Wedding Night! A Regretful Marriage to Her Disabled Rival!

Chapter 250: Huo Sicheng, you betrayed me

  Chapter 250 Huo Sicheng, You Betrayed Me

  As soon as Huo Sicheng said this, the already weird atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became extremely cold.

  Huo Xuan is planning to ease the atmosphere in the restaurant.

  He never thought that his father would go straight to the point.

   Now he didn't know how to help his father, and he didn't dare to leave.

  He was afraid that after he left, his mother would beat up his father without any worries, and he was also afraid that his father would say any radical words to anger his mother.

   "Dad, Mom and Qi Shaoze have a very good relationship. It's normal for Mom to like Qi Shaoze. As friends, you must like him, otherwise you can't be friends."

  Huo Sicheng stared at Gu Qingcheng deeply, and said in a deep voice, "Huo Xuan, you go out first."

   "No." Huo Xuan couldn't go out, and his parents present would not quarrel because of him, "I haven't eaten yet."

   "I'll make a phone call, the baby will eat first." Gu Qingcheng didn't want to stay in this depressing restaurant, so she left first.

   "Dad!" Huo Xuan watched his mother leave, and looked at his father anxiously, "How can you ask so bluntly."

   "Don't meddle in father and mother's affairs." Huo Sicheng finished speaking and wanted to leave the restaurant.

  Huo Xuan hurriedly stopped his father, and said with a serious face: "If I didn't get involved with you and my mother, you and my mother would definitely be fighting now."

  Huo Sicheng knew that Huo Xuan was right. Gu Qingcheng suppressed her emotions because of her son's presence.

   "Dad, it's just a trending search." Huo Xuan persuaded Huo Sicheng, "Just pretend that this has never happened, and don't get serious with your mother about it. Do you think it's okay?"

   "I don't think you should ask too much about your mother and me." Huo Sicheng stepped past Huo Xuan, "You don't understand emotional matters."

"I don't understand feelings, but I understand that our family needs to be harmonious." Huo Xuan once again stopped Huo Sicheng, pleading pitifully, "Dad, please apologize to Mom. Mom is our princess, we have to pamper her." Her, so you should bow your head and admit your mistake."

   "I'm right, I won't apologize to your mother. And you have too many things." Huo Sicheng frowned and passed Huo Xuan again, warning in a sharp tone: "Don't block my way again."

  Huo Xuan wanted to stop his father again, but his father's warning made him dare not go forward.

  He was afraid of losing his mother, and even more afraid of making his father unhappy.

  In the current situation, if he provokes his father, who is jealous and cautious, his father will definitely not let him see his mother again.

   In desperation, he could only stand still and watch his father leave the restaurant.

  He wanted to find his mother, but after thinking about it, he decided to find his mother because of his father's personality.

   Now he begged his father and mother not to quarrel, but to have a peaceful talk.

  Gu Qingcheng was walking by the lake. The sun was shining on her body today, and she felt the pain of being burned.

   Cloud is her favorite and most comfortable place. There are few villas and people around. She likes the quietness here.

   It's just that today she is in a very irritable mood, and she can't calm down.

  It was too hot, she walked to the gazebo and sat down, closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind of the heartless figure of Huo Sicheng.

  Huo Sicheng searched for Gu Qingcheng for a long time before he found her.

  He looked at Gu Qingcheng, and the lake wind blew her long black hair, dancing in a beautiful arc in the air.

  She is wearing a long white dress, with a beautiful profile, and her whole body exudes elegance and nobility.

   Such Gu Qingcheng is so beautiful that he can't take his eyes off him, but when he thinks of what she said in the restaurant, his heart hurts like a knife.

  People will change, she can like him today, and she can dislike him and like Qi Shaoze tomorrow.

  The three words Qi Shaoze are his spell.

  He had more than one time to kill Qi Shaoze, and every time he thought of Gu Qingcheng, he gave up the idea.

  The wheelchair moved slowly, and finally stopped in front of Gu Qingcheng.

  Gu Qingcheng closed his eyes and managed to calm himself down, when suddenly a different look locked on him.

  She opened her eyes, and her eyes fell into a pair of long and narrow phoenix pupils that were dark and bottomless.

  Huo Sicheng was wearing a black suit and sitting in a wheelchair. His slender body exuded elegance. He had a perfect handsome face, a high nose bridge, and thin and tight lips. He was so handsome as if he had descended from heaven.

  His handsomeness almost blurred the gender boundaries. She just looked at him like this, and her heart seemed to be cut with a knife, which hurt a lot.

  She didn't understand what was worse than Miss Li, and he didn't even want to give herself the slightest bit of accommodation, so he only focused on Miss Li.

  Huo Sicheng and Gu Qingcheng looked at each other, but neither of them said a word.

   After a long time, Huo Sicheng broke the silence between the two of them first, and asked her, "Do you really like Qi Shaoze so much?"

   Facing Huo Sicheng's question, Gu Qingcheng wanted to tell him that he didn't like Qi Shaoze, but that he and Qi Shaoze were friends.

  But when she thought of Huo Sicheng's behavior of abandoning herself, she wanted to say that she liked Qi Shaoze against her will, but she couldn't say it out of her mouth.

  She uttered five words coldly: "It's none of your business."

  Huo Sicheng: "We are husband and wife, what do you say is none of my business."

   "We are indeed husband and wife, but I didn't ask about your affairs." Gu Qingcheng told Huo Sicheng indifferently, "So don't worry about the beautiful girl and ask less."

  Huo Sicheng: "..."

Beautiful girl?

  This time, instead of being his father, grandfather or daughter, she became a beautiful girl.

  However, she is so beautiful, she is a beautiful girl.

"tell me."

   "There are many things." Gu Qingcheng didn't bother to pay attention to Huo Sicheng, and stood up to leave.

  Huo Sicheng grabbed Gu Qingcheng's hand and pulled her into his arms.

  When Gu Qingcheng was held in Huo Sicheng's arms, the hairs all over her body stood on end, feeling resistance and rejection.

  She struggled to get up from Huo Sicheng's arms, she didn't want him to touch her.

   "Hiss..." Huo Sicheng gasped, his face was as pale as paper, his voice was hoarse and deep, "Don't move."

  Gu Qingcheng saw the unbearable pain in Huo Sicheng's eyes, and she didn't dare to move.

  He still has injuries, injuries for her, very serious injuries.

  Huo Sicheng saw that Gu Qingcheng was not moving, he slowly took three deep breaths to stabilize his sad mind.

   "I won't ask about your affairs anymore, I just hope you can live a good life with me."

  Gu Qingcheng watched Huo Sicheng retreat, her heart was blocked.

   "Didn't I have a good life with you?" She asked Huo Sicheng, "What right do you have to say this to me!"

  Ever since Huo Sicheng was tricked by Gu Mei, she only wanted to live a good life with him.

  She stays away from Qi Shaoze and doesn't do anything that makes him unhappy. What did she get in the end?

   What he let her have was his betrayal of her!

  She was really deceived by lard, and was so deceived and played by him.

Facing Gu Qingcheng's anger, Huo Sicheng said softly, "It's all my fault that you lived a good life with me. I shouldn't ask you about Qi Shaoze, and I shouldn't wake you up to make you unhappy. it's all my fault."

  Gu Qingcheng was taken aback for a moment, but Huo Sicheng's initiative to apologize made her a little confused.

  She stared at Huo Sicheng and asked, "What do you mean by these words?"

  (end of this chapter)

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