When Gao Yang was ten years old, Gao Zhen succeeded to the throne and became the emperor of Northern Qi, and Shen Ling became the queen naturally.

After she became a queen, she did not show the virtue and generosity of the mother of a country at all. Not only did she not take the initiative to accept the concubine for Gaozheng, she also actively suppressed his idea when Gaozhen had this idea.

At this time, the courtiers of the Northern Qi Dynasty did not have the habit of intervening in the harem of later generations, and since the emperor had three concubines, they wished that the emperor would not accept the concubine, so that the imperial court could also save part of its expenses.

In this way, during Gao Zhen's reign, Shen Ling was like the Dugu Queen in history. She was the only one in the harem, and even Gao Zhen sometimes had to listen to her.

Gao Zhen has a relatively straightforward personality, and he doesn't have so many squanderings. Sometimes he can't help but be incapable of handling government affairs.

Whenever Gao Zhen was determined not to go down because of some political committees, he would consult with Shen Ling.

Shen Ling was a county magistrate, and knew well about some local government affairs. As long as there was a little impracticality in those memorials, she could find out.

Gao Zhen saw that she was very good at handling government affairs, and she had no insights on how to use people, so she paid more and more attention to her suggestions.

Because Shen Ling had been a local official, he valued the local people's livelihood plan very much. Under her suggestion, Gao Zhen implemented many policies that benefited the people's livelihood and introduced many foreign crops. There are several high-yield crops, which are still from Shen Ling's space.

Shen Ling knew that the officials below would usually have "policies and countermeasures", so he often persuaded Gao Zhen to go out more, or send Prince Gao Yang to take more people to the people.

With the efforts of the husband and wife, the national strength of the Northern Qi Dynasty is flourishing.

It was just that the treasury of the Northern Qi Dynasty had just become full, and some ministers sent a letter to conquer the Song Dynasty and unify the Central Plains.

Gao Zhen didn't have any great talents. He didn't like to show the power of Northern Qi through conquests. What's more, his current queen was still from the Song country, so he directly rejected the minister's suggestion.

But within a few days, Yecheng began to circulate that the queen opposed the emperor's conquest of the Song Dynasty, and the ins and outs of the matter were said in particular detail.

Shen Ling didn't feel much after hearing this rumor. For her, Song State is only the homeland of Princess Yifang, and there is not much emotion in it. But after all, she was still a modern person who grew up in a peaceful and prosperous age, and she really didn't like the years of war.

Once the two countries go to war, it will not only mean the death and injury of many soldiers, but also will seriously affect the people's livelihood and society, so Shen Ling does not like war from any angle.

But I can't help but let the rumors continue like this, otherwise, within half a month, she will become a disaster in people's mouth.

Shen Ling later ordered someone to inquire about it, and found that there were two ministers who had written to conquer the State of Song. One is the minister of rites and belongs to the civil servants. The other is the general Qi Wu, who belongs to the generals.

After thinking about it, Shen Ling had a countermeasure. Under her suggestion, Gao Zhen called the Minister of Ceremony, without saying much, and directly announced an imperial decree, appointing the Minister of Ceremony as the Datong Warlord, and immediately set off to Datong to train the local soldiers.

The general Qi Wu and Gao Zhen sent him to other provinces to collect food.

After the two men left, Gao Zhen said a word with a heart and soul, which probably meant that as long as the Minister of Ritual and the general can train the soldiers of Datong well in the future or can recruit enough food for the 100,000 army, he will immediately Announced to send his army to the south to conquer the Song Dynasty.

In this way, people's attention is immediately diverted. The hottest topic in Yecheng now is whether civil servants like the minister of rites can surrender those soldiers in Datong, or whether a boss like the general can communicate with the local officials to collect enough food.

The facts are developing in the direction that Shen Ling hoped. Soon after the minister of rites came to Datong, he was severely cut face by the local soldiers. When this matter reached Yecheng, few people had mentioned the crusade against the Song Dynasty. .

They could see very clearly that Gao Zhen had no intention of cruising against the Song State. The Minister of Rites and the general were disgraced when they offered this suggestion. In this case, it is better to follow the emperor's mind and not to sin against the queen, why not do it.

After Shen Ling suppressed the incident, he knew in his heart that the Northern Qi's national power was getting stronger and stronger and that it would be sooner or later to attack the Song State. Moreover, unlike Gao Zhen's defensive success, Gao Yang inherited the ambitious ambitions of his ancestors. Although he was young, he had already shown extraordinary talents.

Shen Ling felt that when it was Gao Yang's turn to become the emperor, as long as he managed well, he was afraid that he could really unify the north and the south. With this thought in her heart, she ordered the people under her to pay close attention to Song State's every move.

Princess Yifang’s father passed away a few years ago, and now her half-elder brother Song Yan is succeeding her. Song Yan is a dozen years older than her and is a calm monarch. Although Song Guo's strength hasn't grown in his hands, it hasn't declined either.

However, Song Fei, the eldest son of Song Yan, did not inherit Song Yan's steadfastness. The people underneath reported that this person was lustful, and there were no one hundred or eighty concubines in the mansion. Some of these concubines were given by the people below, and some were taken to the house by his own fancy.

Song Yan didn't know how many times he said this problem for him, but because of Song Fei's status as the eldest son, and because he has no major problems other than **** and alcoholism, Song Yan has not thought about changing the prince.

