Chapter 265 Chasing Wife Crematorium

  Huo Sicheng in the car looked at Gu Qingcheng's panic-stricken look, and a bitter sigh flashed across his eyes.

  Seeing that Huo Si couldn't get out of the car, Gu Qingcheng kicked the car door again.

   "Huo Sicheng, get out of the car for me."

  The driver Ah Qing got out of the car nervously.

   "Madam, you are blocking the door of the car, the young master can't get out." He explained cautiously, "The other door is close to the stone pillar, so the door can't be opened."

Gu Qingcheng was so angry that she blocked the car door no matter what. She had nowhere to vent her anger and said to Ah Qing: "You talk too much? How do you drive? Your young master told you to follow me, so you just follow my car After? You..."

   "Madam, I am wronged." Ah Qing was full of grievances, "This is the only way back to Wanmei Villa. I didn't mean to follow my wife. And the young master didn't give me an order to follow you. You misunderstood the young master."

  Gu Qingcheng's anger disappeared instantly, she turned her head to look at the road, this road is really the only way back to Wanmei Villa.

  She...misunderstood that Huos took the...

  But if you want her to apologize to Huo Sicheng, don't even think about it.

   "Hmph!" She looked embarrassed, and she had to be reasonable, "Since I'm going back to Wanmei Villa, why do you park your car? Isn't this stalking?"

"My wife misunderstood." Ah Qing explained, "I was planning to drive away, but this road is so wide, my wife drove the door down, and I braked when I saw the door open, so as not to hit my wife. Then my wife came over and kicked the car. The car door caught fire to avoid hurting my wife, so I turned off the car and got out to explain."

  Gu Qingcheng listened to Ah Qing's reasonable and well-founded words, and she felt that she really had no reason to find a reason and could not find a reasonable reason.

  She was quite embarrassed, so she bit the bullet and snorted and looked at Ah Qing: "Don't follow me."

   Turning around, she was about to drive away.

"Madam." Ah Qing hastily called Huo Sicheng to stop, "Drink the medicine before you go, the young master is worried about your health, crying and making troubles and hanged himself, forcing the young master to come to Gu's house to deliver medicine to the wife, and the young master is leaving The young master also asked the young master to coax you home, if you don't go back to the villa, you still have to take this medicine, don't disappoint the young master for his wife's worries."

  When Gu Qingcheng saw the medicine, he turned his head and was about to leave. She didn't want to take the medicine that Huo Sicheng prepared for her.

   As a result, when she heard Ah Qing say that the young master was making a fuss, she paused. She didn't doubt that Huo Xuan was tormenting Huo Sicheng. He also wanted her to go back to the villa or pick her up to the cloud after she finished her work.

  Huo Xuan must not be safe by Huo Sicheng's side after following her. Her son has put in so much effort, and she must not want him to worry about herself.

  She turned her head to take the medicine, took the western medicine, and then gulped down the traditional Chinese medicine. The bitter taste of the medicine made her face wrinkle.

   "Go back and tell the baby, just say that mom is busy these days, and go to accompany him when she is done, and let him concentrate on class."

   Seeing that Gu Qingcheng drank the medicine, Ah Qing was obviously relieved, and hurriedly handed over the sugar again.

   "Green orange flavor, the young master specially ordered the baker to make it for his wife."

  Gu Qingcheng took a candy and put it in her mouth. The sweet and sour taste relieved the bitter taste of the medicine in her mouth, and eased her wrinkled face.


   Ah Qing watched Gu Qingcheng get in the car and leave. He opened the rear door and said happily, "Master, Madam took the medicine and sugar you prepared."

  Huo Sicheng half of his body was hidden in the dim light, only his big bony hands resting on the armrest slowly loosened from clenched fists, showing his inner worry and reassurance for Gu Qingcheng.

   "I saw it." The voice was deep and magnetic.

  Ah Qing asked respectfully: "Should we go back to the villa now?"

  Huo Sicheng was silent for a while, his thin lips parted lightly: "Go back to the villa first."

   "Yes, master."

  Gu Qingcheng received a call from Fu Nanjue on the way back to the cloud, she was surprised but not surprised.

   What was unexpected was that Fu Nanjue called her suddenly at night. If it was about Ziyu, she had already asked him to take full responsibility.

   It's no surprise that she went to the law firm last time to read the inheritance documents. Fu Nanjue was waiting for her reply. It's been too long, and she hasn't given him an accurate answer.

  She answered the phone and spoke first: "Hi, Mr. Fu."

  Fu Nanjue's voice on the other end of the phone was magnetic and pleasant, "I take the liberty to contact you, is it disturbing you?"

  Gu Qingcheng: "No."

  Fu Nanjue said in a gentle voice, "Do you have time to buy you a cup of coffee tonight?"

  Gu Qingcheng glanced at the time, it was only seven o'clock in the evening, she thought for a while and said, "I won't be able to sleep if I drink coffee at night, so let me treat you to drink flower tea."

  Fu Nanjue: "You decide the location, I'll go there."

  Gu Qingcheng booked a teahouse that he frequented.

  She entered the box near the tea room, sat by the window by the lake and looked at the night scene outside. For some reason, the memories of her previous life could not stop flooding into her mind.

  In the Taohe Cup accident, her kidney broke down and Huo Sicheng's kidney was replaced, and then Ziyu committed suicide, and after her car accident, Huo Sicheng gave her a blood transfusion...

  After her rebirth, the timeline is disrupted, and everything will still reappear, but she cannot predict when these things will appear.

  Maybe it was the reason for calming down, or maybe it was because she thought of Huo Sicheng who had saved her life many times. She tried hard to clear his image in her mind, but at this moment he was completely occupied by him.

  She was in a daze, and murmured his name with hurt and longing in her eyes: "Huo Sicheng..."

   At this time, Fu Nanjue walked into the box, he looked at Gu Qingcheng who was facing away from him by the window, and said softly, "I've been waiting for a long time."

  Gu Qingcheng's thoughts were interrupted in an instant. She hurriedly suppressed the sad expression she showed when she remembered Huo Sicheng, and turned to look at Fu Nanjue with a calm expression.

  Tonight, Fu Nanjue is wearing a black suit. His slender body exudes elegance, a handsome face with sharp edges and corners, and a pair of bright eyes that are calm and gentle.

   "I haven't waited long, and I haven't been here for long." Gu Qingcheng smiled slightly, "Sit down."

  Fu Nanjue sat on the sofa opposite Gu Qingcheng, and he said: "It seems that you have not been here for a long time, and you haven't even ordered tea."

   "Waiting for your order." Gu Qingcheng handed the order to Fu Nanjue, "I will drink whatever you order."

  Fu Nanjue took the order and placed it in front of Gu Qingcheng, "Ladies first, you come."

  Gu Qingcheng didn't shirk anymore, after looking at it, he ordered oolong tea.

  She said with certainty: "You are looking for me for inheritance."

"Yes." Fu Nanjue leaned back on the sofa, and said to Gu Qingcheng in a comfortable posture: "It's been a long time since you went to my law firm last time. Read it carefully. I think it may be because I didn't explain clearly to you last time, so you haven't given me any news. "

  Gu Qingcheng's expression froze slightly. Huo Sicheng saw the copy of the legacy that Fu Nanjue prepared for him last time, and he got angry with her because of it, and asked her to tear it up with her own hands.

  Fu Nanjue asked Gu Qingcheng again: "Is Mr. Huo the heir of your will?"

  (end of this chapter)

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