Weaponmaster Travels

Chapter 13 - I here with him too you know!

with the shock of knowing their friend has a fiance and now they didn't know what else to say

ruby look at them all puzzled "well I guessing this is not normal"

IIda "sorry it just caught us by surprise so umm what does your fiance do?"

ruby look at him and nodded "umm well his dream is to support me and help the world with it problems" beaming with joy and happiness at mentioning her fiance dream or future

that when they saw a portal open cause it glows a golden color then a teenager boy walk out but then looks around and spots ruby then opens another portal then walk in front of ruby

the teenager "hello again ruby hows your day and I see you made friends today"

ruby "hello john and yes this is midoriya and uraraka and IIda so I'm guessing you going to take me home?"

midoriya "so umm are you her fiance"

john "yes! we be together for..."

uraraka "for 3 years"

ruby "hahaha yeah sorry"

john "eh at least I can show them something"

ruby blushes "no not here come on we got to go" seems embarrassed

then john moves closer to ruby and started kissing her in front of her three new friends and some classmates that hasn't left yet

ruby blashes even harder "come stop that we got to get home now" then a portal open up and ruby step in and disappeared then john followed and also disappear all that left standing were a midoriya and uraraka and IIda

uraraka blashes "well um I think I go home now see you guys tomorrow" and quickly walk away as fast as her walking speed at full throttle then midoriya and IIda departed also

the next day

classes were going well until a new student came which was john but most people were already making a big deal out of him due to his looks and his unknown vibe which his quirk had yet to be known and his behavior like he a senior or his m.a.t.u.r.e ethics and knowledge on his subjects which seems better and smarter then their smartest in their classroom which was momo and in some classes he way to relax which he starts to listen to his music and answer what question the teacher ask and some realize the teacher are VERY leinine with john but john does real good in the subject and some were excited about knowing his quirk due to heroics are the next class

which all might enter like a normal person some were excited and some were serious but when everybody they were going to wear their hero costume most of the class was pump up to use their quirk

some were puzzle and started asking questions but we change and got to the fake or training urban setting town but some were still asking question so we got separated into different teams which were in pairs but momo and some other realize their new classmate/leader/senior was not part of the teams


some were shock and other were going ask more questions but got stopped and everybody went to the monitor room and everybody was still kinda pump up

once everybody went then their was ruby and midoriya vs bakugou and IIda which was dangerous looking due to ruby and bakugou bakugou due to heavy hurting midoriya and ruby fighting style which was two small but extremely sharp scythes then seeing IIda hurt badly but not too much and having tape him up while bakugou had beat midoriya to a pulp the the fight vs ruby and bakugou and some of the class were betting on who would win then what shock them the most was ruby weapons which was the two little scythes then combined to make a big scythe which she threw it at bakugou but it went over his head and planted heavily in a wall which was a giant hole and creak like spider webs spreading from it then bakugou being tackle and tape up instantly then ruby leisurely walk to the bomb and touch it which gave ruby and midoriya the win

then their was the match with all might and john which midoriya was interrogating ahem question about john quirk which the only reply he got was you see

all might the villain and john the hero

midoriya "umm will he be alright umm against all might"

some tune up their hearing to they can hear their conversation

ruby "well he might win against all might"

midoriya "umm well I hope he wins" a sign of good faith

then john made it to the floor where all might was

all might "do you really think you can beat me in a short period of time?"

to which john nods then a shadow came out which shock many they what quirk that belong to then they saw explosive power on his hand then their were engines coming out on his calfs or legs (which all he wearing is shorts some student but female how muscular he is which he tall and big but seeing his muscles then they saw his arm harden many were shock then ruby stated his quirk to everyone

ruby "his quirk is copy/keeper he copies quirks and keeps them indefinitely which he has many more and he can change his body if needed like transformation and mutation quirks and he has about everyone in the classroom quirk excepts dek.. I mean midoriya quirk

back in the training building which john looks at the shadow then nods then what everyone see was the shadow merges with him and now he looks like he got two more arms those arm are harden as well

ruby "he can win and I'm sure of it"

which john and all might went at each other but the building surprising held on but what ruby said seem really insane but possible which john made the building and the surrounding area more harder or say more difficult to break which they can tell thanks to some of the cameras outside of the building which the building and the surrounding 500 feet is holding up while anything else is breaking

many can see all might and john punches landing on each other until people notice that all might is slowly back up then john surprise the all might with tape coming out of the ground and tie up all might and was john win many were all looking at ruby but she was gone until they notice her at behind john and pounce on him

john "well hold up cause I got to untie the teacher" which just a snap at his fingers and all might was free

all might "very well done young john let go and join the rest of the class" which they made to the rest of the class by running which ruby and john came first then all might

which the day went on with some other classes but many were focus on john most of the time many people heard of john feat of being able to beat all might in the heroics lesson

just like that school ended and many are going home but their still many people around john

ruby {I here with him you know}

john "sorry sorry but me and ruby got to go home see you all tomorrow" that when people were about to say goodbye or ask for a phone number then they saw john and ruby instantly disappea

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