After Shen Ling heard about the current situation of Song State, he secretly cultivated a force of his own. Every year when Gaozhen and his sons go to the grassland to escape the summer and fall hunting, Shen Ling will sneak out of the palace to personally check the working conditions of the people underneath.

This force used a drugstore to cover up, and secretly adopted some homeless orphans, regardless of whether they were from the Northern Qi Dynasty or the Song Dynasty.

Once Shen Ling found out that one of these orphans was a beautiful girl, she suddenly moved in her heart and had an idea, so she ordered her to go down and let her subordinates search for some beautiful little girls from Song Guo's teaching workshop.

Soon, the people below found ten little girls from Song State according to her instructions. After seeing it, Shen Ling selected six people for key training and asked someone to teach them piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing. Later, they selected the most outstanding two and taught them the court etiquette and the ability to please men.

In addition to cultivating these beautiful little girls, Shen Ling also trained many spies and spies with their own strengths.

When Gao Yang was fifteen years old, Shen Ling found an opportunity to let him know the existence of these people.

Gao Yang had always thought that Shen Ling would not agree to the Northern Qi's conquest of Song Kingdom, so when he discovered these things Shen Ling had done secretly, he couldn't help being stunned.

Shen Ling told him that although she didn't like war at all, as Bei Qi grew stronger, this day would come sooner or later. Since Song Kingdom will be merged into the Northern Qi Dynasty sooner or later, it is better to be completed by her son. At least after Song Kingdom returns, Gao Yang will be kinder to Song Kingdom because he still has half of Song Kingdom’s blood in his body. Song The people of the country are also more likely to surrender to Gao Yang because of part of the royal blood of the Song Dynasty.

Out of this consideration, when Gao Yang was about to get married at the age of eighteen, Shen Ling chose a righteous daughter adopted by Song Yan, Princess Changle. Firstly, when Song Kingdom is annexed in the future, Princess Changle can be used to soothe people; secondly, the purpose of this is to paralyze Song Yan and his son, so that they will be surprised in the future; thirdly, Shen Ling really looks down on the nobles of Northern Qi Woman, and Princess Changle heard that the temperament is not only gentle but also very beautiful.

Gao Zhen respected Shen Ling's opinions on major matters, not to mention that Gao Yang also nodded and agreed to the marriage this time.

So half a year later, Princess Changle married to Beiqi.

Song Yan passed away shortly after the two got married.

The news that Shen Ling got here was that Song Fei actually ate Xiongxinbaozi and fell in love with one of Song Yan's concubine, and directly killed the latter.

After Song Fei succeeded to the throne, he began to send people to search for beauties among the people.

Shen Ling took the opportunity to quietly send the two girls that he had cultivated to Song State. Not surprisingly, both of them were selected and sent to Song State's harem.

After the two of them entered the palace, Song Fei had a precious treasure, drinking and having fun every day, ignoring the government, and the court complained.

Gao Yang, who was a few years younger than Song Fei, temporarily left his newly-married wife to train in the local area.

After he had been there for more than half a year, Princess Changle gave birth to their eldest son, and Gao Zhen happily named his grandson Gao Yu.

Compared to the kind-hearted father of Gao Zhen, who came back from the grassland when he was born in Gaoyang, Gao Yang is much harder. Even after knowing the news of the birth of his son, he did not change his schedule. He still returned only half a year later. Yecheng.

However, he didn't stay in Yecheng for long, so he went to Yucheng where the troops of the Northern Qi Dynasty were stationed.

Although the soldiers of the Northern Qi Dynasty were brave and good at fighting, Gao Zhen had succeeded to the throne for so many years, and a war had not been launched. Therefore, the local soldiers had neglected the war and needed further training.

Gao Yang didn't return to Yecheng until the Chinese New Year. Gao Yu hadn't seen his father for a long time and refused to let him hold him when he saw him. Gao Zhen and Shen Ling laughed for a long time.

After the New Year, Gao Yang left again, with his two younger brothers.

Shen Ling didn't want all three sons to be on the battlefield in the future, but the high-ranking and Gao Qi below were willing to follow Gao Yang to the place to gain insights, and Shen Ling also followed them.

After Gao Yang arrived in Yucheng, he let the high-ranking officers take charge of the rear issues of the army, such as the movement of grain and grass, while Gao Mo would train with him so that he could charge for the battle. The three brothers quickly made a clear division of labor. Gao Mo was the future vanguard, Gao Yang was in the middle army, and the senior was in charge of rear affairs.

When the three brothers worked together to rectify the military affairs, Gao Zhen had a cold one night. He thought it was just a common minor illness. However, the illness became more and more serious in the future, and he left after more than half a month.

After Gao Yang succeeded to the throne, everyone thought that he would send troops to attack the Song State, but Gao Yang waited until the Song State's political corruption reached a certain level before sending his troops to attack the Song State.

At this time, the spies and spies that Shen Ling had cultivated before became useful. They could always inquire about the military situation of Song State. In addition, the soldiers of Song State had no hope of Song Fei, so the army of Northern Qi almost The momentum is like a broken bamboo.

Shen Ling had told Gao Yang many times that he must treat his prisoners kindly. As a result, more and more troops surrendered to Beiqi.

Three years later, the Northern Qi army captured the capital of Song State, and Song State was destroyed.

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