When the wedding party went to Yecheng, the capital of the Northern Qi Dynasty, it was the season when the sophora japonicus fragrant.

In the Prince's Mansion, Prince Gaozhen wiped the Pudao while listening to the following reports that Princess Yifang had arrived at the Sifang Pavilion in Beiqi to receive VIPs.

A smile appeared on Gao Zhen's face, "I've been hoping for so many days, and finally arrived. Let's go to the Sifang Pavilion." After speaking, he put Pu Dao on the weapon rack and turned around.

As soon as Gao Zhen walked to the entrance of the main courtyard, the people below reported that the three princes were here. The three princes, Gao Qi, are brothers of Gaozhen and his mother, both born to Queen Li, and the relationship between the two brothers has always been good.

Gao Qi originally invited his eldest brother to go hunting. Seeing his eldest brother was going out, he asked, "Big brother, where are you going?"

Gao Zhen said with eyebrows: "Your future sister-in-law is here, I'm going to see her."

After hearing this, Gao Qi showed an unhappy look on his face, "The princess of Song Kingdom? I heard that she was stranded for more than half a month on the way, obviously she didn't want to marry. Brother, what do you want to see her doing?"

Gao Zhen frowned slightly and said, "Third brother, don't listen to the nonsense from outsiders. The reason why the princess stayed in the middle for a period of time was because of an illness."

A look of contempt flashed across Gao Qi's face: "Song's women are so delicate. I really don't understand why you want to marry a Song's woman?"

Gao Zhen didn't bother to argue with him anymore, and came out of the main courtyard. The people below had already led the jade unicorn he used to ride to the corridor. Gao Zhen got on the horse and left the house along the corridor. Several guards on standby hurriedly followed, and the group of people arrived at the Sifang Pavilion in a quarter of an hour.

Shen Ling lived in the most spacious yard of the Sifang Pavilion. Two locust trees were planted in the yard. The ground was covered with bluestones of two square feet, and there was a path paved with pebbles in the middle.

Shen Ling had just finished taking a shower and was drinking a cup of almond tea that Ruolan had presented. When she saw Ruoxue coming in, she had a strange expression on her face, "Princess, the prince is here."

Shen Ling didn't understand, and said casually, "Prince? Which prince?"

Ruoxue said, "It's the prince of Northern Qi."

Shen Ling couldn't help but put aside the almond tea, and asked doubtfully: "What is he here for?" According to the customs of the Song State, the groom and the bride could not meet before they got married.

Ruolan and Ruoxue glanced at each other and felt that Prince Bei Qi should not take this trip, but they had no right to speak in this matter, so they didn't say anything.

Shen Ling thought for a while. Since the Northern Qi prince has come, it means that there is no such custom on the Northern Qi side, and he probably doesn't know the customs and etiquette of the Song State. People come to see themselves kindly, and they can't help but see the other side. So he groaned, "Invite someone to the outer courtyard, and you two will freshen up for me as soon as possible."

Gao Zhen waited for two quarters of an hour in the waiting living room of the outer courtyard, and finally waited for the sound of footsteps. He hurriedly moved his eyes to see a few maids approaching with a young girl of the same age. The girl was dressed in a palace dress with flowing colors, flying flowers and brocade, with a fair complexion and a pretty face. She met him openly and said in Northern Qi: "His Royal Highness."

Gao Zhen looked at the girl in front of him. In his memory, the lovely little girl in Yuxue was already slim and tall. She was not as tall as that of a woman born in the Northern Qi Dynasty, but was petite and petite. Her complexion was still so white and tender, as if she could pinch. When the water came out, I couldn't help but stare blankly.

Shen Ling took this opportunity to also look at Gao Zhen.

The imperial sons of the Northern Qi Dynasty were known to be handsome among the nations. The Prince of Northern Qi in front of him was very handsome, but his gaze was too presumptuous.

It seems that Beiqi still retains the legacy of ethnic minorities. Unlike Song Guo, who attaches importance to etiquette, Shen Ling couldn't help but cough lightly when thinking like this.

Gao Zhen finally recovered and said with a smile in Beiqi: "I heard that all the women of the Song Dynasty are born with flowers and moons, but now they are well-deserved at first sight." He originally wanted to talk to the Yifang princess, but suddenly Thinking that Princess Yifang might have forgotten him a long time ago, she put aside what was in her heart and said something like this casually.

Shen Ling's Beiqi language is not very good, but he probably guessed the meaning of his words, so he replied in Beiqi language, "The prince is too famous."

Gao Zhen only paid attention to what she looked like earlier, and didn't pay attention to what she said. Now that she heard this sentence in Beiqi language, it is fairly fluent. Presumably, the princess must have learned Beiqi language, and a smile appeared on her face. , The rumors really refused to believe. If she really doesn't want to marry, then how could she learn Beiqi, at most, find a maid who can speak Beiqi to help her translate.

Gao Zhen thought of this and said with a smile: "In order to show our welcome to the princess, we will hold a banquet in the palace for the princess in the next two days."

Shen Ling only understood a few words of this sentence, then turned to look at Ruo Yan, who is proficient in Beiqi, and Ruo Yan quietly translated it in her ear.

After Gao Zhen said these words, after Shen Ling replied that he would go to the banquet, he looked at Shen Ling reluctantly and then said goodbye.

Shen Ling let out a sigh of relief when he sent away the Northern Qi prince. Although the fiance's behavior was a bit rough, he was not as polite as the Song Dynasty man, but he knew at first glance that he was a kind person, a good person, and his luck. It's not too bad.

