, you don’t have to belittle yourself. Your greatest achievement is to have three of our children. Although the old sister’s club is the number one domestic private enterprise, it plays a decisive role in the industry, but compared with the various industries under my name, it’s just It’s just the tip of the iceberg. Although I didn’t say something about it, the high-level of the Ministry of Security must know a little bit, otherwise the Minister would not have called you in person last time."

"You mean, you have made a lot of noise in the United States in the past few years?" Fan Heng felt a little strange. "But last time I heard from your sister, the money you got back was more than a dozen. It looks like a billion?"

Fan Wubing nodded and smiled, "Yes, I have said this, but this is only part of it, that is, selling the company to earn money. There are many other investments in the financial securities market, this part The money flowed back and forth, and finally it went to the Swiss bank account, which was tens of billions of dollars."

Fan Heng took a breath of air when he heard this. No wonder even the Minister of the Ministry of Security put down his worth and called himself personally. He had reached the point of his son, and he was indeed capable of talking directly with the high-level officials. So he turned the phone book. Said to Fan Wuyao, "Here is the number. You have done it yourself."

"If I fight, I will fight. At most, let Wuzhi's small machine give a little blood. They go to work and we pay. This business can always be negotiated, right?" Fan Wuyi was also polite. Pick up the phone directly. Dialed according to the record on Fan Heng's phone book.

The Minister of the Ministry of Security Jiang Lue is having a morning meeting to arrange work in the last few days. Suddenly the secretary came over and said in a low voice, "Minister Jiang, there is your call." Well, where did it come from? "Jiang Luezheng talked about his excitement, but he was a little low after being interrupted.

"It was on your private phone, looking at the sky and saving rocks." The secretary replied.

"Panshi?" Jiang Lue frowned. He couldn't think of any important personnel there. When he was about to let the secretary deal with it, he suddenly thought that he called Panshi Mayor Fan Heng just a few days ago. Could it be that What happened to the other party?

But it's not right! The contents of the alloy box were confirmed at that time. It was the so-called artifact grass sword in Japan. Although it was so hot by the Japanese, it was not as good as a fire stick for the Chinese!

Regardless, Jiang Lue felt that he would be more at ease to listen to the phone, so he announced a temporary adjournment, then went to his office, answered the phone, and asked cautiously, "Hello? Who are you?"

Fan Wubing coughed and said to the microphone, "Is it Minister Jiang?"

After Jiang Lue heard the voice, he immediately knew who was speaking. Fan Wushu!

In the most recent stage, there was someone who reported to him about Fan Wubing’s important trends. Especially the telephone recordings were monitored a lot. Naturally, he was familiar with his voice, so he asked smoothly. "I’m Jiang Lue, you’re Fan Wubing, right?"

Fan Wubing was also stunned when he was on the other side. He didn't expect to be so far away, and he hadn't dealt with before. The Minister of the People's Security Department could guess his identity all at once. Isn't this amazing?

wrong! Fan Wubing still had a quicker mind, and he immediately noticed the problem!

"You--did you monitor my phone?!" Fan Wuyao asked annoyedly.

"Uh—" Jiang Lue was also taken aback when he heard Fan Wu's words.

Then he was a little bit dumbfounded, how do you say this thing? The Ministry of Security is responsible for these things, how can we know so many things? But monitoring is monitoring, you don’t have to say it face-to-face, right? Although this thing is done as soon as it is done, it still feels a little weird to say it face-to-face!

"You—Mr. Fan Wubing. That's why you called?" Jiang Lue was also a little annoyed. The monitored subject called and asked face to face. This is the first time! When did the Minister of Security meet such an arrogant figure? Most people are people who have seen themselves, and they can't wait to go around and avoid them. Today, they are considered to be a ghost!

"Oh. Forget it, monitor it! Anyway, in the United States, and a are also wandering outside my house every day. I've long been used to it." Fan Wuyao muttered, and then changed his tone, very polite. Very tenderly said, "Dear Minister Jiang, you are in your busy schedule. Can you help solve the practical difficulties of the grassroots?"

Jiang Lue was a little bit dumbfounded by Fan Wu's tone changing so quickly. He also understood that Fan Wubing was a funny guy, so he said solemnly, "You have to solve the practical difficulties of the grassroots. Go to the neighborhood committee! I believe that there will be very enthusiastic to help you deal with these problems! We can only handle some things related to national security for the time being, and ordinary things can't be busy!" .

Fan Wubing hurriedly shouted after hearing it here. "Don't, don't! I'm really in trouble! I can't pay a little labor fee at most? It's really because there is no neighborhood committee in the place where the accident happened!"

