Wedding Night! A Regretful Marriage to Her Disabled Rival!

Chapter 214: Publicizing Gu Qingcheng's scandal

  Chapter 214 Publicizing Gu Qingcheng's scandal

  Gu Mei saw her mother Chu He finally went to get her mobile phone.

  She calmed down a little from her intense emotions, and slowly removed the knife on her neck a little bit.


  She doesn't want to die!

  Because she still has to watch Gu Qingcheng be destroyed with her own eyes, it is best for her to cut Gu Qingcheng into pieces with her own hands, otherwise she will never die with peace in her life.

  Chu He flipped through her bag and saw her daughter Gu Mei's knife slightly away from her neck. She was terrified, afraid of losing her daughter.

   " phone is not in my bag..."

   "You lied to me!" Gu Mei put the knife on her neck again, "I told you, if you don't do what I say, I will die right in front of you."

   "I really don't have a mobile phone in my bag." Chu He dumped the bag in front of Gu Mei, wondering, "I remember I put my mobile phone in the bag, why is it gone?"

  Gu Mei didn't believe what Chu He said, and said decisively: "I'll give you half an hour, if you can't find your phone, if you don't follow my instructions, I will really die in front of you."

  Chu He knew that her daughter Gu Mei thought she was lying, but she really wasn't lying. Before going shopping, she was still playing with her mobile phone, but when she got home, her mobile phone disappeared.

   Not knowing why, she had an ominous premonition in her heart.

   Gu Qingcheng's handles are all in her mobile phone. If she loses her mobile phone, she will completely lose the capital to threaten Gu Qingcheng.

   "Find it, find it for me right away! In my car, my bedroom!" She was extremely anxious, and she couldn't let her daughter Gu Mei do something wrong. "Quick, dig three feet and find my phone!"

   She growled and gave orders to the servants.

  The servant was scolded by Chu He and hurried away in fright to look for Chu He's phone.

   "Xiaomei, Mom really didn't lie to you, the phone is not in the bag." She looked at Gu Mei nervously and terrified, "You saw it too, I have already sent someone to find the phone, Mom begs you to put down the knife first."

   "No!" Gu Mei refused to put down the knife, her attitude was firm, "If I don't see Gu Qingcheng's hot search today, I will die!"

   "Dead?" Gu Tianhao's voice sounded, "How do you want to die?"

  Gu Mei and Chu He looked at Gu Tianhao at the same time, and saw the tall and majestic Gu Tianhao in a brown suit walking in, looking at their mother and daughter with a frosty handsome face.

  Chu He understands Gu Tianhao, he appeared so indifferently, something must have happened.

  She stepped forward flatteringly and coaxed: "Husband, you...why didn't you go to drink tea with Chairman Zhao? Why are you back?"

   "Heh..." Gu Tianhao pushed Chu He away to hold his hand, he looked at Gu Mei on the bed, "If I don't come back, how can I see my daughter who is neither human nor ghost."

  When Gu Mei heard Gu Tianhao's words, she subconsciously looked at the doctor beside her and urged, "Mirror, mirror..."

  The doctor hurriedly brought the mirror to Gu Mei.

  When Gu Mei saw her disfigured face in the mirror, she was struck by lightning.

   "Ah..." She let out a scream, and immediately fainted from fright.

  Chu He didn't care about Gu Tianhao, so he hurriedly walked up to Gu Mei and took the knife away, and ordered the doctor: "Treat the young lady quickly."

   "Why do you still need to treat the injury?" Gu Tianhao's face was ashen, "lying in front of the house covered in tatters, this has spread to everyone! My face was completely lost by her, and I will lose my face after treating her injury?"

  Chu He knew that Gu Tianhao was angry, so he pinched his thigh ruthlessly, and squeezed out two tears from the pain.

   "Husband, don't talk about your daughter like that." She cried, "It was Qingcheng who took Xiaomei away and tortured her again."

   "Really?" Gu Tianhao squinted at Chu He, "Are you sure it's Qingcheng?"

  Chu He and Gu Tianhao have been married for many years, and he can hear his disbelief in his tone.