Ruolan and Ruoxue didn't think that way. They felt that although Gao Zhen was tall and handsome, and expensive as a prince of a country, he really didn't dare to compliment him in terms of etiquette. Presumably the princess must be very sad, so when the two of them serve Shen Ling next, they are very cautious, for fear that she will be angry with them.

The two of Shen Ling took off their clothes and hairpins. Just as they were about to rest for a while, they heard reports from the people below that they had ordered some clothing and jewelry from the Prince's Mansion.

After Gao Zhen ordered people to send clothes and jewelry, someone from the palace came and said that Queen Li wanted to see him.

When Gao Zhen entered the palace where Empress Li lived, Empress Li was choosing clothes and jewelry, and Gao Qi sat aside with a disapproving look on his face.

"What did the queen choose these for?" Gao Zhen asked.

Queen Li didn't look up and said, "I heard from your brother that you have already been to Sifang Pavilion. How did the Princess of Song Kingdom give birth?"

Gao Zhen grinned and said: "She is very beautiful, and the queen will definitely like her."

Gao Qi snorted on the side: "No matter how beautiful they are, I heard that the Song Dynasty women are very weak, and a light breeze can blow them down. You will suffer from your elder brother in the future."

Empress Li said: "The third child, you must be careful when you speak. That is your future sister-in-law."

Gao Qi paused angrily, and Queen Li turned her head to look at Gao Zhen, "I have nothing else to do with you. Two days later, there will be a banquet in the palace to entertain the princess of Song Dynasty. You will choose these for me. The clothes and jewelry that came out were sent to her."

Gao Zhen said, "This is not necessary. My son has already selected a batch of clothing and jewelry to send."

Empress Li was taken aback, but she quickly smiled and said, "Listening to you, I would like to see the Princess of Song Kingdom. It looks so stunning."

Two days later, Shen Ling put on a dress made of the clothes that Gao Zhen had sent over that day, and rode a carriage to the palace of Beiqi.

The Northern Qi Dynasty was founded less than a hundred years ago, and because it was a regime established by ethnic minorities, although the imperial palace was built magnificently, it was not as magnificent as the Song Dynasty imperial palace.

When Shen Ling brought Ruolan and Ruoyan to the palace where the banquet was held, he suddenly heard a hostile voice, "Are you the Princess of Song Dynasty?"

Shen Ling turned around and saw a young man in black standing not far away. His face was five points similar to Gao Zhen, but he was not as handsome as Gao Zhen, and his complexion was also a little gloomy. .

"Who are you?" Shen Ling replied in Beiqi language.

The black-clothed youth looked at Shen Ling up and down and sneered, "Big Brother would rather give up the five cities and send a royal princess from Song Kingdom. I thought it was so beautiful, but that's all! "

Shen Ling was not very clear about the meaning of his words, but looking at Ruoyan's expression, he knew that it was not a good thing. He couldn't help but sink a little. It seems that not everyone likes Gao Zhen towards himself, the princess of Song Dynasty. bona fide.

So when she stepped into the palace, she paid attention to everyone's reactions.

There were already more than a dozen people sitting in the palace where the banquet was held. Shen Ling saw that the black-clothed youth walked straight to a seat closer to the emperor's throne, only to realize his identity. It turned out that it was a prince from Northern Qi.

In the slightly lower position, the aristocrats of Northern Qi were sitting. Shen Ling noticed that several older aristocrats didn't even look at her, while the younger aristocrats looked at her with curious eyes. A few young aristocratic women gathered together, seemingly talking about her clothes and outfit, because their eyes always fell on her clothes and hair bun.

Shen Ling appeared as generous and generous as possible, sitting elegantly in her own position, slightly lowered her head and looked at the small table in front of him. There were some food and fresh fruits on the table. There are scented barbecues, well-cooked lamb liver, and a pot of fine wine. A silver knife with jade handle and a golden lotus cup were also placed next to it.

When Shen Ling saw these foods, he suddenly remembered the time he had lived in the UK, but compared to Western food, there was a silver fork in Beiqi.

When Shen Ling was slightly stunned, several people entered the palace, among them Gao Zhen, behind him was a young man who was seventy-seven similar to him, but the young man's eyes looked at her a little unkind.

Shen Ling’s feeling was not wrong at all. After the Emperor Bei Qi and Empress Li arrived, they first expressed their welcome to Shen Ling, and the boy, Gao Qi, suggested that everyone drink three cups together to show his gratitude to Princess Song. welcome.

When Shen Ling was drinking, he realized that the silver jug ​​in front of him was not ordinary water wine, but a jug of shochu with slightly high alcohol content. Shen Ling smiled slightly, using the wide sleeves as a cover, secretly poured out the shochu, then took out a bottle of drink from the space and poured it into the pot, and drank the remaining two cups without changing the color.

When she finished the first cup of shochu, Shen Ling only felt a slight burning sensation in her stomach. After drinking two cups of drinks, she cut a piece of barbecue with the jade-handled silver knife on her hand, and put it in her mouth with a knife and fork. .

After taking several bites of barbecue, Shen Ling felt a little more comfortable in his stomach. When he raised his head, he saw Gao Zhen smiling at her.

Gao Zhen was originally afraid that she would not be used to the food in Beiqi, and specifically ordered the imperial chef to serve her some light meals, but when she saw the meals on her table, she knew that someone did it deliberately, but it depends on what she ate. Sweet, he let go of the heart that he mentioned.

The author has something to say: I heard that the mulberry replenishes blood, the scum author had eaten more the day before yesterday, but I didn't feel comfortable in my stomach, vomiting and diarrhea when I got up early.

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