Chapter 223 Allure, I want you

  The corner of Huo Sicheng's mouth moved slightly, as if he hesitated and didn't say anything.

  Gu Qingcheng stared at Huo Sicheng in wonder.

  His hesitation rarely appears.

  Because he is either dumb, or speaks the main point.

   She had a lollipop in her mouth, and held Huo Sicheng's handsome face with both hands.

   "Husband?" She looked at his phoenix eyes in surprise, trying to see something in his eyes, but he hid his emotions so deeply that she couldn't see his emotions, "What is the question that makes you so hesitant?"

  At a close distance, Huo Sicheng clearly felt Gu Qingcheng's warm breath on his face, and the unique fragrance on her body was alluring.

  His hand was in his pocket, and he took out a black delicate box, "Here, I give it to you, I hope you will like it while you are happy."

   Gu Qingcheng was startled, and glanced at the gift box in front of him, his eyes lit up.

"I thought it was something. It turns out that my husband gave me a gift." She glanced at Huo Sicheng who was still wearing her watch, and was happy that he had been wearing it all the time. She said softly, "There is no need to discuss gifts at all." , as long as you give it to me, I will be happy."

  She took the gift box and opened it directly. When she saw a pair of lily-of-the-valley earrings inside, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

  He was so hesitant just now, she thought he had something important to discuss with her.

   In the end, he had nothing to discuss and just took a gift box to give her a present. This gift instantly hooked her heart.

  Because of his hesitation, plus this gift box, she thought of something that both of them lacked so far.

  However, she opened the gift box excitedly and heartily, but what she saw was not what she wanted in her heart, and she was still quite disappointed.

  Huo Sicheng looked at Gu Qingcheng with closed eyes, although he couldn't see her eyes, he was keenly aware that she was not satisfied with this gift.

   "If you don't like it, you don't have to."

   "What are you talking about?" Gu Qingcheng has suppressed the emotions that shouldn't be shown, and raised his eyes to look at Huo Sicheng with a sweet smile, "Didn't you hear me? I like all the gifts my husband gave me."

  Huo Sicheng said softly: "You don't need to comfort me, the gift I chose is not enough for you."

   "Heart, very heart." Gu Qingcheng put the gift box in Huo Sicheng's hands, "Put it on for me, it happens that I'm missing a pair of earrings when I try on clothes this afternoon, and my husband's thoughtfulness saves me from worrying about matching them."

  Huo Sicheng twitched the corner of his mouth, almost wanting to speak, but finally said nothing.

  It was the first time he wore earrings, his fingers were stiff and trembling slightly, afraid of hurting Gu Qingcheng, he took a few deep breaths and concentrated on putting her on carefully.

  The long lily-of-the-valley earrings inlaid with diamonds were worn on Gu Qingcheng's earlobe, making her swan neck extraordinarily beautiful.

  Gu Qingcheng smiled and asked Huo Sicheng, "Does it look good?"

  Huo Sicheng had gentle eyebrows and eyes, "It looks good."

  Gu Qingcheng walked to the mirror and took a look, then turned to look at Huo Sicheng to show his heart to him.

   "My husband has a great vision, good-looking, I like it."

  Huo Sicheng looked at Gu Qingcheng's smiling brows and eyes with joy, she was so happy from the bottom of his heart that he was obviously relieved.

  Gu Qingcheng walked up to Huo Sicheng and leaned over to kiss him on the lips, then picked up his wrist to check the time.

   "Honey, it's too late, I'm going to see my master."

  Huo Sicheng: "I'll take you there, and I happen to be going back to the group too."

  Gu Qingcheng: "Okay."

  Huo Si took Gu Qingcheng to the destination by car, and after watching her leave, he took out a white box from his pocket.

   This is the box that Huo Xuan gave him to give to Gu Qingcheng.

  He should not have given earrings, but this gift.

  Even when the doctor told him that he and Gu Qingcheng had consummated their marriage earlier, there was a hint of annoyance in his eyes, obviously he really wanted to...

  At this moment, Ah Qing asked: "Master, return to the group?"

  Huo Sicheng's thoughts were interrupted, and he said in a deep voice, "En."

  Gu Qingcheng watched Huo Si's car leave from a distance, and Chu Yu left the car for her to use in the afternoon. Such a considerate gesture made her smile gently.