  Since Gu Tianhao re-investigated the chef last time, she worked very hard to blow his pillow wind on his bed, just to make him believe in herself.

  In recent days, she has blown pillows every day, and she has already made Gu Tianhao believe in him. Now that Gu Mei's matter is troubled, he will not believe her again.

   What's more, she didn't know when Gu Tianhao came and whether she had listened to all the conversations between her and Gu Mei.

"Yes." She couldn't get off the tiger and could only bite Gu Qingcheng to death, "It's Qingcheng who caused Xiaomei to do this. Look at her face, look at her bruises all over her body, it's all caused by Gu Qingcheng, woo woo woo... My husband, you have to do it for us Your daughter is in charge."

  Gu Tianhao looked at Chu He crying and threw himself into his arms, he asked in a deep voice, "When did Qingcheng torture her daughter?"

  Chu He also hurried back from the outside, knowing nothing about her daughter Gu Mei.

  Faced with Gu Tianhao's question, if she said to Gu Mei herself when she woke up, or told him that she didn't know, he would definitely not believe her.

   In desperation, she took some time, "From yesterday to this morning, Xiaomei said that Gu Qingcheng tortured her with his own hands, and kept saying that she wanted her to die."

  Daughter was not at home yesterday, and she heard from the servant that her daughter was sent back at noon, and two days plus one morning was enough time for Gu Qingcheng to torture her daughter before sending her back.

  Gu Tianhao pushed, raised his hand and slapped Chu He **** the face.

  Chu He was stupefied by the beating, and stretched out his hand to cover the beaten right cheek, looked at the furious Gu Tianhao in shock, and asked weakly, "Husband, why did you beat me?"

  Gu Tianhao slapped Chu He twice again, gritted his teeth: "What do you think I'll do to you!"

  Chu He cried, really cried.

"I have no idea…"

  Gu Tianhao didn't slap Chu He this time, he just kicked Chu He.

   "Ah..." Chu He only felt a pain in her abdomen, she couldn't stand upright and was kicked to the ground, "Honey, why did you do this to me? I didn't do anything wrong."

"Did you do nothing wrong?" Gu Tianhao glared at Chu He, "You are full of lies! I have already found out that Xiaomei added ingredients to the dishes last time. I don't know who ate them, but the matter of her ingredients caused Gu Qingcheng and Huo Sicheng left early, she ruined my plan! I questioned her, but she still didn't admit that she had done such a thing, and you also helped her lie!"

"Even this time you lied to me for her! You said that Xiaomei was tortured by Gu Qingcheng himself from yesterday to this morning, and that Gu Qingcheng wanted her to die! Do you think my eyes are blind? When I went to deal with things today Seeing Gu Qingcheng with your own eyes, you tell me that she abused Gu Mei?"

  Chu He was startled.

  She did not expect that Gu Tianhao would meet Gu Qingcheng.

   Gu Qingcheng who killed a thousand swords!

  Can't this **** just stay at home? Or Gu Qingcheng get away, don't let Gu Tianhao see it?

   Now Gu Tianhao not only found out about the dinner table last time, but also exposed her lies.

   "What?" Gu Tianhao looked at Chu He's pale and panicked expression, "Are you dumb? Don't you have anything to say to me?"

  Chu He knew that it would be unrealistic to lie to Gu Tianhao again, and he would beat him severely.

   "Husband, I'm telling the truth, I'll tell you everything."

  Gu Tianhao: "Say!"

  Chu He hastily opened his mouth to tell Gu Tianhao the truth...

   At the same time, after Huo Sicheng and Gu Qingcheng separated, he was about to go back to Wanmei Villa to accompany his son Huo Xuan.

  His cell phone rang suddenly, and after answering it, he went to a tea room.

  Yi Shui saw Huo Sicheng coming, and he respectfully put a mobile phone case decal that was obviously a lady's mobile phone on the table.

  Huo Si looked deeply at the phone in front of him with his phoenix eyes, picked it up, looked at Yi Shui and asked, "Have you seen what's inside?"

  (end of this chapter)

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