Oh? When Jiang Lue heard Fan Wubing's words, he immediately knew that it was really not easy.

In China, where can there be no neighborhood committee? Obviously, Fan Wubing meant that the place where the accident happened was no longer in China! So Jiang Lue asked, "What the **** is it? If it involves international disputes, it is inconvenient for us to come forward!"

"Probably not--" Fan Wubing briefly said about Wuzhi's small machine, and finally emphasized it specifically, "It is estimated that it was kidnapped by the underworld. Can you solve it? Don't worry. This kid is relatively rich. As long as he can be brought to China, he will be a big sheep. You can save a lot of money for this year's activities!"

"Wuzhi Xiaoji! I'll ask someone to check it first, and then I'll give you a reply!" Although Jiang Lue didn't immediately agree, he left something to say, then put down the phone and told the secretary, " Connect me to Tokyo, I want to know something."

After more than half an hour. Jiang Lue called back again.

"Minister Jiang, how is it?" Fan Wuyao asked hurriedly.

"It's more difficult--" Jiang Lue said with some embarrassment. "The matter is almost understood. It was Ono Lang Yasuda from the Furong Consortium who was dealing with him. The people of the Black Dragon Club came out. Now they have been imprisoned privately. Get up. If you want to solve it, you have to use the agents in Tokyo. I can't explain it to the top, after all, this is a private matter."

"One hundred million U.S. dollars in special operations expenses!" Fan Wuyao said immediately and decisively, "This is my trip, and I will definitely not fall back on my account! As for him being rescued, the money he is willing to pay for rewards will definitely not be less than me!"

"That's okay!" Jiang Lue agreed immediately, and then seemed to feel that he was a little bit eye-opening when he saw the money, so he added, "This will make it easier for me to explain it to the top. I immediately arranged relevant personnel to plan actions and strive for the evening. Send him out of Japan before!"

Fan Wubing quickly thanked him, and then hung up the phone.

"Is it settled?" Fan Hyung asked next to him.

"One hundred million dollars! I made it! I'm sure that the Ministry of Security is much darker than the kidnappers!" Fan Wuyi gritted his teeth and said to Fan Heng.

"See--" Fan Heng took a breath and murmured, "Being a kidnapper--no, it's really promising to be an agent of the Ministry of Security! There are several times a year of this kind of business--oh, mission, nothing. Don't worry!"

Fan Wubing looked at his father Fan Heng speechlessly, and then said very seriously, "Such remarks are fine at home. Don't mention them outside. The people in the Ministry of Security are all pervasive! Maybe it's on your phone. There is a bug!"

"Isn't it?!" Fan Heng's scalp was blown up when he heard it, and he said to his heart that he didn't have any room for himself? After thinking about it so carefully, I feel that everyone around me is like an agent!

Fan Wuyao saw his dad thinking there, he laughed, "It's not that serious, even if there is something wrong with the people from the Ministry of Security, as long as it's not a land problem, I don't bother to care about you, like embezzling a little money. Ah, I’m going to have a little bit of money and raise a little lover. Even if they know about these things, they will be treated as ignorant, dad, don’t worry!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" Fan Heng knocked Fan Wuxian's head and said bitterly, "Am I that kind of person? I still embezzle small money. With you children who can make money, can I commit your embezzlement?! If you still raise a little lover, you will find one for me!"

"I don't dare to do this, my mother has to choke me to death!" Fan Wubing firmly shook his head in denial~www.readwn.com~ Just when the father and son were boringly choking each other, in the warehouse of a factory in Tokyo, Japan, The Wuzhi Xiaoji who woke up was being helped by several black dragon club thugs with a rope to turn him into a zongzi, ready to torture his bank account and password.

"I have dozens of bank accounts, how can I remember them? Ah, don't hit me—" Wu Zhi Xiaoji yelled aggrievedly. Beside him, the Ogura Yuko was also tied up, shrank to the ground and weeped quietly, because she dragged her boyfriend and let go of Wuzhi Xiaoji, so she was caught together.

"Baga! Today, you must know that I am a great Daxiong!" The shirtless bald man said viciously to the two of them, and then he was going to take the toothed steel wire he had prepared to pump Wuzhi. Small machine.

"Don't--" With the screams of Wuzhi's small machine, the lights in the warehouse suddenly went out, and then I heard a muffled noise, the door fell to the ground, and then the black dragon would scream from the thugs.

When the lights came on again, there were stumbling thugs on the ground, and Wuzhi Xiaoji and Ogura Yuiko disappeared.

The whole process takes less than three minutes.

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