   "These earrings are so beautiful." Li Jing praised Gu Qingcheng's earrings in amazement, "This style looks like a custom-made one, and it's your favorite flower, and it's a gift from Mr. Huo."

  Gu Qingcheng listened to Li Jing's affirmative words, she smiled softly, "Well, my husband gave it to me."

  Li Jing smiled lovingly, "Try on the clothes first, and then the makeup."


   After finishing work, Gu Qingcheng was exhausted and paralyzed. She nestled on the sofa and took out her mobile phone. She wanted to make a call, but there were outsiders present, so she could only open WeChat to send a message.

  【Honey, I’m so tired. 】

  Huo Sicheng: [Thank you for your hard work. 】

  Gu Qingcheng sent an aggrieved expression, 【Is it just hard work? I want you to hug me. 】

  Then the message she sent was lost, and Huo Sicheng didn't reply to him.

  She pursed her mouth and sent a cute and pitiful emoji.

   "Thank you." Li Jing handed Gu Qingcheng a cup of milk tea, "By the way, do you know if Gu Mei will also attend this time?"

   The word Gu Mei interrupted Gu Qingcheng's grievance that Huo Sicheng didn't get a response. She looked at Li Jing and said affirmatively: "Gu Mei won't show up. I didn't think she would quit soon."

   "Exit?" Li Jing was startled, she looked around vigilantly and saw that everyone else was busy, and asked in a low voice, "What do you say?"

  Gu Qingcheng meant something, "I can't tell you here, but I'm sure Gu Mei will withdraw from the competition, which is also good for our students, lest she go to talk nonsense and score points."

  Li Jing nodded knowingly, she raised her wrist and glanced at her watch, "Dinner time, let's eat together?"

  Gu Qingcheng shook her head, "I'm so tired, I want to go home and rest."

   "Okay." Li Jing stood up as she spoke, "Do you want me to take you back?"

  Gu Qingcheng: "I'll drive back."

  Li Jing: "Be careful on the road."

  Gu Qingcheng walked to the garage with her fluffy legs. She was so exhausted that she had no strength at all, and even wanted to ask a substitute driver to take her home.

  Suddenly, a Rolls Royce stopped in front of her, and the door opened immediately.

  Gu Qingcheng was taken aback, she almost crashed into a car, she was about to get angry when Huo Si appeared with a handsome appearance.

  She stared wide-eyed and froze. is he here?

  Huo Sicheng looked at Gu Qingcheng's stunned look, he put his arms around her slender waist, pulled her into his arms, and carried her into the car.

  Gu Qingcheng smelled the unique fragrance of snow on Huo Sicheng's body, and stared at him blankly with round eyes, a little dreamy, unable to believe that he appeared in front of her.

   What's more, she clearly felt his strong arms hugging her, and the thin fabric seemed to be able to feel his steady heartbeat, and her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.


   "Don't you want to hug?" Huo Sicheng lowered his head and kissed Gu Qingcheng's red lips, his deep and magnetic voice was particularly charming, "I'm hugging you right now."

  Gu Qingcheng felt the cool warmth of Huo Sicheng's lips, suddenly regained consciousness, and hugged him ecstatically: "Honey, your surprise is too sudden."

  He suddenly didn't move, she was disappointed and understood that he must be busy with business.

  She never thought that Huo Sicheng would really come to her because of her hug.

  His cherishing of her made her heart throb, and her whole body was filled with happiness and joy.

  Huo Sicheng asked Gu Qingcheng in a soft voice, "Are you happy?"

  Gu Qingcheng smiled like a flower, "Happy, very happy."

  Huo Sicheng looked at Gu Qingcheng who was as cute as a child, and his eyes were full of doting.

  Suddenly, Gu Qingcheng's cell phone rang, and she hurriedly picked up the cell phone in surprise. Seeing that it was Lu Chi's call, she couldn't help but glance at her husband.

   "Ah Qing, stop the car."

   "Yes, master."

   "No need." Gu Qingcheng knew that Huo Sicheng asked her to answer the phone alone, and there was nothing to avoid this call for her, so she hurriedly told Ah Qing, "Keep driving."

   During the conversation, she pressed the answer button and put the phone to her ear.

  When she heard Lu Chi's words, her face changed, and her eyes were cold: "What did you say? When did this happen?"

  Huo Sicheng asked in a very soft voice: "What happened?"

  (end of this chapter)

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